Home > Categories > Beverages > Hot Brewed > Body Right Peach & Pineapple review
Red Seal BODY RIGHT Peach & Pineapple tea contains garcinia cambogia. It is a great complement to your weight management programme of a balanced diet and regular exercise.
Our unique fruit teas allow you to make deliciously fruity tea using either hot or cold water. Even better, Red Seal BODY RIGHT Peach & Pineapple tea contains:
• Garcinia cambogia
• No gluten
• No artificial sweeteners
• No added sugar
Product reviews...
Having just ate my second Chocolate Girl Guide Biscuit I felt like I needed something healthy to eat and as I looked in the pantry I spotted the Red Seal Body Right Peach and Pineapple Teabags - why not it says it has Garcinia Cambogia which apparently helps with weight loss and I was thirsty so I decided to have a nice cold drink. I usually don't enjoy flavour water but once I opened the bag a yummy sweet aroma hit me - it kind of reminded me of Roro that I used to drink as a child. The packet reminded me of sun and summer and I was hoping this drink did the same. Unfortunately I found it very weak, even after leaving it for longer then recommended. The next time I tried it I added a slice of Pineapple like it suggested but did nothing to enhance the flavour in my opinion so instead I ended up sucking the juice out of the pineapple, which was rather tainted.
I don't normally drink hot drinks, so while I was making it up for my husband I decided to take a sip of his. Again the smell is so good but I didn't find it came across in the taste. My husband said it was not as sweet as he was hoping and next time he would add honey to see if that enhanced the flavour any. A couple nights later he tried it with honey and although he enjoyed it more, I still could not bring myself to have another taste. My husband said it is something that he would have again and he did enjoy it, but was not in love with it.
I was hoping for more of a pineapple taste coming out of this drink with a dash of peach but I feel it went the other way and I did not really taste much pineapple at all. The smell is fantastic but alas I am not a huge fan. Although I did like that the tea bags come in there own bag so I am not left with tea bags scattered all over the place.
Checking out the website , these tea bags caught my eye. I have enjoyed the normal ones before, but seeing these have Garcinia Cambogia , and knowing its potential for helping weight loss ( something I will not turn down ) I was very interested !!
Weight loss is something I am trying to achieve , always, and though I try really hard to drink my allotted amount of water daily , I do not really reach it. I like that these tea bags can be enjoyed hot or cold , help me cut out some unnecessary caffeine , and up my water - perfect !. The price of these on the outset seems high, but, when you break it down - it's about 22c per bag - and if it saves me going and buying something sweet, or grabbing a coffee - that is a good thing coupled with increasing my water!
Opening up the box, I found 20 individually wrapped teabags, meaning when the box is opened - all the teabags are not exposed to the air, making them last longer. As well as this, it means that one can be popped into my bag to enjoy when out and about. I decided that there was no time like the present, so put the jug to boil , and grabbed a mug. Reading the instructions, I followed them, teabag, hot water, and leave to steep for a little bit , maximising the flavour. After waiting, I smelled the tea first, and was struck by the peachy smell - it was so nice! First taste, and this tea is great ! Just the same as the other peach and pineapple one, and I was not disappointed .
Fast forward a day, and back to my previous comment of not drinking enough water, and I found myself at the cupboard, deciding to try these in the cold version. Being that I was putting it into my 750ml bottle, I thought one bag might not be enough, so decided to see if two would. Happy to report that two is great - giving a good strength of flavour, and just the right amount of sweetness!
I have to admit that I have a few boxes of herbal tea in the cupboard, bought with the best of intentions, but honestly, not something I would keep drinking. It is not at all the case with this type - they are so good - and in fact have already been put on the shopping list as I only have 6 bags left !!
I cannot at this stage attest to whether they are of any help in the weight loss department, but I can definitely see that if I was having a moment of " gosh I would like something sweet '' then a cup of this - hot or cold , would be fantastic.
I am definitely going to be buying and having these in my cupboard, and will be sharing them with friends to try! Thanks KIWIreviews and Red Seal - excellent tea!
I am an avid tea drinker and I am always up for nice sweet tasting teas and was excited about trying this as it was a hot and cold tea which meant it was something I could drink that was refreshing in the summer. Not only that, but I was also drawn in by the fact that this has the latest and greatest Garcinia Cambogia that everyone is raving about as being the new weight loss supplement. I am all for loosing a wee bit of weight so was game enough to give this a go.
