Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Cleaning Products > Cyber Clean review
Cyber Clean is a revolutionary cleaning compound. Just press and pull Cyber Clean on the surface of your keyboard, phones, remote controls, and other devices and surfaces.
The unique micro-encapsulation process means the dirt goes into the Cyber Clean material but will not come out, kills the germs, and gets into areas where no other cleaner can safely get into.
Non-toxic and biodegradable, Cyber Clean leaves no residue on the surface of the devices or on the hands.
• Safely removes dirt and grime, leaving no residue - press it in and the dirt is gone.
• Enhances the performances of your electronic devices.
• Use it anywhere - computer keyboards and mouse, phones, remote controls, bathroom surfaces and many more.
• Reusable 75+ times, non toxic and biodegradable
Website: www.cyberclean.tv
Product reviews...
My partner had been talking to me about this product for quite some time, telling me that we needed to go out and buy some as his computers keyboard was filling up with dust in between the keys and it had kind of got beyond the point where giving it a good once over with a duster or a slightly dampened cloth was going to do the trick.
To be honest I really wasn't sure how this product was going to be any better and the thought of pressing something down against the keys to me seemed a bad idea, what if the product was to sticky and pulled the keys off the keyboard itself, or what if some pieces of the Cyber Clean broke off in between the keys? None the less my partner insisted we buy the stuff so when we eventually managed to find some that is what we did!
The Cyber Clean came in a bright yellow, almost fluro packaging that resembled a strong plastic bag, the bag was easy to open with a small pre cut tab to pull across. Looking in the bag there was a fluro yellow piece of what looked like putty (working in an Early Childhood Centre it honestly reminded me of what looks like a type of messy play that I often make for the children). It felt really strange to touch kind of cold, kind of wet, kind of slimy it reshaped easily however and I was beginning to see just how this product may actually work.
I carefully rubbed the Cyber Clean over one section of the keyboard and was amazed at the amount of dirt, dust and grime that it actually lifted up from the device, in fact it worked wonders and left the keyboard looking as good as new. Once finished cleaning the keyboard we actually moved on to cleaning other electronic devices with this and again got great results after cleaning the Mouse, remote and the computer monitor. The yellow Cyber Clean itself was left looking a bit worse for wear however due to the amount of dirt that had been lifted onto it, so I'm not sure that it would really last the suggested 75+ times of reuse, the back of the packaging shows a guide to when to chuck it out in regards to colour which sadly we were almost at after the cleaning of 4 items.
All in all a great product with a unique cleaning concept that works well, without to bad of a price, however reusability is more based on how mush dust your devices have collected, and sadly in this case ours was a lot so reusability is not the best.
I had been given some and thought it might be easier to clean the keyboard and stuff on my laptop as I usually eat and get crumbs everywhere, I don't notice the crumbs until the keys start sticking and not typing properly and when I press down hard I hear a crunching sound.
I opened it up and had a sniff, I have sinus problems so I was seriously surprised that I could actually smell it and that I liked it (weird person I am) and then thought well since it smells so good will it clean like it claims? Short answer is yes, leaves my keys feeling nice and clean and crumb free.
I would recommend this product to others as it is easy to use and does pull out crumbs from hard to reach places. I have the one in a tub so I can keep it and reuse it often as it says it changes colour so I know when it needs replacing but that hasn't happened yet so it is great value for money.
I had heard of these but never tried them before I know it is probably really bad for it but when my keyboard gets dirty I give it a really good clean with a wet cloth. And boy does my keyboard get dirty we only have a laptop and we all are guilty of sitting and eating while on it, so there are always crumbs and all sorts between all the keys. We even have a couple of keys missing from my tutu 18 month old and the gaps created by the missing keys get especially clogged by crumbs.
When I opened this I was a bit ominous it looked just like what the slime stuff that children play with looks like. My daughter thought it was great and just sat playing with it for a while telling me how cool it was. She chose to clean the keyboard which surprised me she never voluntarily cleans anything! It looked good when she finished but I wanted a go to so I went over it again and boy did it come up good.
There were no crumbs left in the gaps between the keys, even in the spaces left by the missing keys. There had been some sort of liquid spilled on it and they didn't come off easily but after I loosened it with my finger nail the cyber clean easily picked that all up too. Not only does the keyboard look betterit actually feels better on your fingers when you are typing too, it no longer has that greasy feel on the tips of your fingers.
I don't completely like the smell, which is quite hard for me to explain but it has a sort of lemony cleaner smell to it which I can't quite pinpoint and the smell sort of lingers on your hand. Thinking about it the smell isn't too much different than kids slime so it may be a glycerine smell which is one of the ingredients. It is cool that it comes in a resealable pouch so you can put it away for the next use and I found the colour guide on the back quite handy for when you want to know if it needs to be thrown out and replaced yet.
