Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Personal Hygiene > Red Seal Propolis Toothpaste review
The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of Propolis fight infection in your mouth and gums while reducing cavities, gingivitis, and plaque build-up.
• Propolis has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
• Protect mouth and gums against ulcers and infections.
• Helps reduce cavities, gingivitis, and plaque build-up.
• Made from 100% New Zealand bee propolis.
• Note: May temporarily darken teeth (brush with Smokers Toothpaste to alleviate).
Caution: Do not use if you have an allergy to bees or bee products.
Product reviews...
I like to use lots of various toothpastes, always in the hunt to find the perfect toothpaste to use, so I was really happy to see a tube of this in my KIWIreviews parcel during the last round of allocations.
Most toothpastes seem to have a very strong flavor and some of them you really end up not wanting to use (but given we get a lot for free we finish it off without being picky) due to the strong, overwhelming taste, but with this there wasn't a strong taste and it isn't a taste that hangs about for a long time which is another great thing about it.
I find that this gives my teeth a really good clean without any feeling of any gunk left on my teeth (a big plus for me) and the various aches and pains I get from my teeth now and then, I haven't had any issues with those since using the Propolis toothpaste. Given that the taste is spot on, this leaves my teeth feeling nice and clean without a layer of anything left on them and that it has helped with mouth aches and pains I would love to get this again in the future.
I am hooked on Red Seal Toothpaste. I love the taste of it, the fact it does not use any extra Fluoride and if the girls accidently swallow it - it is not as bad as most toothpastes. My only complaint when it comes to this brand is I always end up with toothpaste all around my mouth that looks like I have rabbis. Never experienced with other brands before, but no matter what I do I get the foam around my mouth.
Since trialing these products we now only buy the Red Seal Kids brand and my husband and I only use the Red Seal Natural Herbal and Mineral Toothpaste. But, I decided to give this ago just to see if there was much difference. The first thing I noticed was the colour it is more of a greenish browny greyish colour which kinda reminded me of cow dung. It still tasted pepperminty but not as much as the girls one and our normal brand.
I have found since using Red Seal that when I run my tounge over my teeth they feel so clean and not so much of a toothpaste build up as other brands used to leave. Also my breath seems fresher and cleaner. Also the big one is my gums do not bleed hardly at all now. I am just loving this toothpaste. Although I liked the Propolis, I think I prefer the Natural Herbal and Mineral brand just because I feel fresher with it. Still if we ever got an ulcer or infection this would be the one I would purchase.
After having tried the Red Seal Kids Toothpaste and the Red Seal Natural Toothpaste I knew I really wanted to try this Red Seal Propolos Toothpaste. I have really bad teeth from smoking and get a lot of plaque build up and yellow marks on my teeth. I am not a fan of using whitening toothpastes but love the effect of the whitening ingredients to help my teeth appear better but do really need something like this that has an antibacterial property to help keep my teeth and gums as healthy as possible.
When I opened the tube and squeezed some of this on to my toothbrush I was a bit shocked to see it was a greyish colour and thought that maybe something was wrong with the toothpaste itself. After realising that it was meant to be like this I was a little worried it was going to make my teeth grey as I had read that it could darken the teeth so this was a concern. After having been brushing my teeth with this for a week I haven't noticed any darkening to my teeth so I am rather happy with that result.
Where my wisdom teeth are coming through my gums are rather red and sensitive and having been using this it has kind of alleviated some of that sensitivity over time which is such a great result for me as I can experience some gum discomfort. I do have a cavity in a tooth which I need to have removed (it is beyond saving) but I am so scared of the dentist but found when brushing my teeth with this toothpaste it made that tooth seem less uncomfortable and hopefully it prevents further cavities in the future.
I do really like the red seal toothpaste range and would love to try the smokers toothpaste in the hope it may help with the yellowing I get to my teeth. Out of the range this would be my least favourite taste wise but I have never been much of a fan of propolis. In saying that the taste isn't too over powering and it certainly freshens the breath as you want a toothpaste to.
