Home > Categories > Food > Breads > Farrah's Wraps - Chia, Oat & Hemp review
Farrah's Chia, Oats & Hemp Wraps contain all the trendiest ancient grains of 2019. They provide a source of protein and fibre for those looking for extra nutritional benefits, but there is absolutely no compromise on taste.
Smooth-edged and soft, they're perfect filled, folded, wrapped, stacked or baked in a huge range of wrap recipes.
Product reviews...
These were a great experiment in that I would probably not have picked them up in the supermarket as they were a "bit out there" for me as a traditional white wrap user. They were a bit more work to eat but otherwise I couldn't have told you they were not my usual wraps (farrahs are my preference for wraps anyway!). I found the texture great (not to many bits to work around) and they rolled really well for me, the older the wrap the harder to wrap in a lesson learnt long ago and these were no different so the last couple I baked/left flat.
I tried them in my usual ways (lunch filled wraps, pizzas, dippers) and the only person who commented was my husband who has had a bad reaction to chia before (although he actually hadn't seen the wraps in advance and I was trying to find out if he just didn't like the idea but apparently he is actually able to tell when chia is in things!). So unfortunately for our house it will be only me consuming them but that's ok. The best success was using them as a pastry for some baked egg cups which I stupidly forgot to take a picture of but quarter a wrap, put into big muffin pans and fill with egg/vege/cheese and bake till cooked - these wraps were perfect for that.
It was great packaging in that you would not mistakenly pick these up thinking they were another flavour and the labelling was big and clear so that helps others. I would recommend these for an experiment but watch for peoples reactions if they are sensitive to certain ingredients. I love that Farrahs are branching out and I will now try a couple of the other edgy ingredients as they are not overpowering the ingredients inside the wraps. Well done Farrahs on another high quality product!
As part of my new year, new me, take on life, I have decided that it's time to eat healthier, so these wraps were a step in the right direction. I am a fan of Farrah's wraps, but I tend to buy the traditional ones, so I was keen to see if there was a difference in taste and texture.
Like any good mother I placed them on the table with all the filling options, but I didn't share with the family that these weren't the traditional wraps that we enjoy. Everyone tucked in, and the only words that were uttered were "mmm I love this dinner" " we should do these more often". I analysed my dinner a little more critically, were these as soft as the traditional version, does healthy taste as good? The answers were yes, these are just as soft, and I didn't notice a taste difference. When I shared with the family that these were comprised of chia, oats and hemp, there were general notes of disbelief and then a few giggles that they were eating hemp.
I saved a few wraps to use in another 'family favourite' manner, we cut them into segments, and sprinkle seasonings on top and then bake them, and they were delicious this way, they were a little more robust than the traditional wraps, so if you are purchasing with the intent to make 'dippers' for mince or humus then I would recommend these.
The family said they still prefer the traditional Farrah's wraps, but I think an element of this was 'if it isn't broke don't change it' mentality, but I think I will be leaning towards this healthier choice. I love these wraps as a collective as they are vegetarian, and vegan friendly which makes catering for different lifestyle choices so much easier. The packaging is great, it comes with a resealable option which seals in the freshness and flavour.
Farrah's Chia, Oats and Hemp Wraps, when you see that combo of ancient grains it grabs your attention. I am a big believer in the health benefits from these grains and often add Chia seeds to many of my meals. Our family love having wraps for dinner! One meal that regularly hit our dinner table is curried chickpea wraps. When you wrap the curried chickpeas up in these amazing wraps you have a winning dish!
The packaging is vibrant and stands out from other wrap brands. I love how modern and funky it looks on the shelf. The resealable packet means that the wraps will stay fresh long after they are opened which is great to know they won't go stale (that is if you manage to have any left after a meal!) Another awesome feature to the Farrah wraps is that they do not crack or split. I really tried to put this to the test filling them up to what I thought was beyond capacity but as they claim on the packet they just did not split!
