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Product reviews on kiwireviews.nz : Friday 28th March 2025 - 22:12:18

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The Help Section...

Here are some quick helpful tips for you if you get stuck, plus our FAQ and T&C's etc... If you are unable to find the answer here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Q0: How do I get free stuff?
Short version:
  • Sign up.
  • Click the Validation Link in the email our system sent you. (See Q8 below if you don't get the link within 24 hours.)
  • Write a bunch of reviews on items currently listed. (There's almost 8,000 items, you should be able to find some you have experience with. If not, let us know and we'll list some. See Q9 below for detials.)
  • Once you have a minimum of 5 approved reviews, you can start requesting samples. Check the "Products Available for Review..." panel on the home page to see what samples we have in stock.

  • That's it!
    Q1: How soon after I sign up do I start getting free stuff?
    That all depends on you, the suppliers, and the levels of review stock available. Basically, once you have signed up and validated your account using the link in the automatic email the system sent you, we need you to write at least five approved reviews on the items already listed so that we know what you are capable of, what your review style is, etc. This is a part of our committment to the suppliers - that we will allocate the goods to people who will give usable reviews in return.

    After that, you will be able to request goods by clicking the "Request Me" button on the listing of new products that have samples available.* Your chances of getting allocated goods increases with the amount of activity you have on our website. We are not ashamed to admit that we are a meritocracy - we reward those who put in the effort, and ignore those who just sit around putting their hand out waiting for freebies.

    We also have a new Facebook group - the Extra-Milers - for those who have made a really dedicated effort towards the site - posting lots of reviews, interacting with our main Social Networking channels, have recommended us to businesses (whether they later sign on as suppliers or not, we still really value the effort made), take on the task of listing products for us** so we can focus on more important tasks (like signing up new suppliers, getting competitions up and running, etc)... that kinda thing. If you are invited to join that Facebook page - you're a top-notch member in our books. They will often be informed about, and/or offered goods first, ahead of the regular membership. It's only fair, considering the effort they put in.

    * Further information on this can be found in Q2, below.
    ** These features are only available once your account has reached GOLD level or higher.
    Q2: OK, I've found something I want, how do I apply?
    We've invested a lot of time over 2015 streamlining the process for you. The easiest way is: when you see something listed on our website that has a "Request Me" button active, just click it.

    Before you reach ACTIVE status, it will look like this >> This is what the inactive 'Request Me' button looks like

    When you reach ACTIVE status, it switches to this >> This is what the active 'Request Me' button looks like

    If you find it is ghosted out, either you aren't currently logged in, or you haven't posted at least 5 reviews that were approved. Try writing some more reviews to show us what you are capable of.
    Q3: So what kind of perks are in it for me then?
    For a start, we run regular giveaways and competitions, many of which are open to the general public, but some of which are only open to our Twitter followers, Facebook fans, or registered members of the site. All registered members will get bonus entries into the regular comps, as well as access to all the member-only promotions too, plus more bonus entries may be awarded based on the number of reviews you have written, your Reviewpoints balance, etc.

    We have also got regular space in the "Say what..." eMagazine, in which we plan to include a number of member-only competitions, events and opportunities.

    As a registered member, all your activity on the site is monitored in order to discover your interests, so that we can offer you opportunities to receive free products in exchange for reviews. If you review the goods, you get to keep them, with our thanks. General visitors do not get these opportunities.

    On top of all that, active reviewers are sometimes offered the chance to attend and participate in reviewer-only events. Some examples include our "GAMESnights", "Fast and Furious Day at Full Throttle Karts", the 8 hour WarGames Laser Combat, Airsoft & Paintball marathon and the "Hidden Waterfalls Kayak Tour on Lake Karapiro".
    Q4: What is your policy on spam and unsolicited emails?
    Simply put, we don't like spam, we don't agree with the proposals that allow it, and we don't participate in it. Your email address IS stored, but only for our internal use in notifying you when a product you have submitted has been validated and is ready for reviews, or if you have specifically asked to be kept notified of some event, such as a GAMESnight.

    Other than that, you probably won't hear from us unless we have a reviewable product that we think you might be interested in. You are always free to tell us to shove off and leave you alone, which we will of course do promptly. We even promise a 200% No-Spam Guarantee. Now that has got to be good for you.
    Q5: What are you going to do with all my personal information?
    Not a heck of a lot actually.

    Basically, we want your name so that we aren't running around calling you by your handle. Physical address is optional, and ONLY used if we ship review goods out to you. The rest of your information is simply to make sure that we comply with all the New Zealand laws regarding viewing age-appropriate content.

    We fully support and comply with New Zealand's Privacy Act (1993). And no, we don't pass your email address on to any third parties... unless they have a legally-enforcable court order or similar... If the paperwork don't show, the answer's no, bro...
    Q6: What kind of cookies do you put on my machine?
    Our cookies are crafted to contain no tracking information of any kind, and are simply short-term tokens that expire, and are thus dumped (depending on your browser settings) and ignored after you close your browser window and leave the site.

    We do utilise two 3rd-party agencies - Google Analytics and QuantCast - who place cookies on your machine to help us track usage and demographic statistics. To the best of our knowledge, there is no personal-identification data stored in these cookies. We check this periodically, but the cookies are crafted and processed exclusively by Google Analytics and QuantCast and are beyond our control.

