Home > Categories > Food > Snack Foods > Loaf Mini-Bites - Rocky Road Bites review
Perfectly toasted nuts, soft marshmallows, chewy fruit jubes and loads of chocolate.
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I saw a line in a movie that says all you need to know about these. "Awwww, so good bro!" Sums it up for me, but here's why. It's stuffed full of big fluffy marshmallows that stop it from being so heavy. It has real nuts in it so with the jelly lollies and marshmallow it's got a good range of hard,, medium and soft fillings that make it not only tasty to eat but also interesting. And the chcocolate is just so incredible tasting.
I was a bit stupid eh, and opened the bag at work during smoko. I find that I get a bit run down and a small chcocolate bar helps me get over that hump and finish the day with some juice still in the tank if you know what I mean. I thought these might be a better option for me because the nuts are better for me than caramel goo filling, which is my normal go-to choco treat. A couple of the lads got sniffing at the bag, and next thing I know they are telling me these are so tasty. I was all like what the... sod off you bludgers. Too late, most of the bag was gone. Just one piece left in the bottom.
Grabbed another bag on the way home so I could finish the review. Thought about them all the way home and thought I would try something, so got home and stashed the bag in the freezer until the next night. Got home, pulled them out - frozen solid. Just the way I wanted them, so I could smash them up into smaller bits and mix them with vanilla ice cream. So much awesome in a bowl should be illegal. Definately doing that again when the missus gets home.
The only issue with these I have is that I should have done the review a lot sooner so I could have been enjoying these all this time.
I was lucky enough to be chosen to review these yummy loaf bites. This time around it was the rocky road ones. I was surprised at the weight of the package to start with and when I opened it I was amazed at the large blocks of rocky road in there. I took out a piece and I would say it must have been at least 3-4cms in size which to me is a huge size especially when they are regarded as being "bites". Maybe a smaller size would have been good but, then it may make me want to eat more as they would be small and moreish!
This didn't deter me as I have a sweet tooth and couldn't wait to bite into it. I noticed that in this piece I could see lots of goodies and it was a real range from red jellies, to a nut and marshmallows. I picked up another piece from the bag and it was good to see that this to had a good mixture of jellies, nuts and marshmallows. I decided to take a bite and my gosh it was amazing! The chocolate that was in the rocky road wasn't too sweet, but it was sweet enough that I couldn't devour more than one or two pieces.
It was melt in the mouth yummy. I loved the different textures from the smoothness of the chocolate, to the sticky jelly pieces to the hard nuts and soft marshmallows these all felt amazing on my palate. I think these would be great for a every now and then treat to pop in my desk drawer or to take away on a trip out with friends, or maybe even on a tramping trip!!
What perfectly shaped, perfect sized pieces of scrumptious morsels for your mouth! Straight away you are hit with a mouthful of jubes and nuts...delish!! So many different flavours fighting your tastebuds to be number 1, yet working together to bring something yummy to your tummy! The chocolate coating was devine, top class chocolate and didn't leave a coating in your mouth like some chocolates can. The jubes, marshmallow and nuts were a good variety in each piece; no piece was overloaded with just one kind of extra.
What I love about these are the size of the pieces (although inconsistent sizes), perfect to take and share with others at a BBQ or party, with a bit more than a single bite. Although only about half a dozen pieces per pack, that amount is perfect for a family but would need a couple of packs for proper sharing...but who would want to share with these yummy bites! The bites weren't hard either, so all sorts of teeth are able to bite into these and enjoy (teeth and false teeth alike!)
At around $3 for a pack, that is very decent when you consider a standard chocolate bar without all the extras is $1-$2 and is nothing like this jam-packed packet. The packaging is very appealing also. We had noticed it on the shelves before as the black and white packet with a pop of pink really stuck out to us. We will be having these in the future and will be choosing some different flavours to try also.
I have tried a couple of Loaf products in the past but hadn't tried the rocky road as I could never seem to find it in my local supermarket. When I saw them up for review I was very keen to give them a try, rocky road has always been one of my favourite flavours. The fact they were gluten free and a family member has recently had to go gluten free was a bonus too. I figured they would be the perfect treat to have in the house when she visited.
As soon as I opened my review parcel I had to rip the packet open to try. As the parcel arrived when I was out and it was a hot day the bites were slightly softer than they should be but it didn't affect the taste at all! The first bite and I was in heaven the blend of chocolate, nuts and lollies was just right. The portion size was just right as well just big enough to satisfy a sweet tooth. I quickly had to go and put them in the fridge so I didn't eat the whole lot then and there.
I had plans of keeping the rest until my sister visited the next day so she could try a new gluten free treat but the bag slowly disappeared over the course of the day (my husband was lucky I at least let him try one). Luckily I discovered the local countdown now had the whole range in stock so I brought more to share with my sister. It's safe to say they were a hit in the household and will be brought again.
