Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Cleaning Products > Eco Turtles Bathroom Eco Cleaning Tablet review
Eco Turtles is a range of environmentally friendly cleaning solutions that are easy to use and safe for the home, your family and our planet. Buy the bottle once and just pay for refills. Reduce your contribution to landfill - stop throwing out single-use plastic bottles. Fill your reusable bottle with water. Drop in a cleaning tablet. Clean in minutes - no shaking or stirring required!
100% of the total ingredients are from natural origin.
• Quickly dissolves and removes odours with the power of effervescent technology.
• Anti-limescale effect for all standard bathroom surfaces (not recommended for acid-sensitive surfaces - marble, limestone, onyx or travertine).
• 94.2% biodegradable.
• Gentle floral scent.
• Each tablet makes 750ml of cleaning solution.
• One tablet per pack
Product reviews...
Well I have gern trying yo stray away from chemicals as one I don't like them, 2 the amount of waste and 3 they normally snell really string and I don't cope with strong smells. So when I got my bottle and bathroom tablet I read the instructions well to get it right 750ml of water ok sweet, the bottle has no markings so fail I font like that cause now I have to find domething in my kitchen that will work. Then I looked on the bottle yo see if there was a way to tell this bottle apart ftom say another bottle nope, the bottles have all the listed tablets on it so I circled bathroom on the bottle. Then to add the tablet to the bottle, just place into the bottle to do its magic with lid off. It didn't say how long it would take but felt forever but probably only took about 5ish minutes. It says a light floral smell I smell nothing and it looked like water afterwards.
So cleaning into the bathrooms we have 7 in the house with 5 kids ranging from 2-13yrs so bathrooms getvpretty messy pretty fast. Started spraying turning nozzle to the desired spray and off we went. It seems to just move the mess around like water does. It wasn't giving me a clean feeling, it dud move the toothpaste after a few goes over so in the second bathroom I delayed snd left a little while this seemed yo move it better. My taps and shower glass though didn't look clean at all. Then it was time for the toilets now I have 2 boys and 3 girls. Sprayed bathroom cleaner in and went top to bottom like I always do the poo marks on the toilet seat were hard to remove I rented up going back to a chemical spray.
Overall I like the idea of one bottle but needs markings on it to show where the water needs to be snd how to tell thrm apart. For an eco product glass would be nicer I understand sbout it breaking etc. There was no smell to make you feel you had cleaned the bathroom and þook ages tonscrub some matks. I hate cleaning bathrooms and I like it to be quick and easy. I wouldn't be buying this stain or willing tontrybthe other change
Bathrooms, I don't know anyone who likes to clean them especially if you have children in the house. I don't know how they do it but as soon as you clean the Bathroom the kids can have it looking and smelling just as it was 5 minutes before. In saying this I'm always looking for a cleaner that is going to remove the dirt and grime and not just mask it with a pretty smell.
Eco Turtles Bathroom cleaning tablet really got my attention. A cleaner that is eco friendly, reduces waste with a reusable bottle and you just buy a tablet and dissolve in water. If this works I was thinking this is going to be amazing. I am conscious of the amount of cleaning product bottles I have and the amount of 'chemicals' in them. This is not good for the environment or my family.
After reading the box and unpacking the bottle I was surprised that the bottle was plastic. Being reusable I had a feeling it may have been a glass bottle. Overcoming that I then came to my first hurdle. You add 750mls, how much is this? There was no marking or anything on the bottle to indicate the correct water level. I took the chance and filled to near the top. I unpacked the tablet from its own packaging and added to the water. Wow I was impressed. It started fizzing and kept fizzing for around 5 minutes till the tablet was completely dissolved. It let off a subtle smell that was pleasant and the water had turned a light blue colour. Now off to that bathroom I went.
First I decided to tackle the hand basin. Ours is glass and shows up every little mark. After a couple of false starts as I learnt to the work the sprayer I sprayed away onto the basin. I started wiping it away and sprayed again. Each time I wiped the basin it left what looked like dirty streak marks. I sprayed a few more time and applied a bit more cleaner each time. It was definitely leaving streaky marks. I worked around the tap. Here I was disappointed. The cleaner not only didn't move the finger print marks of the tap but didn't move any of the water marks either. So far it wasn't leaving a very good impression.
Next the dreaded toilet. I sprayed and scrubbed away. By this time the colour of the cleaner had turned clear and the smell had all but gone. It felt like I was cleaning with water. I didn't feel like I was getting a clean I wanted or I was happy with. This is one area I really douse in cleaning products as I want it clean and hygienic but I was just not getting that feeling.
Onto the last area of the bathroom, the shower. I sprayed the walls and glass, let it sit for a minute or two and sprayed again. I started to scrub the shower door and nothing was moving. I sprayed again and used a little more elbow grease. Still nothing. This was not impressing me at all. I will need to come back and clean again with my regular cleaner.
