Home > Categories > Kitchenware > Containers and Storage > Magic Lock Sliding Bag Sealers review
Revolutionary Sliding Seal that seals bags air and water tight in seconds.
Magic Lock's reusable sliding seals simply slide across any plastic or foil bag sealing them 100% air tight in seconds.
Simply fold the bag, place the guide under the fold and slide the sealer across, its that easy.
Great for frozen food, keeps breakfast cereal fresh, eliminates odours.
NOTE: As of September 2014, there is now a new range of four, colour-coded units.
Product reviews...
I found these were a bit boring when they arrived (looked like a bag of pens). Then I opened it and the devices looked quite robust. It did take me a few minutes to understand how they worked - ok I had to read the instructions! So first warning is don't throw out the packaging immediately.
Once I got the hang of how to attach them they are AMAZING. I loved the way that there are no gaps (like the clothes peg type. Also you can line up the packets in the cupboard or freezer. I did take a few attempts to get the right size for the right packet and if you haven't attached one for a week or so it takes a 30 second "how does this work again" session but I have to admit those sessions are getting shorter. I think for me they were not initially intuitive but they are so effective I stuck with them and have had to go out and buy more. Totally recommend for a safe easy way of resealing your packets that cannot be emptied into containers. I have to keep everything sealed in my pantry as we have had creatures in the past. Nothing since I got the magic sealers though. I totally recommend this product.
When I first received the Magic lock bag sealers I honestly wasn't sure of how to use them, I tried a lot of different techniques but nothing seemed right. I came across a youtube demonstration of them being used, I was amazed at how simple it was (and how I had not figured it out) and I have not looked back! We use them for everything: cereals, frozen vegetables, baking ingredients... They are so handy and the different sizes and colours just make them so useful, i'm not sure how we managed without them.
My pantry had an issue with silverfish, I was finding them in everything and I was wasting so much money replacing foods that I have had to replace after throwing almost full packets of food out because they had become contaminated by the nasty little creatures! After using the Magic Lock Bag sealers this problem has been completely eliminated!
I saw a stand at the Waikato Home Show where they were being demonstrated, I was with my sister and was excited to introduce the product to her, she was very impressed at how well they work, especially how they seal to become airtight, and how easy they are to use, she too was converted and bought herself a few packets. She is also very pleased with her purchase and glad that I showed the Magic Lock Bag Sealers to her.
I had won some of these a few months ago, and had put them away and forgotten about them as at the time I received them I had all of my bags sealed in some way or another, either in a container, snaplock bag or with a peg!
Cleaning out my kitchen the other day I stumbled back across these and it was perfect timing as I was needing something to seal some open packets of pasta and chips. Opening up the package of my Magic Lock bag sealers I noticed they came in 4 different sizes and that each of the sizes was a different colour. Being me I didn't look at the instructions of how to use them and set off on my own merry way trying to get them onto the packets, lets just say I was utterly confused and was not getting anywhere! I turned to the instructions for guidance and within no time at all I had worked out what to do. They were a bit fiddly to use at first, but once I got one of them onto my packet of pasta the rest were really easy to get on, in no time at all I had all my bags and packets all neatly sealed.
When it came to using the pasta that night I also found these easy to remove which was handy, I was a bit worried about how these would re-slide on again but I didn't seem to have any problems. Though I have only used these on plastic type packages I'm pretty sure they would work just as well on paper or cardboard. These have been really handy for helping to keep my pantry clean and tidy, I no longer have pasta falling over my shelves when I knock the packages or peas and corn tipping throughout my freezer!
Although these seem hard to use at first, they really are simple and do such a great job at keeping in odours and foods freshly sealed. I would definetely recommend buying these, I plan to buy some more myself!
I had seen these up for review and at first was not interested as I like the clips that I currently use. I was intrigued however and so was persuaded to give them a go. When I picked up the products I asked for a quick demonstration as I knew that the most common problem everyone was having with them was how to use them.