    If you have any serious concerns about these cookies, please let us know and we can advise you on the best method to disable only the demographic cookies. If you are a registered member, the KIWIreviews cookies should not be disabled, as this will remove your ability to log in.
    Q7: What does it cost to use your site?
    Well, the answer to that one is a bit tricky, but we'll try and simplify it a bit here.

    If you are just wanting to come and read, the service is free.

    If you are a signed up member, it costs you nothing to use the site, and will stay that way. If you want us to send you goodies for review, you will have to pay the shipping, which usually consists of either sending us a courier bag/ticket, or if you have a proven track record of reliability, we will send it out and you can pay us back, which is usually between $3-$15, depending on the goods and shipping destination. In order to keep the goods, you will be required to post an approved review no later than the deadline specified with the goods. Failure to submit an approved review by the dealine will mean the goods must be returned at your expense. (Translation: Do it once, do it well, and you get freebies. Lazy people don't get to keep them.)

    If you are a supplier, then we'll discuss that on a case-by-case basis with you. Contact us with the details of your goods, and we'll see what we can do. Except in very rare, special cases, our services are free of charge.
    Q8: OK, I have signed up, but I haven't received my confirmation email. Wassup?
    This is a problem that could have a number of causes. Here's the most common, in order. (Please note, no accusations are being made against you personally.)

    1 - A bogus email address was entered, in a misguided attempt to avoid receiving SPAM-mail. Save yourself the hassle, we are not Vikings. (Excuse the gratuitous Monty Python reference there.) Send us an email, along with a scan of a suitable Photo ID, and we'll reset everything for you. If you are concerned about scanning and sending us your Photo ID, you are welcome to obscure all other information except your name, photo and date of birth. We only need those bits to confirm your account. (See Q4 for details about our 200% No-Spam Guarantee)

    2 - Your ISP has a bee in it's bonnet about email generated by a website, and has auto-SPAMblocked it. Not much we can do about that, but drop us a note to confirm your email address and we'll manually activate your account for you. Be sure that you are sending the email from the SAME address as the one you signed up with. They must match, or we can't confirm you. You will also need to attach a scan of your Photo ID for legal reasons. (See Note 1 above.)

    3 - Your ISP is fine, but your local SPAM filter has been triggered. Check your JunkMail folder. No luck? We're stumped. Drop us an email, with a scan of your Photo ID, and we'll sort something out for you. (Be sure to add kiwireviews.nz to your 'accepted/trusted/exceptions list too!)

    4 - The gremlins got hungry and ate it. (Translation: Some other factor we are unaware of caused a communications failure.) Drop us an email, along with a scan of your Photo ID, and we'll manually activate your account for you.

    PLEASE NOTE: NONE of these options should be handled by using our Contact form on-site. We are unable to validate or confirm your email address by that method, so don't waste your time trying. We won't be able to assist you. You MUST use your own email system to send us a message, to confirm the address is valid and genuine. If you are concerned, see our 200% No-Spam Guarantee. Suitable PhotID includes Driver's Licence, HANZ 18+ Card or current Passport. No ID, no help.

    The email address to send your enquiry to is: ohblast@kiwireviews.nz.NotThisBit
    Q9: I can't find the product I want to review. What do I do now?
    If you are a guest visitor or a 'Silver level' member, just pop on over to our Contact page and drop us a line with as much information about the product as you can. If we can track down suitable 'official' information, we will list it for you and send you a quick email to say thanks and let you know it's ready for your review.

    If you are a 'Gold level' member, just go to a suitable category, then click the "Add New" button next to the subcategory you think the product best belongs in. Once we have approved the listing, you will receive an email notifying you it's ready for your review.
    Q10: So how does your "levels" system work then?
    LEVEL BRONZE: This is where we 'park' expired accounts. This keeps the account 'alive' enough that the reviews remain visible, but they don't participate in any of the perks, review-stock allocations, competitions, etc. "Life Support Machine" status.

    LEVEL SILVER: All new accounts start here. At this level, users get 1 automatic bonus entry into any competitions they enter after logging in, and can post reviews on products already listed, which will earn Reviewpoints towards more bonus competition entries. The banner-ads vanish for this level, leaving your browsing commercial-free.

    LEVEL GOLD: This level is awarded to those who are particularly active on the site and who ask to list new products. All the same perks as SILVER, but they earn *2* bonus entries into any online comps they enter. This level also tends to get first-shot at review goods up for grabs - though not always.

    LEVEL PLATINUM: Awarded to highly active members who step outside the box and really get involved. They get *3* bonus entries into comps, have all the same perks as SILVER/GOLD, but also get priority invites to events, first shot at review stocks before they get listed, and basically they are treated as being one step short of STAFF.

    A "Key Reviewer" can be any level from SILVER and up - a Key Reviewer is simply someone who really shows us they are keen to be an active part of the project, since we are all volunteers. They post plenty of reviews, request and review stocks, interact with our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, spread the word through their own social networks (word of mouth, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc), they donate to the efforts of the site - in terms of time, effort, essential admin gear such as packing tape, boxes, etc - and on rare occasions even helping us cover the bills with cash donations or the purchase of TUCKERware products. They usually end up being granted GOLD or PLATINUM status pretty quickly, but we do have some at SILVER level who don't feel the need to go above that.