I couldn't wait to request Rocky Road Loaf bites to review, because it combined three of my favourite things; chocolate, nuts and lollies, YUM! When they arrived to review I must admit I couldn't wait to taste them, so I tore open the pack and took a bite out even before I even took the review photo!
What struck me first was the sheer size of the 'bite', it was a good 3cm square and absolutely jam packed of rocky road goodness! My first piece had a red jube, a large brazil nut and marshmallow, mixed with the most divine ganache-style chocolate that I had ever tasted, it was smooth, creamy and melted in your mouth with just the right amount of cocoa flavouring. I have to admit I did not share the packet with my family...oops...they were just too yummy!
I think there was roughly six bites in total in the packet which to some might seem not a lot, but they were large bites which could probably could not of been cut any smaller due to the sheer size of the jubes, nuts etc without them becoming broken or crumbled in the packet. I would say these bites will be popular with all rocky road lovers and a great gift to give friends or family who enjoy a decadent sweet treat and the extra bonus is that they are gluten free.
While at the supermarket this evening I spotted the Loaf Rocky Road Bites on the shelf down the biscuit isle while I was trying to decide what to buy, they were on sale for $2.49 so I couldn't help but pick up a bag of them (and a bag of the brownie bites) and put them into my trolley after reading all of the great reviews they had been getting, and after enjoying the caramel slice which is part of the Loaf myself.
After dinner both myself and Miss 3 had a piece of the rocky road each (these worked wonders for getting all of the meat and vegetables eaten off her plate lol). Miss 3 was super excited when I handed her a piece, and seemed very intrigued by the way it looked examining it closely in her hands, she was jumping up and down when she saw a whole pink marshmallow and a whole yellow jube lolly in it, however was not so excited by the brazil nut she came across which she demanded I take out for her, her verdict "delicious I love pink marshmallows, there the best in the world".
Upon trying my piece of the rocky road I must say I was most impressed by the equal amounts of brazil nuts, jubes and marshmallows that were buried amongst the yummy chocolate, and the fact that these tasted to be of high quality and in big enough chunks so that you could really taste all of the flavours in each mouthful. The chocolate was a lot softer than what I am used to in a rocky road, but it was nice I must admit and much easier to bite into.
There were about 7 pieces of rocky road in the packet, all of quite an even size which was good to see, and they certainly seemed to have that homemade appeal to them as they were not cut into picture perfect pieces. For $2.49 these were well worth trying,and even at the usual price of $3.00 they are stil worth buying, something I'll definitely consider buying again in the future.
I have full dentures top and bottom, but I have been undergoing a lot of surgery lately for bowel cancer and have lost a lot of weight. It has also caused my gums to shrink making my dentures loose. While I wait for new ones to be made, I have resigned myself to soft, gumable foods. I think I made a mistake requesting these.
The chocolate was pretty good. Soft but not sticky, sweet but not too much. Marshmallows are great, gummy jelly lollies were workable, but I could do nothing to help me eat the nuts so they had to be put aside and thrown out, which is a shame as they are very good, expensive Brazil nuts. I wish I had my new dentures already, then I could have had the full flavour of these delightful little delicacies.
I was lucky that this time none of the whanau across the street saw the courier arrive, because with the passing of my co-conspirator neighbour, I have to have the parcels delivered to me again. So I had the chance to check these out all by myself for a change. But once I had done so, I made sure to leave a couple for my favourite mokopuna. Their opinions were a match for mine, except they also enjoy the crunchiness of the nuts in there as well. We all agreed they were delightful.
At the regular price of $3 a bag, these are a little pricier than I would like, but they are top quality and good quality demands a good price, so I would be happy to say they are fairly ticketed. My mokopuna were able to find some bites that only had small pieces of nuts in them, which would be less of a waste for me to eat, so I may just have to be naughty and treat myself to a bag or two next week so I can take them to the Bridge Club for sharing. Sure to please even the grumpiest players.
When Rocky Road was first invented angels sung from heaven as this is indeed the food of the gods. Having jubes, marshmallow, nuts and chocolate together in one delicious slice is a truely genius invention. They look crazy but they taste fantastic. Especially when it has lots of jubes as well as soft floating marshmallows. In saying that I found the Loaf Rocky Road was lacking in the jubes. My first piece only had nuts and marshmallows and my next piece had a very small red piece in it.
I have been saving this for a special occasion and since it was just my baby and me home for the day we decided to open it and treat ourselves so did not have to share with everyone else. When she saw the packet her eyes just about came out of her head and she asked for one with lollies in it. After taking about twenty minutes just to eat the one little slice she was given her comments where 'I only had one lolly in mine and I need more'. I tend to agree completely.
