Home > Categories > Food > Spreads > Pic's Almond Butter review
We made our first batches of Almond Butter in 2014, just as the world started going almond crazy.
Today's there's almond milk, almond cheese, almond shampoo, almond sausages and goodness knows what else. We're not saying it's a trend we started, but we are now helping make almonds hard to get and really expensive.
Unfortunately, Pic's Almond Butter contains only almonds, not even a bit of salt to make them go further. We could make ourselves useful by not buying almonds at all, but the little bit of almond butter we made built up such a following that we've had to buy all the South Australian almonds we can get our hands on. Unfortunately, that's not very much, so if you spot a jar of Pic's Almond Butter, buy it. It's rare and it's absolutely delicious.
Product reviews...
Love the jar of this Pics Almond Butter. We are getting a little collection of these and they are great for storing in the pantry. This is 100% almonds so no nasty extras to worry about. This does need to be stirred occasionally to spread the oil through but to be honest it doesn't really lats very long in our house so that's not much of an issue.
This is a great substitute for peanuts and a fantastic source of protein. My girls love having this on their sandwiches at school and we all enjoy having it with banana on toast. I like the taste of this more than peanut butter as it is richer and just seems smoother on the palate than peanut butter. I use this a lot when making bliss balls and it is great as an addition to any raw food baking that requires nuts. My girls don't like eating whole nuts so I find using this almond butter is a great way to get protein into them without them noticing. This is great as a spread on pancakes as well . I use this occasionally instead of peanut butter when making pad thai or in a curry sauce and everyone seems to like it.
The only thing I don't like so much about this is if eaten of the spoon it is a bit sticky and will get stuck in my mouth. I think this is to do with the overall texture of almonds though as they are quite heavy and the only way to get around that would be to add more oil but I would prefer not to. Definitely when added into other food this almond butter is absolutely perfect and a fantastic product.
If you are after an alternative to peanut butter this is definitely a product to try.
I'm not a big fan of peanut butter but I have a couple of kids who like the stuff and I'm not against trying a new brand or type of 'peanut' butter, so I was happy to get a jar of this almond butter to review.
The first thing that I noticed was the big difference between this almond butter and the generic peanut butters you can buy, almond butter is a lot softer and has a bit of liquid settled at the top of the jar. I mixed this liquid in and it leaves me with a spread that is exceedingly easy to spread, on something straight out of the toaster, this was quite the risk and a messy meal as it went all over the kids hands. I did find that just getting it on the tip of my tongue, it tasted a little too oily and a slightly bitter edge to it, whilst getting it a little further back on the tongue gave a slight hint of sweetness.
While the kids liked it enough on one piece of bread, they weren't concerned about having any more, so I decided to try and make my basic peanut butter cookies, but obviously with this instead. I had to experiment a little as this made it a little runnier but they ended up coming out of the oven well and were a little chewier, which was nice but didn't top my other bikkies. My last experiment with this was adding some to my stir fry, I love a good nutty sauce and thought that this might help accentuate the cashew in the sauce. This was, by far, my favourite way to use this as it did help make the dish better, adding a little creaminess and a hint of almond to the meal.
Given what nut was used, the price seems fair, but we didn't enjoy it enough to buy this ourselves.
I used to love almonds as a kid, and right through to my adult years. Then my teeth started to give me issues and now any hard nut-like things are on my no-go list. Still, I fondly recall the flavour so this was something I was keen to try. It took me a while to get around to it because my youngest son snuck a test first, and fearing punishment for cracking the jar open without permission hid it at the back of the shelf behind all the other spreads... so it just fell off my radar until the other day when I was doing my seasonal "spring-clean the shelves of stuff I haven't used in ages" and found it.
So, I have this recipe for peanut butter and choc chip cookies, and another for single-serve dessert mug-cakes... time for experimenting, let's see if I can use them to make a mug-cookie! Sure enough, a big of jiggering with the recipe and relative proportions of the ingredients, and I had a recipe for single-serve dessert cookies, made in a coffee mug! Almond and Choc chip, version 1 - successful! Served hot, fresh from the microwave, with a dollop of ice-cream (or whipped cream in my case due to sensitive teeth) and tuck in!
I clearly got a solid almond flavour, and though the spread is a little more "flowing" than your average peanut butter, is still did a great job. Putting creativity aside, it was also really good on fresh toast, but again that willingness to flow easily meant a tricky time eating it cleanly. Just keep that in mind.
Overall, a really nice spread, full of flavour and perfect for those with peanut allergies or who just want something different on their toast in the mornings. I solved the "sloppy" issue by popping mine in the fridge for 10 minutes before putting it on the toast, and that gave me time to get it down me before it warmed up enough to go a'wandering off the bread. When it comes to the price, keep in mind the cost of raw almonds is really high anyway, so... it's a fair price, even though it pushes this way into the "special treat" category.