We are on bore water here and due to that the water is pretty hard but I found the Eco Bathroom cleaner was not even moving the soap scum off the shower or the fingerprints off the tap. The bathroom didn't have the cleaned smell that I am used to and the cleaner ended up looking like water in a spray bottle. This I thought would be a problem if you had two different cleaners as I also noticed that there is no way to distinguish what is in the bottle. The bottle had all the different cleaners and colours on the side but this one turned clear so how was I to know in the future what was in it. I needed to write 'Bathroom Cleaner' on the bottle with a marker pen. I will not be hurrying out to buy another one of the Eco Turtle Eco Bathroom Cleaners.
The bathroom is not one of my favourite rooms to clean. I find that no matter how much I clean it never lasts long enough. The toilet is probably the least favourite since I have two boys and no matter how much I clean it it often has a strongish smell of urine.
I opened it and read the instructions. I had a look at the bottle and thought "how am I supposed to know how much water to put in?" I was taught at school that one cup equals 250ml so that seemed easy enough, just add 3 cups of water and one cleaning tablet. As I was getting another in the range to try I thought that I could do one with 3 cups of water (as I was taught at school) and one using a measuring cup that had the actual markings on the side (so I measured 200ml x 3 and then another 150ml so that should be 750ml. I knew I was going to get two different measures but I wasn't expecting it to be so noticable. I did the measuring cup first and it got all the way to the top of the bottle (there was no more space at all) and I still had about 30ml left in the measuring cup but the 3 cups of water only got up to the top of the label so I would strongly suggest a fill line mark on the bottle to make sure that the correct amount of water is used. Another issue is telling the bottles apart but that was solved by using my label maker but not everyone has one of those.
I sprayed the bathroom vanity and the toilet and left it about a minute and then started cleaning with a sponge. I was amazed at how clean the vanity became especially since the mirror leans on the vanity near the tap so soap scum builds up and is so hard to clean. I could already smell how much cleaner the toilet smelt, no more urine smell (the boys were highly embarrassed when they found out that I could smell it). I cleaned the top of the toilet and the seat and obviously under the seat (all the parts that don't usually get cleaned by squirting toilet cleaner into the bowl) and it smelt and felt so much better than some of the other brands of multi purpose cleaner.
I liked how easy it was to make, just add water and tablet and watch it dissolve which took about ten minutes. It is eco friendly, so no single use bottles which really appeals. It smells great and keeping the toilet clean should be so much easier. I will be buying some more of the tablets, just got to sort out the measuring of the water issue.
Now I love the idea of this product in theory. I care about the environment and the concept of a reusable bottle where you add a tablet and some water and are good to go? It feels futuristic and I like that. The bottle has the capability to be used for all of the varieties of cleaner with colour-coded tablets to help you distinguish between the cleaners. in this case, the bottle (and tablet) tell me that purple is the bathroom cleaner colour. It is slightly confusing that after the tablet dissolved, the water was actually a very subtle blue colour. Not only was it not purple, but it is also identical to the colour of the multi-purpose cleaner. While I knew which was the bathroom cleaner when it was in the bathroom, when I place it next to the multi-purpose cleaner...yeah, I don't remember which is which anymore.
I decided to try the bathroom cleaner on the soap scum on the shower door. Using a quick spray and wipe, there was no noticeable difference in the door. Disappointing. Spraying the whole door down and letting it sit for a while before using an abrasive cloth to scrub at the door and it was still not really making the soap scum come off any easier. It doesn't seem to work well on any stubborn or long-standing stains.
In the end, I tried it on the mirror, giving it a spray and wiping it off with a dry towel and it cleaned the mirror well. I should note that I could literally use water and a dry towel and would have had the same results, so the cleaner is not something that I would consider highly effective, or effective at all.
It comes with the trappings of what the world has come to expect from eco-friendly products. It lacks the effectiveness of chemical cleaners, the spray head is poorly designed (it drips the fluid on your hand when you spray it), it costs more than the effective cleaners, and the scent is so subtle that it is practically non-existent. I'm sorry, but I might as well use water.
Full disclosure I am not a fan of cleaning my bathroom
. I am also probably not the most meticulous with my cleaning as its a household of two adults and most cleaning is done just before the visitors come and think we live like this all the time, or "better improve it a bit for the mother in law".