    And there you have it, in a nutshell.
    Q11: If I don't like a product, is it OK to post a negative review?
    You betcha it's OK. YOUR opinion is what we want to see, not what you think we want to hear. An honest opinion is all-important, so please feel free to post your thoughts, for good or bad, about the products. If it's a dud, you're doing the rest of the country a favour by speaking up and telling everyone about it. Just be sure to explain WHY you feel it's a duffer... because context is everything.
    Q12: If the product I wish to review already has one, can I still post a review?
    Please do, by all means. There are no limits to the number of reviews each product can have. The more the merrier, as it gives a wider, more accurate perspective.
    Q13: How does the scoring system work?
    That's a multi-stage process really. When you submit your review, you are asked to score the product on four aspects, which will vary according to the type of product. Each of these four 'aspect scores' are between 1 and 10, where 1 is very poor and 10 is utterly great. Your review will generate a 'review score' which is the average of the four 'aspect scores'.

    The system then averages out all of the 'review scores' to give a 'product score'. So if you rate it 3/10, and existing reviews give it 8/10 and 10/10, the product overall rates 7/10 - the average of all the scores. This allows the product to be judged according to the majority impression, rather than just one person's perspective.
    How scoring works
    Q14: OK, I have posted my review. Why has it not appeared yet?
    To protect the system from abuse, and to monitor compliance with our Submission Guidelines, one of our team will read your review and either accept or decline it.

    Reviews that usually get accepted are those that are descriptive, informative, do not ramble on about unrelated matters, contain no bad language and are kid-safe.

    Reviews that tend to get declined are usually very short, don't really say anything new or informative, or contain abusive or objectionable materials.
    Q15: I have a product I would like you to review. How do I become a supplier?
    Start by sending us an email with the details of the goods, and we'll take it from there. We will only accept goods available to the New Zealand consumer, so if you are overseas and not yet established in New Zealand, or don't cater to the retail market, chances are we'll say "Thanks, but no thanks." and point you to some potential NZ distributors. Once you are retailing in NZ, we'll be happy to talk to you again.
    Q16: I have forgotten my password and the new password isn't working. What's wrong?
    The most frequent cause of this issue is that you didn't click the validation link in the email we sent you at signup. This could be for a number of reasons but the solution is pretty simple - (See Q8 for more details). If for some reason this ISN'T solving the issue, just drop us a note using your OWN email application, and we'll sort out a temporary password for you to use, and when you log in the system will prompt you for a new password and slot that into your account.

    NOTE: We can not process your request if you use our contact form (unless specifically requested to do so by one of our crew), send us a tweet, a Facebook message, or any other method. You *must* use your email program so we can be sure it really is you, by comparing the email address the message came from with the one stored in our database.
    Q17: Why do I keep seeing the same names popping up in reviews and/or prize winners lists?
    An excellent question. The obvious answer would be that we are giving all our friends the goods, because it's about who you know... but that would also be the wrong answer.

    The correct answer is that these are the people who put in the most effort on the site, and get rewarded for that effort by being moved up higher in the allocations lists - mainly because they get the goods, use them, and write their reviews up quickly, freeing them up for more goodies - and as a side effect of that, the more reviews they write, the more "bonus entries" they earn in competitions, thus improving their chances of winning.

    A random visitor who enters a competition gets *1* entry into that draw. Just by signing up as a member, they would automatically earn an extra entry, so now they are at *2* entries to that draw. After they have written just ONE review, they earn a further *2* entries, so now they are at *4*... as they get busier and write more reviews, they may get promoted to GOLD level, which gives them another bonus entry... so now they are at *5* entries per draw. And of course, they write even more reviews, and once they have 10 reviews approved, they get a further bonus taking them up to *7* entries per draw... and so it climbs.

    Some of our most active reviewers are earning *20* entries per draw! And that's even without them using little secret PROMOcodes that we have hidden around the site, which can add up to *10* entries to ANYONE'S chances, even non-members! So... you see, we reward effort. You put the labour in, we make sure you get the goodies, you get the best chances of winning, and you get that warm fuzzy-joy feeling when you are getting big parcels every month from us. ;)
    Q18: I wish to dispute information in a listing, or a review. How to I lodge a complaint?
    If you wish to dispute information contained in the LISTING itself - the bit describing the product or business - Please go to the listing, and look for the yellow triangular icon in the toolbar, by the product score. Click that to start the process.

    If you wish to dispute any of the facts or opinions in any of the reviews themselves, please use the yellow triangular icon in the infobar of the review in question.

    In your report, please include your reasons for the dispute, and provide any evidence you may have that contradicts the details in the listing, or the events or opinions as stated in the review. If you do not lodge a report prior to any legal action you may decide to take, it will diminish any claim you may subsequently make.

    If the evidence you provide proves your case to the satisfaction of the administrative team who run KIWIreviews, we may take one or more of the actions listed below:
    - We may uphold the entirety of your dispute and remove the listing or review at your request
    - We may uphold part of your dispute and require clarification or an edit of the review
    - We may uphold your dispute, but determine that no further action be taken other than placing a public administrative note clarifying aspects of the review

    If you choose not to include any evidence to support your claim, your claim will be declined and no further action will be taken. This will also count against you should you decide to pursue legal action in future, as it will bring into question the validity of your claim and any evidence you subsequently present.