The packet is very eye catching and definitely one I will be looking for in the supermarket. I don't think I could eat the whole packet on my own which is probably a good thing as I found the chocolate to be rather strong. I liked how it has a 'tear here' area so the packet is very easy to open. I did find the chocolate went all over my fingers so recommend putting it in the fridge before opening.
Where as I did enjoy them I find there is not enough in the packet and was hoping for at least a dozen of these little bites instead of just six. But in saying that the price is really good. Hopefully the last three sitting in the bag have more jubes in them.
Rocky road is one of those "flavours" that I enjoy in many forms. I love it in chocolate bars, I love it in ice creams. But one of the forms that I generally enjoy less, is the actual rocky road slice. Generally due to the sweetness and sugar overload. These bites are very similar to the rocky road slice, but are also quite different. These bites have a much lighter texture compared to general slices. It lacks the usual biscuity layer, instead consisting of the sweet components (marshmellows, jubes, fruit pieces, etc) lightly joined together with a thin layer of chocolate. The bites almost feel fragile, like it will disintegrate when bitten into. But surprisingly it held together well.
The flavours felt stronger than most rocky road items, and yet it was still not as overpowering as expected. Not expected, but it was pleasurable. The flavour felt far more natural and less processed. I was quite surprised at the differing types of ingredients that were involved, and gave the product a very unique taste.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the product, I couldn't help but wish there was more of it. I found it to be reasonable value for money. Still more of a luxury item than something that I would purchase many times.
I am a huge, HUGE, rocky road fan. So when I saw there was still the opportunity available for a chance to review, I applied quick smart, and was super excited when my parcel arrived and contained a packet of these. I wanted to tear open the packet straight away, however, I also have children, and the packages are only a small one, so feared if I did so, they would grab it all and I may miss the opportunity to even try.
These are not a large bag of mini bites, so if you do try them, they really are only suited for one or two people. The pieces are also, as the name suggests: mini bites! They are not all of equal sizing either, so you may just get a bite size piece, or if you are lucky you will get a piece that is 2-3 bites. I got both, because I opened them late at night when the children were in bed, and I did not have to share.
This honestly has to be one of the nicest rocky roads I have tried. Not overloaded with nuts, which suits me, as some I have found have to many nuts, and not enough marshmallow, or jubes, and even less chocolate. I also noticed that it seemed like there was two different things going on with the chocolate. One was a harder chocolate, and the other, a soft, melt in your mouth, simply heavenly chocolate. I really liked the latter.
The packaging is easy to open, and inviting. As stated the contents are seriously yum. I would buy a couple bags of these to plate up and take to a dinner party, birthday party, or even a bbq. And with a rrp of around $3 a bag, they seriously will not break the bank. I was dissapointed when suddenly the bag was empty. Definitely a very yummy treat, and one that I will definitely purchase again, and again.
Rocky Road, one of my childhood favourites that was the holy grail of treats - especially when mum made it for us. Needless to say I was excited when my Loaf products arrived at my doorstep - as a keen sweet tooth, this is a great privilege to review Loaf products! Value for money is average to great, these are currently $2.49 on special at New World for 120g cut into 6 pieces of indulgent Rocky Road. Extra kudos from my end as these bites are gluten free! The portion sizes are near perfect and allow a decent 'bite' size.
As far as Rocky Road goes, these bites are great. They are not too sweet when eaten in moderation, however still decadent. The texture I found is a little different to the norm as it is a softer chocolate, and the main additive is marshmallow - however this makes the bites a lot easier to eat. The nut content in the pieces I tried was not too high which is great from my point of view. The fruit lollies were a nice touch and not too hard, completing the overall softer texture of these bites (compared with other Rocky Road products).
For personal choice I can say I will be buying these in future, they offer a great gluten free treat that is made here in New Zealand, and in near perfect portion sizes at 6 to a packet. These Rocky Road Bites will be great to stash in the drawer at the office, not to mention in the car for road trips - although I do recommend keeping a packet of wet wipes in the car to clean up chocolate covered fingers
I love rocky road it always brings back memories from when I was younger as it was something my grandma would always make for parties and special occasions. When this arrived I was so excited and eager to try some and so were my other family members this meant I only got one piece to try which was an absolute tragedy as it was just too good to only have one piece. So to avert tragedy I had to make a mad dash to countdown tonight to buy another bag (its for review testing purposes so diets don't count right?).
This has to be one of the best rocky roads I have had in a long time so I was very impressed such a treat for the family. There is the perfect balance of chocolate and marshmallow, fruit jubes and nuts and such a decadent mix. I loved that there were brazil nuts as these are my all time favourite nuts so I was impressed that they were included. There are also little pieces of small chopped nuts which add a nice texture with the soft smooth chocolate.