After the quick demonstration - that looked so easy - I was excited to get home and see how these would work in my pantry and my freezer. I have a real problem with my peas and corn going all over my freezer.
I tried them out on a few things in my pantry. At first I was having difficulty moving the rod along, however with a little bit of a wiggle and pushing the inner rod upwards the bags seemed to slide on a lot easier. I tried them with a variety of plastic bags as some are thicker than other and some a little more crinkly.
I moved on to my freezer where I knew it would be a bit more of a problem as a lot of the bags had been ripped open and also the plastic is not so smooth. After a bit of practice my freezer too was looking tidy and would not be plagued by the waste that I was getting by peas and corn falling throughout the freezer.
These magic locks are really good and I like the way that once on, the packaging sits flat which is very different to the ones I was using which bunches the packet. Although at first they took a while to get used to, my pantry and freezer look tidy - just need to make sure my 1 year old stays out of the pantry as he already knows how to get them off.
I think it is a great idea to be able to seal bags in the pantry, fridge or freezer. It saves the need for decanting goods into sealed containers or for food to go off. Recently we had an attack of weevils in our pantry and I think that we could have benefited from being a bit more careful with the storage of some of our food. I am assuming that because the Magic Lock products say that they give 100% seal, that we would have been protected from the weevils if we had used them (except of course from products that already had weevils in them at the time of purchase).
I was given one of these to try some time ago. Silly me, I thought I had the technique of how to use it and I had all but given up on it. It sat in the draw for some time. Now that I have been given a set of the Magic Locks to review, I decided that I needed to figure out what I was doing wrong. I had previously been told that they were easy to use, so they had to be. If only I had read the instructions the first time. They are so simple to use and so successful at doing the task. The instructions at the back of the packet are so SIMPLE and I would highly recommend that you take the 10 seconds required to read them, learn to use them properly and you wont be disappointed. I wish I had done that when I first tried one.
I tested it on a thin plastic bag (the type you put fruit in at the supermarket) and I found that it was too thin to slide the Magic Lock on. I then tested it on a thicker sandwich bag and it was very successful. It was easy to get the Magic Lock on and off again. In order to give them the ultimate test, I partly filled the sandwich bag with water and used the Magic Lock to seal the bag. I tipped it upside down and sure enough the contents didn't leak out. I was even able to squeeze the bag and not a drop of water came out. I would consider that that was the best way of confirming that they seal 100%.
The set of eight offers four different sizes and that means that you can choose the appropriate size for the bag you wish to seal. We took the pack away to for the weekend to the beach and found that they were great for carrying opened goods home without them spilling everywhere.
Now that I have a small collection of the Magic Locks, and I know how easy they are to use, I will be using them to protect all my opened packets in the pantry. I believe that I will most likely need to get some more as well in order to make sure I can seal everything up! What a fantastic, simple product.
I was super excited to be accepted to review some magic lock sliding bag sealers. I am often searching for something to reseal bags with, or regularly cleaning out the pantry because once again the sugar, rice, cornflakes or coffee bags have fallen over and spilled contents everywhere. The same can be said for my freezer, as yet another bag of frozen veges has spilled veges everywhere. It has been the bane of my existance sincd I first moved out of home.
When my parcel arrived I was pleasantly surprised to see that we receive a double or triple amount of bag sealers than what we would get if purchasing. This was really exciting to me and reminded me why I love being a member of KIWIreviews. I will be first to admit that without instructions in the bag (because it is review stock), I was a little confused as to how to use them and being the stubborn person I am, I was determined to figure it out without any help. It didn't happen lol and I admit I had to turn to KIWIreviews for guidance. Another reason being a member is so awesome.
After watching the video, I had a wee giggle at myself for not figuring them out alone. It really is a pretty simple concept. Fold the open bag over and slide the magic seal between folds and just like that ths bag is resealed. I love them. I admit some bags are a lot easier than others to reseal and I have struggled to get the magic sealers to slide easily and reseal a couple of bags (cereal can be a hard one). But with a little time and perseverance, it can be done.