    It is certainly in your best interests to provide all your evidence up-front, as this may allow us to action your request within the confines of the law, and our operating policy, without resorting to legal action. Please also note that if you decide to lodge a claim, we will be required to counterclaim for all of our legal costs, including travel to and from the court in which you lodge the claim.

    You are welcome to provide a comment against a review by using the "Guest Comments" section at the bottom of the review page, however you should be aware that the comments section is heavily moderated against aggressive and/or socially unacceptable language, personal attacks against reviewers, defamatory comments (which will also harm any legal case you may decide to bring in future and may provide grounds for a counter-case against you), or anything that proves to be counter to fact. Please be mindful of what you choose to post, if you want it to remain open to public viewing in your defence.
    Write a review
    Visible wherever you are allowed to submit your say, this will take you to a form where you can enter a review (if you are logged in and a Silver or Gold member), or user comment (all visitors and members alike. Comments won't affect the Product Score.)
    Report a listing or review
    If you wish to dispute information contained in the LISTING itself - the bit describing the product or business - look for this icon in the toolbar by the product score. Click it to start the process.

    If you wish to dispute any of the facts or opinions in any of the reviews themselves, please use the icon in the infobar of the review in question.
    Add this listing to your Watchlist
    This will only be visible if you are Silver or Gold member and currently logged in. You have a personalised WatchList, that stores and displays a list of any products you have tagged an interest in. Think of it as our in-site version of bookmarks. When you log in, your watchlist will be displayed in the Members Area main menu. You can also click these icons in the Product listing itself, to add/remove the current listing.
    Email this review to a friend
    This is available to everyone. Feel free to use this feature to send a pre-formatted email about this listing to a friend. PLEASE NOTE: This feature is subject to our "200% No-Spam Guarantee".
    Printer-Friendly version of the page
    This is available to everyone. This will bring up a new window, with a printer-friendly format of this page. White background and minimal colour panels ensure you save ink while keeping the information easily readable.
    Link to this product
    This is available to everyone. This button will bring up our Link Page. From here you can copy-n-paste html-compliant code to link to this review. Code is available for a number of button colours and styles.
    What is a ProdID?
    The ProdID is the unique identifying number that every Product Listing carries. All references to that product are linked through the ProdID. If you have seen a listing you wish to refer back to later, or wish to pass on to someone else, you can simply note down the ProdID and enter that into any of the "Got a ProdID?' dialog boxes throughout the site. This will cause the site to jump you directly to that listing, bypassing all other pages and screens.

    ProdID's can also be found on signs and posters displayed by participating companies. They can also be embedded in a hyperlink under an "As Seen on KIWIreviews" button on websites. Keep an eye out for them, you never know where you'll see one.
    What is the product Score?
    A Product Score is the total average score from all listed reviews. Each review carries 4 Points of Review. These will vary from product to product, but are the same for all products in a given subcategory. The average of these 4 PoR's is the Review Score. The Product Score is the average of all the Review Scores.
    First thing you need to do is locate the product you wish to review. This can be done in one of three ways:
    1 - Type a suitable search phrase into the QuickSearch box in the menu.
    2 - Browse through the list of categories to select what type of product it is. Then, make an appropriate selection from the subcategory list, and lastly choose the product itself.
    3 - Enter a ProdID number into the QuickJump bar in the menu.

    Submit Review buttonOnce you have found your product, and have logged in*, you can click on the little speech-bubble icon in the tools panel or select "...write a review of this" from the drop-down "TaskChooser" in the menu.

    * NOTE: Only registered members have the ability to submit reviews. Joining is quick and free, and comes with many perks, so why not sign up now.

    Here are some features you can use in your reviews to enhance them:
    Internal Link
    SYNTAX: [link^{ProdID}^{link text}^link]
    Available in: Submit Review, Submit Product
    Quantity: As many times as you like.
    This is an Internal Link within the KIWIreviews site. The structure is simple enough.
    [link^ instructs the submission engine to open an internal link to another product listing.
    {pid} is the 1-4 digit ProdID found on every Product Listing page, above the image. NOTE: You do NOT need to include the { } brackets. You must know this number, because (as yet) you can't click and select it from a list.
    ^ is the separator. Very important not to forget this.
    {link text} needs to be replaced by the text you want to appear in the link.
    ^link] instructs the submission engine to close the link.

    So, for example, to make a reference to product 9999, which is a Deluxe Waffle Painter... you might write, in your review: "...when I bought [link^9999^a great waffle painter^link] that I found at the trade expo..."
    Internal Search
    SYNTAX: [[search={xxx}]] {link text} [[/search]]
    Available in: Submit Review, Submit Product
    Quantity: As many times as you like.
    This is an Internal Search Link within the KIWIreviews site. The structure is as follows:
    [[search= instructs the submission engine to open an internal link to the nanoSearch engine, to do a BASIC search only. NOTE: It is important that this is ALL LOWER CASE.
    {xxx} is the string to search for. You CAN use spaces in this. NOTE: You do NOT need to include the { } brackets, or speechmarks, quotes etc.
    ]] is the separator. Very important not to forget this.
    {link text} needs to be replaced by the text you want to appear in the link.
    [[/search]] instructs the submission engine to close the link.