We first tried Pic's Almond Butter as a traditional nut butter on toast. While it gave a wonderful smooth texture, very velverty, it was quite thin and felt more like something you would pour rather than spread. More difficult to scoop with a knife than with a spoon. So while the texture was nice, it could have been stronger and felt like it was missing...something. Unsure what!! It may have been the fact it's salt free?? Which is absolutely a positive in our family!
It wasn't a great tasting after taste though, it lingered for longer than it should have but didn't taste the actual product when you were eating it. Unsure what or why this was! But it didn't stick to the roof of your mouth like some peanut butters do so made for clean eating.
Switching to something completely different, because of the smooth texture, we thought it would be perfect in a smoothie. Well it was and it was delicious! A dollop of almond butter mixed in with natural honey, almond milk, cacao powder, chia seeds, banana and protein powder, it was the perfect post work out drink that didn't taste too healthy haha. It felt like we would use the almond butter more for cooking and mixing then as a traditional spread.
We are a nutty family! Well...we love nuts anyway. Although I am a nut fan, peanut butter hasn't been a huge favourite of mine (the rest of the family can't get enough of it though). Recently, I had the opportunity to try almond butter for the first time. I really enjoyed it and was rather excited when I was chosen to review some Pic's products, including the almond butter. Last year, I started a gym and I have been trying to increase the quality of food that we eat in our diet. The addition of more nuts is something that I have done and almond butter is a great way to get extra protein into our diet. I found that it works really well with apple or pear slices and also goes nicely with celery sticks. As a general rule, it is a good alternative to peanut butter.
The texture of the almond butter is quite sticky. I found that I didn't want to have too much of it in my mouth at one time as it stuck the roof of my mouth and was then a bit hard to swallow. The key is to only use a small amount as it provides the flavour without too much sickness in the mouth. This also conserves the product as the price is high and ideally it would be too to make it last. It is a bit moreish though (especially if having it with fruit or vege sticks). The taste was really good and identifiable as almonds and nothing else! My husband and son love crunchy peanut butter and they thought that they would prefer if the almond butter was slightly crunchy rather than totally smooth. This may also make the texture less sticky.
The almond butter is 100% almonds and I really appreciate the fact that there isn't anything else in the mix. I noted that the label states that there are no emulsifiers in it and therefore will need mixing up from time to time. This is a very small price to pay for 100% natural food. The price drives this product to be a specialty item rather than an everyday item. I totally understand that almonds are expensive and this drives the price of the product up. This is particularly so when there are no emulsifiers or fillers that would reduce the quantity of almonds required during manufacturing.
My husband made a satay sauce and decided that he would give the almond butter a go with it. He found that the flavour of the almond was overwhelmed by the coconut cream. Because the almond butter was smooth, the sauce also lacked texture. He added a couple of heaped dessert spoons of peanut butter to the mix and the flavour improved significantly, as did the texture (as he used crunchy peanut butter). The satay sauce was really nice and even though it required the addition of the peanut butter, it still have the nutritional value of the almonds.
We made some tasty chocolate chip biscuits using simple ingredients - egg, almond butter, brown sugar, baking soda and chocolate chips. They were very tasty and nice and soft to eat. If nuts or dried fruit or dark chocolate was used instead of the milk chocolate that we used, the biscuits would make a rather healthy snack. In fact there are plenty of alternatives to the sugar which could be used too. What a shame that both of my children are at school/kindys where they can't bring nuts to school. This would have been a perfect snack for their lunch boxes.
Pic's Almond butter is something that I will purchase again (I already have another jar ready to go in the pantry). It will remain a treat food and a healthy snack option for our family.
Confession time! I feel that almonds are awful. I am okay with them roasted and salted, but when you get those mixed nut selections at Christmas, the almonds for me are the last thing I eat. They are just so boring and then everywhere always pushes them as a healthy snack because they are lower in fat. I think that's why I find them so boring, flavour-wise.
Now, does this mean that I hated this almond butter? No, it doesn't. Thankfully I already knew going into this review that a nut ground into butter is re-imagined. I have a family full of people who will not eat nuts at all, except as butter. So it stands to reason that the flavour changes somewhat with the texture too. This was true of almond butter.
The jar is small, much like the cashew butter jar. The price was higher, but then again that was to be expected as the price point for almonds in general is a bit higher than peanuts. I have also seen this jar in Countdown for around $11. I'm not sure if that was a special at the time, but either way I'd be okay with paying it.
The first thing I did with the almond butter was open the jar, and dig into it with a spoon. It wasn't very experimental, but I needed to know if I would like it. The almond butter was runny like honey, and the taste was amazing. It had a complexity and sweetness that almonds themselves lack, until they are ground up into a butter. If I am honest here, I would say that I ate more than one spoonful at that point!