Magic sealers are super durable, I was pleasantly surprised at just how tough they are, and I firmly believe you would be hard pressed to actually break them. They come in a variety of colours and sizes, and can be used to seal pretty much any bag, even frozens! Which pleased me immensely. Such a simple invention but one that I can't be without now. And I most definitely need to purchase more. They are simple excellent. Oh and yes they do reseal the bag as though it was manufacture sealed so you can fill a bag with water, seal, and you will not lose a single drop. Simple ingenious and two thumbs up from me.
I was actually around at a friends for lunch and a catch up. After giving the kids some snacks including chips she pulled one of these out of her drawer and in two seconds it was sealed and placed back in the pantry. I asked her about them and she said they 'were a godsend' and had been using them for everything. That night I was reading a review up for KIWIreviews and noticed they were up for review so quickly requested.
Sad to say when I first received could not figure out how to use. So jumped on KR to read past comments and found the video - could not beleive how simple it was. The next day I had to do some baking and when I had a brand new packet of Icing Sugar my first thought was 'yay lets play with this magic sealers and see how great they really are'.
Was so easy to apply within a couple of seconds I had the hook under the bag and had sealed it. Being rather sceptical I tipped it upside down over the sink prepared for the mess that would follow but nothing. I pulled out a bag of chips and opened just so I could seal and then I trialed the flour - so simple and all worked perfectly.
The great thing about this product is yes they come in pretty colours but also different sizing so you don't need to use a massive one on a small bag. So easy and so effective. Like the video explains put the hook under the folded bag and then pull across and hey presto its done.
I have used on various items and the only failure I have had so far was a packet of buns from the supermarket. The plastic was all cinkly and try as I might I could not pull across. I did everything and tried to refold but just would not work. So I think you need to have good working bags with thick plastic in order for it to work on all packaging.
I love that I no longer have to use rubber bands so no more sore fingers when they break or pegs on my Cornflakes. A really easy effective little tool. Recommend to everyone who hates having empty packages in there pantry.
When these came out for review I watched the video and thought how easy those looked I must try them. I eat half a bag of chips, roll it up and put it in the cupboard for a while, when I go back they are gross. So getting to try these was a blessing to be honest and hopefully would save a lot of food going into the rubbish all the time.
When they arrived I loved the colours and kinda freaked out there was nothing to remove or pull apart and I tried really hard to use them, I had to go back to watch the video and carefully watch how it was done. It made sense after that so gave it another go and got it. First was the sugar I tried I brought a bigger bag than normal just to try them out. I normally buy a small bag so it all fits in my container and not tip in my cupboard. The magic lock is amazing it took me 4 goes to get it right and then I was away taking it off and trying again. Now the bag of sugar wont spill over in my cupboard.
Used marshmallows and pebbles for a slice and didn't use it all so used the magic clips again, but this time the marshmallows I ripped too far so had to try really hard, the packet is more slippery and I found the magic locks harder to put onto this packet but I got it on an angle along with the mixed veges on an angle. The pebbles was nice and easy and slid on easy and I liked that.
I think with more practice ill get faster and better at it. I love there are 4 different sizes and colours. They are the best ever, I can't wait to use them on my chips next time I have a packet. I would recommend them to anyone that has a lot of open packets as they work in the cupboard and freezer. The price for one packet of $12.50 I would be happy to pay to get more as I need more, or a 3 packs for $25. They are handy to have around
I was lucky enough to win some of these, but didn't understand them very well. so did some research and asked around about them. After learning more, I think I am blessed to have these, because I found them to be the very thing I needed. My hands are not as good as they used to be, and I have very weak grip strength now days. I also feel the cold in my hands badly because of arthritis in the knuckles and RSI in my wrists from too many years working as a welder.
I found these didn't get cold and stiff like pegs do, and they sealed the entire width of bags which stopped frost forming inside the bags. Watching the video above helped me a lot to understand how to use them to best effect. I did find that if I slide them from the wrong side of the bag, sometimes the little yellow keel would get caught under the flag on the back of the bag. But it was very easy to fix that problem - fold the bag top towards me instead. That held the flap down flat against the fold and put it on top, where the keel couldn't get caught by it.