    Example, to have the system automatically search for all books by Peter F Hamilton, you would type in your review: "...when I became hooked on [[search=Peter+F+Hamilton]]Peter F Hamilton's early works[[/search]] from the first page."
    SYNTAX: [spoiler]-spoiler text-[/spoiler]
    Available in: Submit Review
    Quantity: Once per review.
    This will allow you to mask potential spoilers in your reviews. NOTE: Your review may still be declined if, without the spoiler content being counted, the review falls below minimum accepted quantities. Your review MUST be able to validate without the spoiler content being counted.
    [spoiler] starts the tag.
    [/spoiler] ends the tag.
    List Elements
    SYNTAX: ^- {list element} ^/
    Available in: Submit Review, Submit Product
    Quantity: As many times as you like.
    This is a List Element Marker.
    ^- starts the tag.
    ^/ ends the tag.

    Example, to create a bullet-pointed list, you would type:
      ^- item 1^/
      ^- item 2^/
      ^- item 3^/
    which would appear as:
          • item 1
          • item 2
          • item 3
    Available in: Submit Review
    Quantity: As many times as you like.
    Yes, you can have emoticons! The range of emotions is growing, and ALL emoticon symbols must be prefixed with a ^ to avoid accidental replacements.

    For example, if your review included such blurb as: "... (but avoid the section marked DANGER:) ..." nothing would happen, however something like "... and I thought it was great! ^:) ..." it would become "... and I thought it was great! Smile Icon ..."
      Currently Available:
    Smile Icon = ^:)   [colon]
    Grin Icon = ^:D   [colon]
    Wink Icon = ^;)   [semi-colon]
    Sad Icon = ^:(   [colon]
    Pokey Tongue Icon = ^:p   [colon]
    Tick Icon = ^lol
    Tick Icon = ^tick
    Cross Icon = ^cross
    Thumbs Up Icon = ^up
    Thumbs Down Icon = ^down
    External Web Link
    SYNTAX: [web^www.blah.co.nz^web]
    Available in: Submit Product, Submit Review
    Quantity: Once per Product Listing. Once per review.
    This will allow you to display a link to an external website in the Product Info panel.
    [web^ starts the tag.
    ^web] ends the tag.

    Example: [web^www.hamster.org^web] will generate the following code:
    <strong>Website:</strong> <a href=\"http://www.hamster.org\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.hamster.org</a>
    Embed YouTube video
    SYNTAX: [you[-videoID-]tube]
    Available in: Submit Review
    Quantity: Once per review.
    This will allow you to embed a YouTube video into the review area.
    [you[ starts the tag.
    ]tube] ends the tag.
    Embed Photo
    Syntax: [pic^{img url}^pic]
    Available in: Submit Review
    Quantity: Once per review.
    This will allow you to embed a clickable image into the review area.
    [pic^ starts the tag.
    {img url} is the path to the image itself. NOTE: You do NOT need to include the { } brackets
    ^pic] ends the tag.

    Submitting new Listings...

    PLEASE NOTE: This feature is available only to GOLD members.

    Points to think about when submitting a new product into the database:
          •  Try to provide as much information obtained from official product or service suppliers advertising, etc. Opinions are for the review itself. Decriptions, not impressions.

          •  Prices and Specifications are great, but other important information should also be included. Examples being retail price, where it can be found, who made it, performed it, wrote it, directed it... you get the idea.

          •  All product listings have a space for a picture. You don't have to supply one, but if you do, please make sure it fits 200 pixels wide, 200 pixel high, 24bit colour depth, JPeg compressed, and under 10k file size please. If possible, use official product shots, or images of the actual product, etc. If all else fails, just click the NO IMAGE button please and leave it to us.

          •  Mind your language. We are open to the whole family, young and old alike. We DO remove abusive language, profanity, and the repeat offenders. Have a nice day.

          •  Please DO NOT attempt to create or code HTML links, JAVA applets, or other script-based command systems into the listing. We scan it, we ban it. We can make links if you request it and the listing warrants it.

    Submitting a Review...

    PLEASE NOTE: This feature is available only to SILVER and GOLD members.

    Points to think about when submitting a new review into the database:

          •  This is your chance to have your say. Keep it to the point, but feel free to be descriptive if that is your way. There is no such thing as 'too long', but please, no need to rant or waffle on.

          •  Commentary on where you got it, how you felt about buying it, what colour options, how it smelt... it's all grist for the mill, so go for it. Ask any author, the details make the story.

          •  It's not always polite, but it always good planning to aim for the lowest common denominator. Not everyone has read the Oxford Dictionary... some can't even spell it. Don't use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice.

          •  See above re: Family Site and language. Ditto for the 'No Code' clause. Please get the hint fast.

          •  For more information, you should read this blog post: http://kiwireviews.blogspot.com/2012/01/what-and-why.html
    [1.0]   Information on the prize and how to enter form part of these terms and conditions. Any entry not complying with these terms and conditions is invalid.

    [1.1]   Unless clearly specified, entry is only open to residents of New Zealand. Employees of the Promoter or companies directly related to the promotion in question, the Promoter's agencies associated with this competition, and their immediate families, are ineligible to enter. If an ineligible entry is drawn, a redraw will be done.

    [1.2]   Where age restrictions apply, if the winner is under the age specified, the prize(s) will be redrawn.