These are a great alternative to sandwiches in the kids' lunchboxes at school. They love the taste and feel pretty cool when they get to pull them out at lunchtime. I like the story that has been added to the back of the packet, it really shows the journey they took to develop this amazing product. Their determination to bring a wrap that won't split is something we now can all enjoy.
I would definitely add this to my weekly shopping list and recommend to others to do the same!
Who does not like wraps? They are extremely versatile. You can use them to make a breakfast burrito with eggs or tofu. You can use them to make a Mexican style burrito with rice, beans, guacamole, and salsa. You can make any sort of quesadilla. You can wrap up chicken and veg for a quick lunch. You can bake enchiladas. The possibilities are endless. The package also gives you a fun recipe idea and other usage suggestions. Some of the ideas and ingredients to use were things I have not thought of before, so I may include them in my wraps in the future. I like the inspiration. However, upon receiving some of Farrahâ ™s wraps to try, I knew I would not have a hard time using them to begin with.
The Chia, Oats & Hemp variety sounds super healthy so I was thrilled to try them. I always try to cook my family healthy meals but sometimes the health factor detracts from the taste. Not with these! They taste similar to a normal white flour tortilla but are slightly chewier and softer. My partner usually prefers white tortillas and although these are made with wheat flour as the main ingredient, these are so much better! Furthermore, they have more protein and fibre. They are also a great size and hold just the right amount of fillings. Smaller tortillas I tend to overfill and then they become more of a burrito bowl because the fillings pop out everywhere.
Speaking of overfilling, these claim they will not crack or split when rolled and that claim proved true in my experience. They roll like restaurant tortillas. To put another way, they roll like a dream. Even when I overfilled one (I cannot help it apparently) and pulled it together too quickly using too much force and it started tearing, it was still salvageable and did not break apart. Who knew someone could be as impressed with the engineering of something as basic as a wrap.
Before trying Farrahâ ™s, I was buying another healthy version of tortillas and sometimes the plain white flour cheap tortillas for my partner or bulk recipes. Farrahâ ™s has converted me to their wraps and though they may be higher in calories per wrap, they are larger so I (hopefully) will not end up eating two. Because of their taste, texture, healthy ingredients, and beautiful wrapping capabilities, these will be my new go to wrap for my partner and me. I cannot wait to try the other flavours.
Our family love wraps. They are perfect for any meal, or even as a snack, and are so versatile they can be eaten anywhere. We have been lucky enough to try a few of the Farrah's wraps range recently, however, these particularly stood out as having a huge nutritional benefit. Containing chia, oats and hemp, it seems that these wraps should be perfect to get some of the key protein, as well as fibre, into my whole family. And so, with that in mind, we eagerly got stuck into our pack.
The packet itself is really useful. It is colour coded to make sure that it is obvious which packet you are reaching for (especially if, like me, you have a few of these on hand). There are ideas for how to use the wraps on the packet as well as a recipe in case you need inspiration. The packet has a strong zip lock resealable closure, meaning that they will always stay fresh. The wraps themselves are a great size- lovely and large to allow for plenty of uses. They are also nice and soft which makes filling and wrapping really easy. Farrah's claim that their wraps will not crack or split when wrapping, and we tested this out by filling one with a slick of cream cheese and some mixed herbs. True to their word they didn't show any sign of cracking at all.
For the ultimate test, I decided to use these for our evening meal. I filled the wraps with salad, minted yoghurt, felafel and cheese and served them to the whole family. Everyone ate them, enjoying the plain flavour and assuming it was a plain white wrap. Perfect for us as the flavour didn't intrude on our already flavourful meal, and instead acted as simply the vessel. I was so happy to know how much more nutritionally dense these wraps were compared to white wraps, whilst still having the whole family's approval.
Another amazing product by Farrah's. Soft, easy to use and won't intrude on your meal. Perfect for those times where you need a quick protein and fibre boost without the hassle of lots of extra ingredients, and one the whole family is sure to enjoy. This is a top pick from us!