Even with my rubbish grip, I found them so easy to slide on and off the bags. A close friend popped over the other night and saw me putting one back on a bag. She said she had seen them in the shops, but couldn't figure them out. She was so stunned at how easy they were to use, and asked me if I would consider giving some to her, now that she saw how to work them properly. I think I may have upset her a little by saying that I loved them, and there was little chance of me willingly giving them up. I need to make sure I don't leave her alone in my kitchen from now on, I think. She got that look in her eye that usually means she's plotting something.
I brought these on a whim as they had them on special at our supermarket one day, and to be honest I had them sitting in my draw for about three months before I couldn't find something anything to seal a bag up I had opened that needed to be resealed, so I pulled them out and thought ok you better work or your in deep trouble with your youngest child.
I pulled them out read the instructions and then went ahead and used it, was a bit fiddle to start with, but once you get them figured out and which way to line them up yes do not do a me and push it on to then have the middle flap fold back and stop them sliding on oops, since I started using them about six months ago we now use them a lot, to seal our open chip bags, and our tortilla wraps which we have found stay fresher when kept in the bag you buy them in, easy to get undone that our children who are five and seven can take them off our oldest can even put them on now.
I was unsure they would work, but now I am after more. I use a small one to seal off the cheese that once open gets put into a bag and then I use these, so much cheaper than a zip lock bag :) when u can use a freezer bag and then one of these :) also found them handy for those just opened but need to seal this before I do anything or even before I find something to store you in. I even have them in my horse supplement box keeping the horse supplements nice and sealed from dampness.
So easy to use, recommend to anyone and everyone. Young, Old big fingers small fingers so far I haven;t found someone who hasn't been able to use them. My dad has big fingers and even he can use them :)
I got some these at a home show. They have been awesome, i really like them, i use them all the time. I find it has saved me food and money as bags don't leak out now, and things like potato chips stay fresher for longer as no air gets in. I have had them for some time and not one has broken.
The only down side of them is sometimes if you have used them on the same packet, and on the same side a few times it can be hard to put them on again. so sometimes i just pull it over enough to let the product out, Or i just turn the packet around or do it in a different stop. Its not a big deal at all. Not the products fault, its the packaging that's the problem.
Would i buy them again? Yes i would. They are just so handy. Would i give them as a gift? Yes, i would. If i got them at a good price.
First impressions: "You have got to be kidding me... these can't be THAT effective and easy, or someone would have invented them decades ago, surely..."
Well, after having a try of them at home, I have come to the conclusion that these could only be made easier and more effective if they leapt out of the drawer and slid themselves onto the bags on demand... they really are so simple and easy to use, you just won't believe it.
Effectiveness? Well, upon advice from the demonstrator who was showing them off at the show I found them at, I took a plastic bag and blew it full of air, then slipped one of these on and gave the bag a squeeze... not a peep of air escaping! So I thought I would really put it to the test...
Take one ziplock plastic bag. Insert a generous portion of baking soda, and very quickly drop in a portion of vinegar and slide on a Magic Lock seal... drop into the empty sink and cover with the heavy wooden choppingboard... wait... After half an hour I felt it safe to take a peek, but wasn't all that brave, so I borrowed my son's toy periscope.
A quick glance told me all I needed to know. The bag was fully filled with gas and foamy goo, stretching almost to bursting point... and the lock was holding! However, I overestimated the bag a bit, because I stupidly picked it up and gave it a gentle squeeze, only to watch in stunned horror as the side-seam of the bag gave way with a -pop- and covered my front in foam.
Overall, these things are scary... they are so simple to use, and yet so amazingly effective! If you are one of these people who, like me, end up using more of your clothespegs for bags instead of laundry, you should have a half a dozen packets of these shipped to you right away! You'll never regret the purchase.
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