I had seen the cyber clean advertised on TV and even spotted it in stores but I was reluctant to try it thinking it was just another gimmicky cleaning product. When I was given some I had to try it.
My computer keyboard is disgusting. I eat my toast while checking my emails and facebook every morning. This was the first thing I attacked with the cyber clean. I should have taken before and after photos it was so different. I massaged the florescent slime into the keys. The only thing it didn't remove was the pencil marks. There were tiny bits of the slime that came off but they were easily picked up with main blob.
I also tried it in my cellphone and the remotes. All became cleaner but they weren't as grotty as the keyboard to start with. My husband was unaware of what I had been doing but commented on how clean they were.
The biggest plus for me about this product is that it got the kids interested in cleaning because it was so bright and felt so cool in you fingers. My four year old had to be dragged away from it to have her dinner.
I have seen this product advertised before and have been keen and wary about trying it at the same time. I am really tactile intolerant and the texture of cyber clean worried me. I opened the packet and immediately got hubby to try it, I was put off by the 'look'. We tried it on our remote to begin with, it didn't work so well on this, but it hadn't been cleaned for a good 8 years and it was a challenge for any product...
The keyboard was our next test and it worked really well on this! My other concern with this product was that it could lift keys off, and if anyone else has that worry they can rest assured that no keys were harmed, in the cleaning of my laptop! We tried it on the other two keyboards and it brought them up a treat too!
Although this is a reusable product we actually ripped a bit off to clean so we could throw out the dirty bit, as I knew our keyboards would be a challenge after several years of never being cleaned! Definitely one of those products that once you have tried and used it, you will always want it in the house!
OK, well my computer keyboard was somewhat dirty, OK maybe somewhat is not the best was to describe it. Probably disgusting is a little more descriptive.
It was covered with crumbs, left over pieces of lunch from working through my breaks (oh the joys of working from home with a preschooler around), maybe a bit of coke and whatever other substances my kids had left behind when playing their games.
It did a great job at clearing out a lot of what I had left behind. The big stuff went first but the more I worked on it the more that came up. It did take a while with needing to go over areas quite a few times before they were completely clear but it did work in the end. The sticky coke residue seemed to be left behind but the rest was taken away by Cyber Clean
I'm not sure about the reusable 75+ times statement though as it was fairly close to the colour indicator after one clean of my keyboard. Though I would have pressed it in for at least that number so I guess it would do that many smaller jobs.
All in all it did a great job and I would get again and also recommend it to others. Though this time I might not wait as long between cleans so it doesn't take quite so long.
When I first became aware of cyber clean, I was completely in awe. Watched the video online and thought OMG that is genius! I must have that! It looks amazing and the way it squishes around the keyboard keys and the remote etc just brilliant!
Im so sick of my keys on my keyboard getting stuck coz of little bits of gawd knows what so yep I was really excited about this product.
Yes it cleans...somewhat! It removes large bits of dirt, and some light dust which is great, but it doesnt in my opinion clean as effectively as the video makes out. And as far as the hygienic side of the clean goes, Im not so sure about that either.
I agree with what others have said, a fantastic product for stress relief and definitely a lot of fun to play with. Even our cat thought it was a toy.
All in all I dont think it performs exactly how the advert made out, which is quite unfortunately, but I wouldnt completely disregard it either.
Unlike some of the other reviewers here I have found this stuff to perform extremely well, it's done a great job of cleaning my keyboards of all the dust and other stuff that ends up down in them, but the most noticeable clean was on my notebook keyboard, which doesn't get the same abuse as the rest of the keyboards in the house in terms of dust and other gunk, it does get used the most, and so had lost much of it's new look lustre, but after one application of the compound, it was back to it's original shine.
Like one of the other reviewers I too found it great for cleaning inside of the PC. It also did a brilliant job of removing sticky kids fingerprints from the monitors and TV screens.
And as a stress relief it is of course a wonderful tool for that as well, although a little smelly.
It worked well taking the big stuff off but the smaller stuff stayed trapped in the keyboard. I tried it on several surfaces and didn't find much satisifaction with it. I found it better to use as a stress ball and found it more effective to throw around the room and have bounce back to me. I think the only two things I really liked about it is the lemon fresh smell and the resealable bag it comes in. If it was sold by the $2 shop I would have tones of it all around the house. I wouldn't buy it for its intended purpose to be honest but more as a gimmicky, fun thing. I didn't like what it did to my windows though and had to re-clean a lot of flat surfaces and my computer. I currently think its in my 4 year olds toy box.