I used this product as a "distract myself from the horrible job of cleaning with a new shiny approach". It worked so well! It was a completely new process and I really took my time trying to make sense of what to do and how to do it. I needed a measuring cup to identify 750mls as it wasn't marked on the bottle (the end result was that it was basically "fill it up to the top"
I took the table out of its plastic and foil (carefully hidden under a cardboard cover). This did leave me a bit disappointed that the packaging wasn't entirely recyclable but that is probably me being completely unreasonable and trying to find the impossible. There was definitely less packaging than usual for cleaning products. I tend to reuse all my "spray bottles" anyway but it was nice to see the clear instructions to refill it. I will be looking out for this "pill option" to dilute your own (and I do wonder what would happen if I made it "a bit stronger"). It dropped into the bottle and fizzed away for what felt like ages. I guess this is the bit you only do once! Anyway back to the bathroom cleaner and the bathroom cleaning. It looked murky and a bit foamy after the dissolving (see photo)
It took me a couple of test squeezes and a couple more squeezes to work out the mechanism (two off positions and a mist and a direct spray option). It misted beautifully and felt pretty much like every "spray it to make it easier then wipe madly to move it away" product I have used since forever. I felt it was fine but nothing mindblowing or amazing and the key was in the it didn't feel or smell toxic and no paint was removed in the using of the spray. I used it fine on the toilet/sink/shower and the result was great (to be fair hot water probably would have improved it enough to keep me happy though).
I would totally use this again and felt the bathroom spray was the right mix of clean but not strip. The fragrance again was not toxic but not so mild as you couldn't tell afterwards there was a cleaner smell (this might be entirely in my head). I couldn't fault the results but my expectations were probably quite low and it was more a "didn't fail" than a blew me away type thing. I would use it again but really only because I don't have to pay the setup cost for the bottle again. Totally worth the experiment and it did get me into the bathroom and not coming away feeling like I needed to get rid of all the chemicals. A good choice as a regular product in your arsenal for the bathroom.
It was a fizzy fun-filled setup.
Having a family member with a disability means we have several extra pieces of equipment in our bathroom, all of which need cleaning regularly. They all have a white enamel surface - bathroom chair, shower extender, etc - so they need to be kept spotless and fresh at all times. Add the regular bathroom fittings and you have quite a lot of surfaces that need a daily wipe down.
It is important that any cleaning product used in this area is non-abrasive and does not irritate the skin; some commercial cleaners contain additives which are distinctly harmful, causing rashes and other unpleasant side effects as well as scratching painted surfaces. Even after rinsing they can leave a residue which is invisible but still very active. The Eco Turtles bathroom cleaning tablets, on the other hand, are non-irritant and can safely be used in areas that come into contact with the skin - like the washbasin, toilet seat, and bathroom chair. This is reassuring as it means cleanliness is not sacrificed for safety.
However, it is just as important for the other members of the family that the bathroom is one place that is always super clean. During a time when COVID-19 is an ever-present risk, any member of the family could become infected and bring the disease back home. Having a clean bathroom will not stop COVID but it will help keep everyone otherwise healthy should they contract it. There is also something reassuring about being greeted by a clean, fresh smell when you go into your bathroom.
As with the other items in this range, the eco tablet is designed to be used with a dedicated reusable spray bottle - although it could be used in another bottle if necessary. This means minimal storage space and less plastic waste, both important aspects from a conservationist point of view. I am all for keeping unnecessary rubbish out of landfills, and since I am naturally not the tidiest person in the world, it is useful to declutter where possible.
On so many levels, this product is right for me and my family. I have every intention of replacing the tablet when the first bottle runs out; the price may be a little more than that of some other bathroom cleaners, but the benefits far outweigh the small variation in cost. I have four Eco Turtles bottles now, each containing a different cleaner, and they even look good on the shelf together with their decorative coloured droplets printed down the side. I found a permanent marker useful to tick each one so they could be easily identified, and after a couple of weeks of constant use the mark is still in place.
Cleaning the bathroom is one of my most hated jobs and I have tried to get my girls onboard cleaning the main bathroom. We have a shower liner and bath that gets filthy after they have used it as they don't understand the meaning of rinsing the liner/ bath after you've used it. If ever there was going to be a test for this bathroom cleaner, this was it!
The bottle has no measurement indicators so I filled it reasonably full and then carefully, popped the tablet out of its foil wrapper (which was encased in cardboard) and gently popped it in the bottle. The table is the same size as the bottle opening so you have to be very careful or the tablet crumbles and you're left with bits on the counter. I gave it a shake and then left it for 15 minutes before using it. I sprayed it liberally over the shower liner and bath and then gave it a wipe to make sure all the surface was covered, before going for a cuppa. When I got back, I hosed the cleaner off and was really impressed by how clean it was. Usually, the soap scum needs a good scrub to remove but a wipe did the job.