    [2.0]   To enter, simply fill in the entry form with all details as required, or complete the task set in the entry criteria. You may only enter once per household. Duplicate entries will invalidate all entries from that household. This includes flatting situations and shared accommodation, with the exception of apartment blocks or hostel accommodation venues, where the restriction applies to each dwelling unit individually.

    [2.1]   Entries must be placed by the person whose details are entered. No 'by proxy' or 'on behalf of' entries will be accepted. Violation of this condition will result in all applicable names being added to "The Banned Wagon".

    [2.2]   Where entries are determined to have come from a blacklisted source - eg. Selected comper forums that engage in unethical practices, known spam sites, etc. - the respective entries will be deemed invalid and removed from the draw automatically.

    [3.0]   The competition commences when the entry/application form first appears on the website, and closes at 11.59pm on the date specified, unless another time is otherwise stipulated. Even if the form is still visible after this time, no late entries will be accepted.

    [4.0]   After the prize draw, and prior to dispatch, contact will be attempted to validate your claim. Where practical, the entrant will be given no less than 12 hours, but no more than 72 hours, to reply in order to validate their prize claim. Should return contact not be received, for any reason, by the deadline specified in the validation email sent, the entry will be deemed disqualified and a new entry drawn.

    [4.1]   If a suitable winner has not been found after two redraws (ie. a total of three draws) then the prize(s) become forfeit, and will be reassigned as required.

    [4.2]   The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any entrant not complying with these, or any other terms and conditions of entry specified by the supplier of the prizes. In the case of a drawn entry being disqualified for any reason, a new winner will be drawn for that prize and no appeal will be entered into.

    [5.0]   As some prizes may be delivered by courier, Rural Delivery addresses and PO Boxes are not acceptable. Entries made using either an RD or PO Box as the address may be immediately disqualified, regardless of the method of delivery, at the sole discretion of the Promoter. There is no right of appeal.

    [6.0]   The prize draw will take place by random ballot at the head office of the Promoter, using such resources as needed to ensure a true and random draw. Such resources may include, but are not limited to, a physical ballot, the use of an online random-draw system such as Random.org, or seeking the assistance of non-involved third-party. The winners will be notified by one or more of the following methods: telephone, email, posted in a relevant online forum or publication.

    [7.0]   Where possible, the prizes are as stated, and though some substitution may occur under some circumstances, the winner may not request this feature, unless such an ability is specifically stated on the competition page itself, or by subsequent notice directly from the Promoter. The Prize is not transferable, exchangeable or redeemable for cash.

    [7.1]   WHERE THE PRIZE IS AN ITEM: The prizes shall be delivered - at no charge to the winner - within New Zealand and the winner should allow 28 days from final closure of the prize draw for delivery of their prize, unless another timeframe is specified either on the entry page, in the notification email, or by another means.

    [7.2]   WHERE THE PRIZE IS AN EVENT OR SERVICE: Unless otherwise specified in the prize description, any and all travel, accommodation, and ancilliary expenses are the responsibility of the prize winner and no claim on the Promoter or Prize Supplier will be accepted.

    [8.0]   Neither the Promoter nor its agents will be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered, including but not limited to indirect or consequential loss, or for personal injury suffered or sustained during or as a result of accepting and/or using the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

    [9.0]   By entering this competition, you agree that all entries become the property of the Promoter. Your name may be published in a list of winners on the KIWIreviews website and/or any other relevent media at the sole discretion of the Promoter, without recourse to any other or additional remuneration to you. All other personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be published or handed to a third party, and will be held in accordance with the Privacy Act, and our '200% No Spam Policy'.

    [9.1]   Where stated as part of the specific entry criteria, you agree to supply a true and current photograph, a telephone interview and/or recorded soundbite upon request, and agree to them being used as part of the promotion's follow-up as per the critera set out in section 9.0 above.

    [10.0]   If this competition is not capable of proceeding for any reason including, but not limited to, any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may at its sole discretion, subject to direction given by a relevant statutory authority, cancel, modify or postpone the competition.

    [11.0]   The Promoter's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    [12.0]   The Promoter is kiwireviews.nz, PO Box 15494, Dinsdale, Hamilton, New Zealand 3243.
    KIWIreviews 200% No Spam Guarantee KIWIreviews do not store your email address on any externally accessable database, nor do we do any form of unrequested batch email-outs to our members. If there's something you need to know, or we need to tell you, we will post it onsite and/or in our site blog.
    We promise you that 100%.

    Nor do we build any form of mailing list from the email addresses of the people you forward these reviews on to... so they will never get any spam mail from us... only the email YOU send them, free of advertising. (Don't believe us, try sending yourself a link and see exactly what goes out.)
    We promise you that 100% as well.

    Told you it was simple. No Spam, we guarantee it 200%.
          • The account you create is yours, and yours alone. You should not knowingly allow or assist anyone else in using your account on our site. If you knowingly allow or assist anyone else in using your account, we reserve the right to disable or delete the account.

          • Opinions expressed in this web site may not reflect the views of any member of the KIWIreviews team. KIWIreviews.co.nz does not audit or edit the content of any product description or review except for spelling and grammatical errors and the removal of expletives, swearing and pornographic references and any Hyperlink code not authorised and validated as safe for view. Context is not altered. No liability will be accepted for any of the views expressed in this site.