Honestly I don't know how much I would really use this stuff, no matter how effective it is. I dont eat or drink around my keyboard (call me old school if you must but thats what I was taught) so there isnt much that gets in there to worry about. The odd bit of airborne dust tends to build up very slowly.
But in the spirit of giving it a go, I gave it a go. Easy to use if you follow the amazingly simple directions on the pack and about as effective as anything else you can get like cans of compressed air etc but far cheaper if you look at the amount of use you will get out of it.
It felt a little weird to handle and use and left a strange after-smell on my hands for a while but nothing a bit of soapy water didnt soon fix. Some of the younger members of my family had a try with it and found it far more entertaining to stretch it out, droop it over their faces and make silly b-grade horror-movie noises. Mind you, what else would you expect of kids. All they saw was 'cool slimy gunge stuff like on What Now' and not 'advanced shape-shifting dust-absorbing keyboard-cleaning goop'.
All in all I thought it was pretty ok with a few extra uses outside of its specs but possibly a little bit more expensive than I would pay, considering my reduced need for such. I prefer to prevent, rather than clean up, crap in the keys.
Hehe, this is so fun to play with... good stress relief. Didn't do a thing to my horribly dirty keyboard, though that is not necessarily its fault (I really should clean this thing properly!) I tried it on a few other surfaces and while it picked up surface dust, it's not really a 'cleaning' product. Still, if it was marketed under 'Zen Office Stress Relief' I think it would score a full ten. It's hilarious!
I like it.
Probably more gimmicky than truly useful.
After testing it on a variety of items, I wouldn't actually call it a cleaning compound. It was effective in removing surface dust and superficial dirt, but anything more than that would be more effectively removed with a damp cloth.
I agree with another reviewer below that it's greater value may be office stress relief. If surfaces are thoroughly clean in the first place (using conventional cleaning methods) the CyberClean may be useful for quick maintenance until another proper clean is required.
When i saw this for the first time, my initial reaction was, "omg, someone is trying to market Flubber". After using this product several times on keyboards,remotes etc, i quickly came to one conclusion. Apart from the claimed "germ killing" properties, it won't do anything a good clean cloth or a vacuum cleaner can't do.
In fact i found a cloth was rather more successful at getting dirt & dust out of a keyboard. This product may have other applications to which i have yet to put it to use, but mine will most likely end up in a draw somewhere forgotten about untill the next spring clean.
I'll be more impressed when someone invents a "washable" keyboard or remote control i can throw in the washing machine & hang on the line to dry.
I have to admit, when I cut open the packet and pulled the CyberClean out, I was wondering if the packing firm had gotten thbeir machinery crossed, and had packed a kids 'Slime' toy in there instead. It's blobby, slime'ish, and smells of disinfectant and whiteboard cleaner... hardly what I was expecting.
After giving it a good squish around to make it less of a 'sheet' and more of a 'blob' I started testing it on the keyboard. I am afraid to say it performed less than spectacularly, though it did get down between the keys and remove some dust and crumbs that my more usual cleaning gear - cotton earbuds dampened with isopropyl alcohol - wouldn't reach without some disassembly of the keys. It did a passable job on the keypad of my PDA, and a fairly good job of the landline telephone and TV remote keypad, but where it really did impress me was inside my computer.
This stuff did an amazing job of the heatsinks and fans that clutter the inside of my work PC. They can take me a good 2 hours to clean normally, but 'the big yellow blob' did as good a job in 5 minutes, and after a second pass, they looked as clean as the day I bought them. Checking the temperature sensors, I saw a 2 degree drop in operating temp - which equates to about a 3 month extension of the chips' lifespans. Certainly worth $10. And since the guts of the beast get a clean every month, that means that each month I use this goop, I 'earn' an extra 2 months of lifespan for the machine.
I will be utterly frank here and say that for the average user, this stuff may not be all it hypes to be... but for any electonics engineer, PC repair facility, home-based game-box builder, or serious PC user who values their hardware, one or two of these in your toolkit is almost an essential.
Overall, the scope of this product isn't perhaps as wide as it wants to be, and if used in an 'everyday' manner it probably will fail to impress... but used in areas that suit it's abilities best, it will prove itself an admirable asset, well worth the price. On top of that, there is a larger 135g pot of the goo for an extra $5.00, making it better value for money and able to cover larger, or deeper, areas. On top of that, even after it has absorbed all the gunge it can, it's still fun to play with, so you'll get another few weeks out of it as a makeshift stress-reliever.
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