The bath came up nice and clean although there were bits I had to use cream cleaner for - I don't think that is a reflection on this cleaner though (more on my kids!) Next up was the sink which had dried up bits of toothpaste and other dried up dirt on it. I decided to just spray and wipe clean and this spray was really effective and removed all the gunk leaving it looking spotless. I was really impressed with this spray and would definitely use it again, in fact, I'm already teaching my kids how to use it and I don't have to worry about them touching or inhaling any nasty chemicals.
I hate cleaning the bathroom, I avoid it for far longer than I really should (a habit I⠙m trying to break), and so asked for this to try in the hopes that it could be a product that helps me with my bad habit. There⠙s no handy line to tell you where to fill the water to and measuring it out would be almost at the top, which I didn⠙t want to do out of concern of it overflowing once I put in the cleaning tablet. There is also no handy space to write what product you⠙re using. The bottle shows each available item so maybe they could have been clear for you to colour in the one you⠙re using⦠either way, with no handy spot to put it I printed out a small label to stick on it.
I decided to tackle my bathroom sink, which in this case I had intentionally not cleaned for a week to see how it would do. Given that the kids had gotten muddy, slimy and used various face paints, plus the usual daily use, it looked awful and usually I would need to use JIF to clean it. I sprayed the sink and bench liberally with this and left it for five minutes. I wiped the bench and everything wiped off right away, wiping off the sink provided the same ease of clean and it was as clean as if I had used JIF. This was a big win because I used far less product. Next I used it in the toilet area and not only did it do a good job but I didnâ ™t have the threat of an asthma attack as a result of being in close quarters with chemicals.
I am very happy with the end result and will be getting more when we run out.
As a parent of 3 young children, I try my best to ensure that I use as few chemicals in our household as possible, also having sensitive skin I try to protect myself from having a painful reaction. When I heard that there would be a new range of eco friendly cleaning products available to request from KIWIreviews, I kept my eyes peeled on the page constantly. As soon as I saw them come online I instantly requested the bathroom one, as bathrooms are my pet peeve to clean, and usually require some chemical assistance.
When the product arrived I was lucky enough that it came with the Ecoturtles bottle (otherwise you need to purchase it separately) The bottle itself is a 750ml clear plastic, dishwasher safe, reusable spray bottle, it has an image of a cute turtle at the bottom, and down the side shows the different types of tablet available. The types available include bathroom, floors, sanitiser, degreaser, and multipurpose. On the reverse side of the spray bottle are the instructions for use, first you need to fill the spray bottle with water, then pop in one of the cleaning tablets, wait a while for it to fully dissolve, close the top, and start spraying then wipe clean.
The tablet comes surrounded by a cardboard packet, however when I opened it I found it was encased in foil, I popped the tablet into my already prepared bottle of water and for some reason I expected that it would dissolve quickly, however it took a good 10 minutes for it to fully dissolve. Once ready I started on the bathroom, starting with the vanity I sprayed the sink which had some stubborn soap scum, I was disappointed to see that this cleaning solution didn't really make much difference and I ended up scratching it off with my nails. The rest of the bathroom went well, but I was disappointed there wasn't more of a scent once finished.
I like the idea of being able to store these little tablets in my cupboard as replacements, as opposed to having numerous bottles cluttering the cupboard. I am looking forward to seeing how effective the rest of the tablets in the range are.
I felt like a scientist preparing the bottle. My youngest was super excited watching me push the tablet thru the opening and watching it slowly dissolve. I assumed it would be rather quick - but it takes a while - we managed to do the dryer, put on another load of washing and cut my nails and we still had time to watch it bubbling in the bottle. The last minute or so was the most exciting when it unexpectedly rose to the the top and disappeared I eagerly jumped up to screw the lid on to find the tablet was still foaming away in the mist of the white cloudy water.
Using the bottle is a breeze and it done the job rather well. I managed to remove a bit of paper which had been annoying me off the vanity unit by giving it a couple of squirts. The scum around the tap removed quickly and my faucet shined after a rub. The bath didn't need much work and neither did the shower and before long I had a nice clean bathroom once again.
The smell is nice and pleasant and not over powering. After finishing the room I could not detect the scent at all - but I could faintly when I was wiping down the vanity unit. It did not require much of the spray at all and I still have a lot left over. It would probably do me for a couple of months. The issue was with the bottle and recording what item was in the bottle. Pens did not work very well so I used a permanent marker - as I am reviewing more than just this item. It would of been nice if the bottle came pre-labeled or if the label had a space for you to write on.
This is something that I am interested in as it only requires purchasing the tablet. The bottle is something that I can keep for the foreseeable future. It is user friendly. I did not use gloves with it and I have overly sensitive skin - I have noticed while typing this my fingers have reacted so that is something to take into consideration for the future. But I am overly pleased with how our bathroom turned out. My eldest loves turtles and saving the environment and commented that I should use ecoturtle for everything. I am excited to trial the other products to see if they done as well as the bathroom.
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