Our family have wraps regularly, I love how versatile they are and can be used for so many different meals, I also love how I can use a wrap instead of bread which can often be too filling for a different take on a sandwich for my lunch. We always buy Farrah's wraps these days since finding out that they indeed don't crack or split as a lot of other brands do. We had an extended family member visiting and when preparing dinner they went to put the wraps in the microwave to help out, and were pretty shocked when I explained these wraps don't need to be warmed to soften them up as they are perfect straight from the packet.
We do have our favourite Farrah's wraps flavours in our house and while my children will always go for plain while my partner and I do love the stronger flavoured varieties like spinach, and tomato and herb. Obviously super foods like chia seeds and hemp are becoming very trendy in today's market so I was excited to try these as I do think that having good grains in your daily diet is a good idea. I wasn't sure what to expect taste wise but I did expect to taste something maybe a slight green taste from the hemp or even to see the little chia seeds but I in fact could not make out any of the seeds or taste much of anything. This was great for my kids as they love the plain wraps and thought these were great without realising they were getting some good grains.
Like other Farrah's wraps they are a great size and a good quality with six large wraps in the packet they are the perfect size for a family dinner, we have five people so Dad can have two wraps and myself and the children are full after just one filled wrap. The other great thing is if you are opening a packet to just use a couple of wraps the packet has a resealable zip lock to keep the wraps fresh until the next time you use them.
Chia, oats and hemp, the big grains of the year, showing up everywhere... Getting this packet, I wasn't too sure what to expect, I know that the grains don't affect flavour but I was hopeful that these would be nice and smooth, easier to get past three kids who don't like grains in their breads and thus in their wraps. Opening these up and pulling one out for a check, I was happily surprised to see that this looked much like the plain white wraps, which are a firm favourite for my kids, maybe this would be able to fill its space...
Whenever I am craving garlic bread but am lacking actual bread, Farrah's wraps are my go to in its place, slather it with some home made garlic butter and then cook in the oven till the desired crispiness... Easy peasy. These wraps performed just as well as the others I have used for this purpose and were promptly gobbled down by the kids, who were disappointed that there wasn't more to enjoy. The real test came with my eldest, he loves to grab a plain, white, wrap and eat it as is, no spread, no nothing, just as it is out of the packet. I pointed him towards these wraps and he ate it down, no complaints and didn't notice until after I pointed out the name, that it was different to what he usually eats.
I like that these have added healthiness to the wraps, being plain flavoured still means I can buy these instead of the usual plain white and know that I still have a hit on my hands.
All I heard about last year was Chia seeds and this year the new 'thing' seems to be Hemp. I've seen it in drinks, clothes, tea's and food so I was interested to see what a Chai, Oats and Hemp wrap would taste like. The packet says the wraps are a source of dietary fibre and protein but there is nothing on the back of the packet that gives any further information. There is no distinct smell to the wraps and you'd be hard-pressed to find differences between these wraps and plain wraps which has its advantages! For those with children that hate 'bits' in their wraps, these are perfect. As with all Farrah's wraps, they don't crack or split when rolled which is a huge bonus when making wraps.
I decided to make a garlic wrap with this and thinly spread some butter and then some garlic paste. After 5 minutes in the grill, the wrap was ready to eat and it was delicious. So much so that the family asked me to make another one that got eaten just as quickly. Farrah's wraps are so versatile and so tasty and I haven't found a wrap that's better. I love that they're made in New Zealand and have a huge variety of flavours to choose from. Although I personally prefer my wraps with a little more flavour to spruce up my lunch snacks, this is a lovely wrap that will be bought for when I entertain.
Wraps are a regular occurance in our house. We live very busy lives and on numerous occasions the good old wrap is used for dinner as they are fast, versatile and yummy. Throw pretty much anything on them and it is a satisfying meal. We have even used the wrap for breakfast when we had run out of toast and had scrambled eggs and bacon - the wrap is a thing of beauty and really is a godsend.