After reading so many awesome reviews of the real seal kids toothpaste, I have yet to actually find and buy. But red seal propolis came up for review and I jumped at the chance knowing that a lot of people are liking red seal for the natural ingredients and not all those words I can't pronounce. I have gingivitis and plaque build up all the time cause well ill be honest I HATE brushing my teeth, I had the taste of toothpaste and I gag every single time when I do brush. When I do bush I use the tiniest little amount that prob wouldn't do a lot but that's to stop me gagging.
When I opened this, there was a slight smell of peppermint, I put a bit on my toothbrush and it was a grayish colour which I thought was odd cause all toothpaste ive used is blue or white, I guess thats the colour of natural after I read the packet a bit better. Put it in my mouth and the taste wasnt overpowering but I did only use a little bit, so I added more on my brush and yup again not overpowering. Brushing was an ease and for the first time I didn't gag or throw up when brushing my teeth. The price for this toothpaste is very cheap for what it is and what it does, I'm happy to pay it and not the $1.99 one that makes me gag and sick.
After brushing my tounge started feeling funny and weird like I had eaten baking soda, but I carried on using it and slowly my tounge got better and stopped feeling funny afterwards which is awesome. The bleeding in my mouth is still there but its less and less each time I brush and my guns are looking less red and sore. I will be staying with this toothpaste cause Ive never had results like this with a toothpaste before, and because I'm staying with this I'm determine to find the kids one for my kids now.
This is the second red seal toothpaste my family has been lucky enough to be given to review. The first one was a baking soda one that my little girl was ok with trialling and having progress photos taken of her teeth. We were amazed by the results of that one, and so when our package arrived with this red seal propolis toothpaste hidden inside, we were really excited.
Gum disease and teeth problems are an issue for many of my extended family. Both my parents had all their teeth removed and had both sets of dentures before they turned 20. One of my brothers and myself both had dentures by the age of 25 and my oldest boy, now 14 years old, had 75% of his teeth removed at age 3.5. All this owing to a mixture of gum disease and having teeth that were like chalk and just crumbled and broke. Mr 14 has finally got a full set of teeth again, with his last two coming through last month.
These are the only teeth he gets so its important to look after them so they last as long as possible. In the week leading up to receiving red seals propolis natural oral protection paste, he had began complaining of tooth and gum pain :( We had rang his dentist but the earliest they could get him in was mid december :( The day the parcel from KIWIreviews arrived, and upon seeing the paste I immediately handed it to him to brush his teeth. I don't know if its mind over matter but five mins after doing so he actually sad 'oh mum, thank you so much, its the first time all day my tooth hasnt hurt' :) and the relief showing on his face was proof he wasnt in any pain.
I love the simplicity and ease of use of red seal packaging. I love that they are all natural products that are paraben free. The propolis paste is a herbal and mineral toothpaste. The textures fine and so is the flavour. My son really likes it. I learned by reading the box that propolis is a resin collected by bees. Prior to this I just thought it was a fancy name. This paste has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, that based on my sons experience, I assume DO work.
Thank you red seal. My son is much happier, and rather than asking for panadol when his tooth hurts, he now reaches for his tube of propolis and we will be telling his dentist all about its awesomeness lol oh one last thing, if you do try this product, its light grey in colour. don't be scared though, its the colour naturally imparted by proplis :)
I have tried a few of the different red seal toothpastes and love that they are made with natural ingredients. When I saw the propolis toothpaste up for review I was really keen to try it. the fact it said it fights infections in mouth and gums was a huge selling point for me. Whenever I get run down or under stress I tend to get really bad mouth ulcers. I also tend to get bleeding gums often no matter what toothpaste I use.
The toothpaste arrived at the perfect time as I had an ulcer just starting and had bleeding gums again. First thing I noticed was how good it tasted while it had the mint taste of most toothpastes it wasn't overpowering. The texture was also a winner for me it wasn't chalky or grainy like most toothpastes. I used it as recommended after each meal and by the end of the first day the ulcer was almost gone and there was no pain. Usually once they start they last for up to a week and cause a lot of pain!
After using it for a few days my gums stopped bleeding which is another big plus for me! Since using it I have also noticed less plaque build up and my mouth and teeth feel fresher than ever. Since trying the propolis toothpaste I don't think I will be using any others again. The price is also amazing as in the past I have paid $10+ trying to find toothpaste that works for me.