I tried some on toast and shared it with my kids. The older one wasn't sold, but she is a peanut butter girl through and through. The youngest daughter thought it was nice and asked for some more. I have added some of the almond butter to our meals in the last week. It's added another level of flavour to the meals and did stand out for me.
It's amazing to think that here is a product that I wouldn't have thought would be for me initially. However, now the jar is almost empty because it was so much better than I expected. I am looking to replace it in my pantry soon.
I did what everyone does when first trying a product like this. I tasted it on its own and then tried it on toast and also on a fresh bread roll. The first impressions were that this was a spread which was a cross between a smooth peanut butter and tahini. But there was a different aftertaste, almost reminiscent of a sweet chestnut puree - VERY nice!
However, once I had tried it the conventional way, I wanted to try it out in a main meal. I chose a satay style sauce with coconut cream, garlic and asafoetida, and added quarter of a jar of almond butter. It blended easily; there were no lumpy bits at all, which was not my experience when I made this recipe at other times with peanut butter. The main meal ingredients were chicken and mushroom, and it was served on a bed of fine noodles and chopped silverbeet. The end result was most pleasant, similar to the peanut based satay but with a more delicate flavour.
I tried it myself first and then used the remainder of the jar to replicate the meal for three guests. I made the sauce first and then took some out so Mr Vegetarian did not have to be confronted by the chicken: his was cooked separately with some canned butter beans replacing the chicken. In other respects his meal was identical. I was interested in their reactions. They all enjoyed the meal; I had told them it was almond rather than peanut butter, but they were receptive to new combinations. Mr Vegetarian liked it; he said it was a lot smoother than satay made with peanuts. The other two said they could not really tell the difference although they did enjoy it. I guess there is no accounting for tastes!
There was a small amount left in the jar so I used it up on crackers with chopped green olives on top. These were served with coffee after the satay meal in place of dessert, and were enjoyed by three of us. The fourth person said she thought the olives did not really go with the butter. However, it was three against one and I guess you can't win them all!
I work with someone who is quite into healthy eating and preservative free products, who also happens to swear by Pic's Almond Butter and usually has a jar of this at work for her lunches. I was always intrigued by the idea of a nut spread being made from almonds rather than peanuts, but then I guess when I stopped to think about it there are so many products out there these days that are made from almonds such as milk, cheese and essences. Being huge fans of Pic's Peanut Butter in our house I was excited to try the almond butter out.
Unfortunately the first thing I noticed about this jar of Almond Butter was the size of it in comparison to that of Pic's peanut butter, it was considerably smaller in size, meaning that it more than likely wouldn't last very long in my house which is a shame. However I do appreciate with so many allergies in the world these days, many of them with people being allergic to peanuts I do think it is great that there is a alternative product to peanut butter available to them, and in comparison to the price of other allergy friendly foods on the market the price is pretty much in line with these, I just personally wouldn't pay the price for this as I know I could get a fantastic peanut butter by Pic's for a fraction of the price.
Reading the label I saw that the product contents only 100% almonds, this is fantastic as you know exactly what is in the jar, no hidden numbers, additives or preservatives, all natural! I opened up the jar for a taste and found that there was a layer of oil on the surface caused by separation, but with a quick mix of the contents this problem was solved. Smelling the contents I could certainly smell that of almonds, and funnily enough I thought the spread smelt slightly sweet. The spread was quite light in colour and was lovely and creamy.
Trying this for the first time on a bagel I was impressed by the flavour, it definitely had a distinct almond taste to it which was very yummy, and so easy to spread, Miss 3 and my partner also really loved it and I could see why my work colleague was such a fan, when I told her I had tried it her reply was "I told you it was good". When I think of almonds I think of them going really well with chocolate probably due to having eaten so many Scorched Almonds in the past so I decided to try the spread out in some baking. First I made up some almond butter chocolate chip cookies, with the recipe only calling for 2 Tablespoons of nut butter I wasn't sure how strong the taste would be once cooked, however I could really taste it which I was happy about and it made the biscuits taste amazing, I had a friend stop round and she felt that using the Almond Butter in the cookies helped to make the texture soft and chewy. These didn't last long in my house as they were gobbled up within a couple of days!
With a small amount of almond butter left in the jar I decided to make up my own version of rice bubbles bars. I melted together the remaining Almond Butter with some white chocolate, marshmallows and a small knob of butter in the microwave and then added it to a bowl of rice bubbles before mixing through some chocolate chips and putting in the fridge to set. Once set I cut it up and had a try and the flavours were amazing, once again the Almond Butter could be tasted and made the slice totally delicious, I took some along to work to share and everybody loved it. My friend who buys the Pic's Almond Butter regularly picked up on the flavour straight away.
This is such a great versatile product which I can see many uses for in baking, main meals etc, however probably not something I would buy myself unless of course I found it on a great special. In saying that it is something I will recommend to my almond loving friends and to those who I know that are allergic to peanuts, another great product by Pic's.
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