We have had an extremely wet winter this year and the sun finally showed itself this week. As we were all craving some Vitamin D we decided on a picnic at the gardens. Cheese, salads, chicken, ham, hummus, chutney, avocadoes, tomatoes, chips, biscuits, bananas and of course the wraps were thrown into the picnic basket and off we went.
The best thing about wraps is I don't need to worry about anyone else besides myself - as everyone makes their own. Ingredients are placed in the middle and its a free for all. My seven year old opened the packet with ease and everyone grabbed one to assemble as they saw fit. I placed a slice of ham, cheese, tomatoe and salads and covered it in the Pineapple flavoured Down to Earth Organic Chutney. Rolling and folding it without any cracks I took a bite. I have to say I was rather surprised at how plain the actual wrap was. I expected to have some oaty or grainy texture but it was extremely fresh and bland. I took a closer look and was expecting some sight of the chia seed and again nothing. I placed the wrap down and ripped a bit of just the wrap and was surprised at how tasteless it was - if it was not for the wrapper indicating what flavour it was I would of sworn it was plain flavoured. I was kind of hoping the chia seeds would of filled everyone up faster but alas the six wraps did not last long and the Mediterrian Tomatoe was being opened.
Everyone said they enjoyed it but all expressed the same concern of being rather plain which is great as you can add more flavour with your fillings and does not detract from the taste. Both of my girls said they would still prefer the Garlic or Spinach flavour we usually get.
The other thing I have to mention is we forgot to take a bag with us for our dirty dishes. Farrah's packets are perfect to use. They are the right size for the plates, cutlery and cups and the best thing is the bag seals perfectly so no juice runs out. My husband commented that from now on any picnics we have a packet of Farrah's wraps will be with us as they are so versitile. Will we buy this particular flavour again? Possibly as you still feel extremely healthy eating them and they are great when you have heavy sauce/meal flavours.
I have tried Farrah's wraps many times, but the Chia, Oats & Hemp variety is a little different. I found myself thinking I was making a consciously healthy choice by selecting a product that contains such a nutritious balance of ingredients. Hemp seems to be the new superfood: it is appearing on supermarket shelves in lots of different guises, and chia and oats are already well established as great additions to a regular diet.
We tested out the "no crack" guarantee by filling two wraps with a whole pre-grilled sausage, half a cup of sliced precooked mushrooms, and a dressing of Greek yoghurt and hot sauce to bind. The wraps were then folded into packages, lightly fried on each side, and then served with a helping of cooked leeks, sliced tomato, and sliced avocado. The wraps were still intact after browning; they were turned twice in the process, and because the sausages were left whole I was expecting the wraps to tear, but both emerged so well sealed that they could have been eaten as finger food rather than being served on a plate.
The flavour was unobtrusive, making the wraps adaptable for a variety of recipes. Unlike some of the wraps in this range, there was no dominant flavour to detract from the add-ons. The texture was firm and chewy; we found that one was sufficient when combined with a substantial filling. As I had cooked two each, we both saved the second for the next day's lunch - and found that they were just as good cold as they had been heated through. And the sausages still stayed firmly in place right to the end.
There were still two wraps left in the packet so we thought it might be interesting to try them with some leftover butter chicken and rice. This would be another challenge as the combination would be fairly liquid. We chopped the larger chunks of chicken into smaller pieces, and mixed in the rice so that it made the result sticky rather than runny. Then we put half the mixture into the middle of each wrap, folded in the ends, then rolled them into cylinders. The rolls were heated in a dumpling steamer so that the finished product would remain soft and juicy.
Once the rolls were heated through, we transferred them to plates and sliced each one into several rounds. Again, the wraps kept their shape although there was a little ooze out of each slice - but not enough to matter too much. All the same, we chose to eat them with knife and fork rather than pick them up. The rolls were served with a green salad and little side bowls of Greek yoghurt and mango chutney. Very tasty!
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