I had noticed that this product was available for review and thought it would be good to try as I have a back tooth that is cracked and split and sometimes the pain is so bad that I need to take anti inflammatory tablets to ease the pain.
I eagerly opened the tube and squeezed some onto my brush, the smell wasn't overpowering but then my sinus are so bad that I can't normally smell anything. The texture was good, not grainy and not too runny. I brushed my teeth and found that the taste was nice and since using this toothpaste I haven't had any pain and I have tested this by putting my tongue into the gap where my tooth is supposed to be and no shooting pain in my mouth.
The good thing with this brand is the natural ingredients and the taste. I would highly recommend this toothpaste as it cleans and leaves my mouth feeling fresh and it has helped heaps with the pain. I will be buying this tooth paste again and if I can't find it then will use the baking soda one by Red Seal as I was rather impressed by that one as well, I actually didn't expect this one to perform as well as it did but I'm glad I did request it.
My son uses the kids toothpaste in this brand and I had used it once or twice and found that it was a lot more like chalk than other toothpastes and did not foam up as much. So when I saw this product come up for review I was a bit hesitant to try. Toothpaste is not something I like the taste of and grin and bear brushing my teeth morning and night (but I do it because I have to).
Knowing the amazing things that propolis is good for I decided it was worth giving a go as I thought it would not have the peppermint taste I loath. That theory was quickly taken away from me when first reading the list of ingredients - it contained peppermint oil. As a review item I knew I just had to taste it. Yes you could taste the peppermint but it was nicely toned down by the other natural flavours. I knew I could handle it. It was better that the toothpaste I was currently using.
I have receding gum lines and these had been playing up more than normal. Sensitive toothpaste normally keeps on top of them but you still get tingling feeling while bushing. To my surprise brushing with the propolis toothpaste did not give this feeling. I wondered if the more chalky consistency acted like that in sensitive toothpaste. After 3 days of brushing, my sensitive gums were no longer inflamed and I felt I could stop using the toothpaste to see what would happen. 1 day later gums were swelling again.
So obviously with these results I have now found my new best toothpaste - it helps with inflammation of my gums, leaves a longer fresher taste in my mouth and the taste is better than others. I think that for anyone with or without sensitive gums/ teeth that it is worth a go. The price is relevant to other toothpastes and can easily be bought in the supermarket shop.
This stuff is my own personal miracle in a tube. A childhood of sweet indulgence, and an adolescence filled with fizzy drinks has left me with teeth that are, shall we say, somewhat less than ideal. One in particular has a bad habit of getting infected if I eat too much sweet stuff. My days of enjoying more than a couple of squares of chocolate in a single stint are long gone.
Having stumbled across this toothpaste almost by accident, and knowing the therapeutic effects of bee propolis, I thought it certainly could do no worse than the chemical-laden gels I was using at the time. At first, I saw no real change - my tooth hadn't been acting up very much at the time, so there was no real evidence one way or the other. Being somewhat scientific of mind, I set about an experiment - one I was to regret. Stopping all tooth scrubbing for 3 days, and chowing down on an almost diabetes-inducing amount of candy, I triggered my tooth into a full-blown fit of rage which actually got so bad I had to seek painkillers and antibiotics from the doctor.
A second, less vigorous bout was attempted 2 months later and proved successful. Dental agony, swelling, and even a mild abscess as the "cherry on top" - and so began a week of 5-times-a-day toothscrubbing with this toothpaste.
Within 3 days, the swelling was gone, the abscess had burst and healed up, and the pain was but a pleasantly distant memory. Since then, the only significant relapse was a 2-week stint while I tried to find a new source of this toothpaste, as the local supermarket had sold out and was considering dropping the line form their shelves.
I refuse to brush my teeth with anything else now. While just as effective as painkillers and antibiotics in my own case, I can't say how effective it would be for anyone else... but it is my own little saviour in a tube and I take every opportunity to espouse it's effectiveness to anyone with dental issues who, like me, can't afford to mortgage the house in order to pay for dental surgery.
Overall, in my book, this is the only toothpaste I will ever recommend. I just wish I could get my family past their issues with it, so I can stop buying the chemistry-set-in-a-tube they prefer.
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