As soon as I opened the packaging I was impressed that each tea bag was individually wrapped. I was also quite excited as I could grab a few and stash them in my handbag to take to work quite easily, or I could add them to my lunchbox without having to have loose uncovered tea bags among my things. When I opened the tea bag from its individual wrapper I gave it a wee sniff and my nose was excited by the nice sweet smell.
I decided to try this tea bag in some cold water and brewed it for roughly 4 minutes. When I looked in my cup I noticed that it wasn't a very dark colour so I was unsure of how this would taste. I found the flavour to be quite peachy and didn't really taste the pineapple at all to be honest. The drink was refreshing and easy to sip on, it wasn't too sweet and nor was the taste overpowering. I did find it to be quite watered down and wondered maybe if I brewed it for a bit longer if it would taste stronger.
All in all I thought this was a nice refreshing tea and I think I would definitely buy another fruity flavour in this range.
I have been a regular drinker of Red Seal's hot and cold brew teas since they first came out. The peach and pineapple variety is one that I'll buy when I see it in store. When I saw that they had put out a Body Right version of this with Garcinia Cambogia I wanted to give it a try. I was surprised to find that it was the same price for a 20 packet of tea bags as the original hot and cold brew ones.
I first tried it made with hot water and drank it as I was having breakfast. I found as I do with their original varieties that I need to leave the tea bag in the whole time I am drinking it to get the desired strength for me. I enjoyed the flavour although it wasn't as fruity as the original one. This was a pleasant surprise as often these sort of diet supplements taste revolting.
Although I had heard Garcinia Cambogia was good for weight loss I didn't know what it did. The box contained no claims apart for it being "a great complement to your weight management programme of a balanced diet and regular exercise." I asked Aunty Google and found a list of warnings so I was expecting some side effects. Thankfully I've had none.
The big thing for me is that it made me feel full, but not bloated, and took away my cravings for sweet food. When I have the drink with breakfast I don't want morning tea. Yesterday my husband got the family KFC for lunch and I wasn't tempted to touch it. Instead I was content with a healthier lunch. I surprised myself.
I also tried making it with cold water and found that the brew wasn't as strong the hot brew. Now I put 3 tea bags in a litre of hot water and leave it in the fridge overnight. It is perfect and also gives me 4 cups from 3 teabags. It will keep for a few days in the fridge if needed.
It is recommended to take 1-4 times a day. At the maximum dose it would cost $6 a week and this is very affordable compared to most diet supplements on the market. Personally I would drink only 2 or 3 a day. I am keen to try the other varieties of Body Right to add some variety but I will be recommending it to friends and buying more of this.
Weight loss is always something I'm consciously trying to achieve and I will try anything that will help aid it! I do get bored of drinking water so was very keen to try Red Seals Body Right Tea with Garcinia Cambogia. The box contains 20 unbleached T-bags which are individually wrapped which make it easy to pop them in your handbag and have on the go.
I am not a fan of strong tea so usually like to try and make two cups with one tea bag so I can drink one cup hot and let the other cup brew and have it later iced. I let the tea bag brew in the first cup for 3 minutes before leaving the tea bag in another cup with cold water. The first thing I noticed when brewing the tea was the lovely peach and pineapple fragrance. I was pleasantly surprised by how sweet and tasty the tea was and it definitely stopped me having the urge to snack afterwards. I tried the tea iced later in the evening and it was deliciously refreshing. It was hard to decide what was best, hot or cold. I have to say that this was one of the nicest herbal tea's I'd tasted which was a bonus considering it contained Garcinia Cambogia.
I also have a friend who loves her tea and gave her a few T-bags to try out. When I saw her next she had a new pack of them in her hand and told me that they were one of the nicest herbal tea's she has tried (and believe me, she has tried a LOT!!) They are really well priced, especially if you make two cups per tea bag like me! If you're looking for a refreshing tea that tastes of peach and pineapple that will help suppress your appetite and lose weight then try this tea, you won't be disappointed!
Trying my best to loose weight meant that I was definitely interested in this product and keen to give it a go. This product contains garcinia cambogia which is advertised as being a great complement to weight management programme's with a balanced diet and regular exercise. After drinking this product daily for the last week or so I am certain that it helps to suppress my appetite, its sweet enough that it suppresses any urges I have to eat sweet treats too so I find I am reaching for this product a couple of times a day.