          • All brand names, trademarks and product images remain the property of their respective owners and are used for reference purposes only. Unless specified, these are not intended to suggest that the products are sourced from any particular supplier.

          • All possible measures are taken to ensure product data is entered accurately at time of addition into the database. Allowances for price and specifications to change over time must be taken into account. Product images may differ over time.

          • The inclusion of HTML code, Java code, ActiveX components or any hyperlinks to such data is strictly forbidden. Any inclusion of such data or code will result in immediate restriction or removal of account access without warning. We can not allow viral or damaging code to be included in our system and will take any measures to prevent it.

          • Any reviews which are blatantly false, fraudulent, misleading or contain excessive amounts of objectionable material may not be authorised, and then deleted from the database without warning. Continued abuse of the system may result in restriction or loss of membership access.

          • Submitting any product information or reviews to our database is deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions. By doing so, you agree to indemnify KIWIreviews.co.nz and all staff and authorised agents from any and all liability. All copyrights transfer to KIWIreviews.co.nz and no remuneration will be offered or given if the reviews are utilised by an authorised agent, supplier or affiliate of KIWIreviews.co.nz, however all efforts will be taken to ensure credit is given to the author.

          • KIWIreviews.co.nz may take legal action against any individual and/or organisation attempting to hack into the database, pervert, alter or suppress any information, initiate a DOS/DDOS attack against it's servers and/or suppliers, or any other form of harrassment.

          • Members who request and are allocated goods for review may be asked to cover shipping costs, including but not limited to any postage, courier or freight charges, shipping insurance fees and/or cost of excessive packaging required due to the nature of the goods. These charges will be levied at cost price, or an estimated fair cost price if exact pricing is not able to be determined.

          • KIWIreviews offers a free, as-is service on a non-profit basis. Though we make reasonable efforts to ensure content displays correctly, we do not warrant or guarantee the content will display on customised, non-mainstream or accessibility-oriented systems. We will not be liable issues relating to, or contributed by customised system configurations, screen-reader software, etc.

          • KIWIreviews.co.nz may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when unregistered users visit our website. These companies may use information (NOT including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. KIWIreviews have no control over the content of the served adverts, and as such accept no liability for them. If you feel any of the adverts are unacceptable, please use our Contact form and give as much information as possible to allow us to apply suitable action. Failure to provide suitable levels of detail may result in inadequate or no possible action being taken.

          • KIWIreviews.co.nz is bound by the Privacy Act and will not release any information to any agency unless required to do so by law, upon presentation of all required legal documentation, such as a legitimate Search Warrant AND Court Order supressing the user's rights under the Privacy Act. Failure to supply all required legal documentation will result in the request being terminated and ignored.

          • KIWIreviews.co.nz does not compile email addresses or personal details for the purpose of release or sale to third party marketing companies, organisations, or other, for any purpose. No spam, unwarranted or unrequired emails will be generated using your details. Requested updates or notices are not considered a breach of this policy, and removal from any mailing lists is honoured within a reasonable timeframe. We have a ZERO-TOLERANCE policy for SPAM.

          • These terms and conditions may be subject to change without notice. Any alterations will be deemed to be in effect at the time the alterations are posted to this page. This site is covered under the current governing laws of New Zealand, and no laws specific to any other country shall apply to the site or service, nor any staff or agency affiliated with the site.

    Seeking Active Reviewers...

    We are always seeking new reviewers. Perks of the 'job' include:
          • Access to free stuff.
          • Your name in pixels for thousands of readers to see.
          • Inclusion on the list of people we can call on if there's something cool happening, if you are interested.

    "And what do I have to do?" you may ask. Simple. Just sign up and write some reviews, and keep an eye open for review goods coming up for grabs - it could be events, toys, movies, books, etc. We usually announce review goods via our Facebook page so LIKE'ing the page and keeping an eye on it can give you advance notice of upcoming goods available. You could also get advance notice by following our Twitter feed.

    If you are unable to review a pre-listed item, or wish to review an item not already in the database, you are welcome to submit a product for inclusion. Please email us as much information as possible about the product. Once it has passed through the screening process and been included, we will notify you and you can then submit your review.

    As a basic checklist in order to be eligible to receive any of the 'review stock' items we are sent for assessment, please be sure that:
          •  You are a signed-up member.
          •  You have posted a minimum of 5 reviews that have been approved before you request specific goods.
          •  At least one review *should* have been posted and approved in the last month, and *should* be in the same category as the goods you are requesting - eg. Beverages, Movies, Books. This is NOT compulsory, but will improve your odds. Priority will be given to those who have reviewed similar products.
          •  You are aware that we ask reviewers to cover the shipping costs from our Hamilton HQ to them, since we do not get paid for our service and do not have the budget to cover shipping. In some cases, shipping costs may be subsidised in part or in full, on a case-by-case basis.
          •  You are aware that goods will be issued a deadline. If a review has not been posted by that deadline, and subsequently approved, chances are you won't be selected to receive any further goods, and may be required to return any non-consumable items. It's only fair, after all... the suppliers give us the goods in order to get them reviewed, and so if you won't, we need to find someone who will. ;)
          •  You are aware and accept that you may be asked to supply a photo to accompany your review.

    Seeking Suppliers...