I firstly tried this product hot, making a brew instead of a coffee cause I was trying to have the healthier choice. I have tried the plain version of this red seal tea so I thought I would really enjoy this. While leaving this for the recommended 3-5 minutes to brew I could see the tea developing more colour and I could smell the delicious peach and pineapple. However the first thing I noticed was a weird aftertaste, which I really didn't like the taste of and seemed to overpower the taste of the peach/pineapple flavour of the drink. I was quite disappointed and struggled to finish the cup full. I tried again the following day but had the same results. I gave the cup to my husband and he said the drink was okay but he too could detect the after taste I talked about. I decided maybe I would like it better cold so simply popped the cup in the fridge until chilled and then tried again. Still, I had the same results.
Determined I was going to like this drink I tired again, this time with fridge chilled water but still in a cup/mug sized quantity. Immediately I noticed that there wasn't as much colour to the tea (even though I had rested it for the recommended 3-5 minutes) and it didn't smell as strongly which had me worried it might lack any flavour at all. However having the tea this way was simply amazing and so refreshing!! Weirdly enough, the aftertaste I couldn't stand while the tea was brewed hot I couldn't detect at all while cold. I could still taste the peach and pineapple flavour and I felt really good after drinking it, refreshed, hydrated and recharged. This is definitely my preferred way of drinking this tea and the only way I have continued to enjoy it.
After finishing this packet, I have brought another from our local supermarket and thought the price tag was good considering how many cups of tea it makes for the price. The packaging stands out to the original flavour with the blue water drop which contains the bold writing "BODY RIGHT". I love the fact that each tea bag is individually sealed, not only keeping the tea bags extremely fresh but meaning that I can easily stash a couple in my lunch bag for work or the caravan for when we go away on holiday. I love that I have found a healthy drink for summer and will be continuing to buy this knowing that it is indeed helping my weight management. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a product to help with the same or even just for a natural source of caffeine.
In order to try and lose some weight recently I decided to try out some different types of tea as I'm forever hearing about the great benefits it has in regards to supporting weight loss and management, I can say that what I have tried so far varies hugely on taste from some good, some bad and others completely undrinkable. When I saw that Red Seal had some up for review I straight away requested it, especially upon seeing that it contained Garcinia Cambogia as this is meant to be the new big thing in weight loss. The fact that this product was peach and pineapple flavoured was a huge plus for me to, yum.
I must admit I'm not much of a hot tea drinker, I prefer chilled fruit flavoured teas but for the purposes of this review I decided to try this out first as a hot brew on a cold and rainy day. The instructions were simple to follow, place the tea bag in a cup or a mug and then pour over just boiled water and leave to sit for 3 to 5 minutes depending on taste, I went for 4 minutes. I could definitely smell the flavours of the pineapple and the peach brewing and was quite excited by how strong they smelt as this made me hope that the taste would be similar. I can happily say that this was one of the nicest teas I have tried hot it was quite nice, the flavours were all there and the taste of the tea itself was not overbearing.
Next up I made this as a cold brew and it was amazing, definitely my prefered way of serving this drink! Again the instructions were easy to follow simply by adding some ice and chilled water to a cup with the tea bag and leaving it to brew for 3 to 5 minutes. I found that 5 minutes is perfect for me. Served cold the flavours of the fruit really come through although both peach and pineapple can be tasted, pineapple is definitely the most dominant. Even my tea hating partner loves this stuff and Miss 3 enjoys a sip of it here and there too.
This is definitely a great change from plain old water and best of all it contains zero sugar and is a great way to complement your weight management. I feel that this tea really does what it says it does for the past few weeks I have drank at least 2 sachets of this a day and feel that I am not so prone to snacking on sugary snacks or drinking coke from doing so, this was on sale at the supermarket just the other week so we have stocked up on more. The individual sachets are handy and great to throw in your handbag to take to work. A great product!
I was really happy to try the peach and pineapple body right tea. Knowing that it has garcinia cambogia in the product I thought these would be really good as people have been raving about the effects of garcinia cambogia for ages. I decided to make me a cold brew to drink before heading off to the gym. It says let blew for 3-5 minutes but I found this was not long enough for the flavours to soak out. I found myself shaking my water bottle heaps trying to get more flavour into the water. The smell of peach was amazing but I found the flavour was weak.
I did have a good work out from drinking the tea before heading to the gym, I felt more hydrated and less tired. I felt this helped with pushing myself harder during my work out as well. I decided to try a hot brew the following day, which I found the heat in the water made the flavour come out of the bag more so, which enhanced the flavour more. I prefer to make the tea as a hot brew then to let cool and chill in fridge and drink it cold. This way I found I got more flavour from the brews.
I am not sure if this has helped in any way with weight loss, as I work out and eat healthy as it is, it would be needed to be more monitored over a longer period of time. I did however enjoy the drink and was great before or after a workout. For the price of the teas I would say they are pretty cheap for a different flavour and adding something different into the routine. I may continue to keep buying them to see how I go over a monthâ ™s period of adding them into my daily intake of water and food.
I am always cautious about trying new diet products as you can never be sure whether or not they are actually going to work. I do often use diet products simply because they taste better - diet soft drinks, for example, are often much nicer than the regular variety because they are not overly sweet. Before trying out this product, I checked the ingredients and was interested to find that one of the listed ingredients is mate - a useful alternative to the more common caffeine content of drinks like coffee - and another is liquorice, which always adds interest to a herb tea (even though it has to be used with caution as it is quite high in salt).
As I always do, I opened one packet carefully and immediately inhaled the contents. Full marks for aroma: there was a strong peach impression with pineapple undertones, supporting the advertised contents. The teabags are individually wrapped, not packed loosely in a box, which means each bag will retain full flavour until it is ready to be used.
I tried both the listed recipes, making one cold brew and one hot. As it was a really hot day I decided to drink them one after the other - I was thirsty and also quite sleepy, so it seemed that would be a good move. I had the cold version first and was a little disappointed. I don't think the cold infusion drew out the flavour sufficiently in the suggested time (3-5 minutes). I left it for the full five minutes and the brew was still quite insipid.
The hot brewed version was much more successful. The heat seemed to enhance the flavour, and I could really distinguish the fruitiness this time. I drank most of the cup while it was still hot but then I got called away; by the time I got back, the drink was completely cold. I finished it anyway and in the future, if I want a cold drink, I will brew it using boiling water and then leave it to go cold. The flavour was much more pronounced and I certainly enjoyed it more.
Because of the liquorice and garcinia cambogia content I would not have more than two of these teabags a day. Although they both appear on the contents list, there is no indication as to the amounts. Garcinia cambogia has not been proven safe to consume in large quantities as it can have some side effects; liquorice is also a food item to be taken in moderation as it is very high in salt. However, I am unlikely to have more than one a day (or, in rare cases, two) so that won't stop me enjoying it. It is a pleasant beverage and provides an alternative for my never-ending coffee habit!
Garcinia cambogia is one of those miracle weight loss supplements that have been all of the media for the last couple of years, though there is still a lot of confusion as to whether it works or not. But with only 4 calories were teabag used, there seemed little reason to not give it a try. Unfortunately I don't really have enough time to be able to tell whether it aids in my attempts to lose weight, but I can certainly still form a review on the flavour of the product.
I tried it both as a Cold and Hot brew. Starting first with a cold brew, I added some chillied water to a drink bottle and plopped in a tea bag for 5 minutes. The colour was very light; just slight tinges of light green. The flavour specified is peach and pineapple, though I could only taste a very weak peach flavour with a slight tang. While the tea seemed very weak when prepared in cold water, the beverage was refreshing and wasn't as bitter as most other teas that I have tried. I tried 3 tea bags in total, and it didn't leave me with any furry feeling in my mouth, or any feeling of dehydration that often accompanies excessive tea drinking, which is a positive for me. From time to time, there was a bit of a peculiar aftertaste, which tended to overpower the initial peach flavours, which was altogether odd, but not necessarily unpleasant.
Trying it hot brewed, there was still a very limited aroma, but a lot more flavour. The heat seemed to increase the presence of the after taste, again making the peach and pineapple more minor flavours, though it still had a tanginess to it.
Not the most exciting of teas, but I like how it is refreshing without leaving me feeling dehydrated, and if over time it does somehow help me with my quest to suppress my appetite and lose weight, then it will definitely stay on my everyday food plan.
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