    We currently have a requirement for items to review in the following categories:
          •  Pretty much everywhere

    If you would like to submit products or services for review, please send us an email.
    Please include a brief description of the product, some background details, the retail price of the product and it's availability details.

    PLEASE NOTE: Due to the nature of demoware, crippleware or beta releases, we are unable to accept these for review. Please provide full retail product, to allow us to be as accurate as possible in the reviews.

    Review Stock Policy:
          •  Please be aware that if the product offered has a retail, specified and/or customs/import value (hereafter referred to as the 'assigned value') under nz$750, we usually can not return them after review. If the product has an assigned value in excess of nz$750, and you wish it to be returned, prior arrangements must be made for return delivery at your cost. Once goods have arrived in our custody no further return arrangements can be made, as goods are often redistributed to our teams around the country.

          •  If a product is to be returned, but return courier tickets are not supplied with the goods (or other suitable arrangements), the goods are deemed to have been abandoned and will not be returned, and become the sole property of KIWIreviews.

          •  If you are sending goods to us from another country, we strongly suggest that they be assigned a Customs Value no greater than nz$100 and define them as "Advertising Samples", otherwise import duties may be levied by NZ Customs. If taxes and/or import duties are applied, these will be the sole responsibility of the sender, and an invoice will be issued accordingly. As a not-for-profit volunteer venture, KIWIreviews does not have a budget to cover any such taxes or levies. Items that do not reach KIWIreviews due to unpaid import fees will likely be returned or disposed of by NZ Customs. Items that do reach KIWIreviews with unpaid fees will not be accepted, and are deemed 'undelivered' items.

          •  All goods should be shipped 'signature required'. No liability will be accepted for the goods prior to being signed for upon their arrival at our office - or other designated destination - nor after collection for return to you if applicable. Any goods not signed for by an authorised representitive will be deemed 'undelivered' and neither KIWIreviews nor it's agents will accept liability for loss or damage. This includes goods tagged sig-req but left at our office unattended, and/or signed for per proxy by the courier drivers. All couriers have been instructed that this action is not acceptable. Unless you are 100% certain you have our delivery address correct, please confirm delivery address with us prior to dispatching the goods.

          •  While we make all efforts to locate suitable reviewers for products submitted, we make no warranty, expressed or implied, that any unrequested item will be reviewed within a particular timeframe, or even at all. Notwithstanding this clause, any goods specifically requested by KIWIreviews usually have reviewers pre-assigned, and will be reviewed.

          •  KIWIreviews.co.nz reserves the right to reject submissions for any reason, without right of appeal. Any product(s) rejected will still be subject to this Policy.

          •  Where products are supplied under a "Permanent Loan" or "Permanent Placement" agreement, ownership of the goods will officially remain with the supplier or their agents under the proviso that KIWIreviews will retain permanent possession of the goods. Should the goods become superceded by newer models the supplier can, at their discretion, call for return of the goods after sending the newer models. This will not change the nature of the agreement and the new units will still be subject to the original terms. Should KIWIreviews at any stage, and for any reason, decide to dispose of the goods, they will first notify the supplier who can call for return of the goods at no cost to KIWireviews, or authorise KIWIreviews to handle disposal at no charge to the supplier.

          •  Unless other arrangements are agreed upon prior to dispatch, supplying products is deemed tacit acceptance of these terms and conditions, and no further discussion will be entered into.
    This is just a QuickSearch access point, it will allow you to quickly search through the names of the products, and their 'Detail' entries. Some examples of what the 'detail' entry would be for a number of different product types...

    Product Type -
    Example of 'detail'
    Books -
    Author or Editor's name
    Movies -
    Director's name
    Toys -
    Brand Name or Manufacturer
    Computer Hardware -
    Brand Name or Manufacturer
    Computer Software -
    Brand Name or Programmer's Name

    For a more fully featured search, you will need to use the main Search option, which you will automatically be taken to if your search from here results in zero, or 2+ results. Any search that returns a single result will trigger an automatic redirection to that listing, making your browsing experience more efficient and speedy.

    What is a ProdID? This is a quick way to jump to a known listing. Each listing has a unique ID number - called the ProdID - that every Product Listing carries. All references to that product are linked through the ProdID. If you have seen a listing you wish to refer back to later, or wish to pass on to someone else, you can simply note down the ProdID and enter that into any of the 'QuickJump' dialog boxes throughout the site. This will cause the site to jump you directly to that listing, bypassing all other pages and screens.

    ProdID's can also be found on signs, stickers, postcards, posters and other promotional materials displayed by participating companies. They can also be embedded in a hyperlink under an "As Seen on KIWIreviews" button on websites. Keep an eye out for them, you never know where you'll see one.
    Go back to the Help Menu

    General Disclaimer...

    Protected by Copyscape Plagiarism Checker - Do not copy content from this page. Creative Commons Licence All trademarks, images and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective companies.
    KIWIreviews is an independent entity, part of the Knock Out News Group. This is a free public forum presenting user opinions on selected products, and as such the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinion of kiwireviews.nz and are protected under New Zealand law by the "Honest Opinion" clause of the Defamation Act of 1992. KIWIreviews accepts no liability for statements made on this site, on the premise that they have been submitted as the true and honest opinions of the individual posters. In most cases, prices and dates stated are approximate and should be considered as only guidelines.