I refrigerated the bag when it arrived and the chocolate still had a soft texture when eating so it sort of melted in the mouth. I liked this as some rocky road once refrigerated will be quite hard to eat with the hardened chocolate. It is definitely a very moreish little morsel with bite size portions you can't help but have another. I think I will definitely buy these again as at the $3 price tag it actually works out much cheaper than it would be to make it at home.
I thought the $3 price tag was such a great price making these good value for money. If I was to go out to the supermarket and think of a treat for us to have after dinner these would be a good choice as they are a reasonable price on a par or cheaper than a family size chocolate block. So that makes these something I would happily buy for a treat for the family.
Rocky road is one of my favourite ice-creams, but I'm not too sure how it went with these bites. The first few bites I tried were okay, but after a while it got a bit over-sweet. Also, the texture was a bit weird, because of the marshmallows I was afraid that if I had to pry one bit off another then both of them would fall apart. These bites were not off to a very good start, but it could have been worse.
I think that there were some interesting ingredients in the mix, there was a good variety, and respectively the ingredients tasted nice, but together I would call it a successful combo. The chocolate was the best part, although if there's one thing about chocolate finger food, it's that it keeps melting, and then it gets all over my fingers and ends up making a mess. The marshmallows and jubes were nice, they are both things I love, and they did add a nice flavour. The nuts were probably the one ingredient I was least happy to find in here, the just added a flavour that did not work well with the rest for some reason.
The overall flavour wasn't that bad, but it was different to what I had expected, and in in terms of visual appeal, I have to say that it looked a little bit like something a kid made at kindergarten. I would completely sell this product short, though, I just don't have the kind of tastes that work well with this kind of product, but I would still recommend it to others, but with the warning that it is quite over-sweet. So, that about sums up my opinion on this product, and I hope that you may enjoy it more than I did.
Oh these are so decadent, in the best way possible. As a kid, Rocky Road Slice was the ultimate in bribery treats - I would get a small piece if I behaved myself when my parents were entertaining friends and that was enough incentive to ensure I was on my best behaviour. Nowadays, many a year later, I still have a soft spot for this fine example of sugar in it's many varied forms - marshmallows, jellies, candied fruits and chocolate.
I found the individual 'bites' to be much bigger than other 'bites' in the range, probably due to the lighter weight and greater volume of the marshmallows. I'm not going to complain because instead of being two nibbles per bite, I could easily stretch and get four nibbles, prolonging the delight. I was also impressed to see Brazil nuts in the ingredient list and indeed in every second or third nibble too. I swear I got a piece of candied ginger, but alas there is no sign of it in the ingredient list so I must have been fooling myself.
Overall, this is my second favourite from the range, mostly because of the variety of flavours in every bite. I am not a huge fan of chocolate melting onto my fingers - something I found with these - but they are so tasty, they make it well worth the effort to overlook that minor annoyance. I have already recommended these to friends and family, and plan to keep a couple of bags in the fridge to share with my kids when they visit.
Up to now I have found the average rocky road bar to be far too sweet - I have never been able to finish a whole one on my own. For this reason, I was hesitant about trying this variety. The smaller sized pieces were not as daunting as a big bar might have been, so I took the plunge and accepted the challenge of eating an entire piece. And I did! That left five pieces to share so I could get others' opinions.
It was great to find that the contents were nowhere near as rich or as sweet as other bars I have tasted. The filling was generous so there was not too much chocolate. This has been a problem with other rocky road brands I have tried, and the chocolate that WAS there had a strong, slightly bitter tang. This was further enhanced by the peppery aftertaste of some of the glace cherries. All of this helped to temper the richness of the rest of the ingredients.
The filling was cleverly crafted to look like crystallised fruit. In fact, apart from the cherries, it was a mixture of brightly coloured fruit jubes intermixed with marshmallows and nuts. The combination gave it the appearance of a rich and very fruity Christmas cake. The marshmallow provided a good contrast in texture because it was very light and fluffy. The whole product had an authentically home-made look as the servings were differently sized and pieces of Brazil nut protruded in random places.
As a healthy product it would probably not pass muster since it is very high in sugar, but as a treat for special occasions it is a winner with its added visual appeal. All my tasters (ranging in age from four to 71) enjoyed it and were disappointed that they actually had to share. The older ones agreed that it was not something they would eat every day, but they would enjoy one (or two!) pieces as part of a special event or holiday celebration.
My youngest taster, Miss Four, said she liked it because the chocolate melted on her fingers and she then got to lick them until there were no traces left. She also liked picking out the nuts and sucking them clean so she could then eat them separately. There is no accounting for tastes!
To say my family were happy when I bought home a selection of Loaf bites was an understatement. It was very good bribery to get them to tidy up. The rocky road bites were voted as the packet we would open on the first night. My husband, Miss 7.5 Miss 6 and I all loved it. The only problem was there were only 6 bites in the packet so as the reviewer I got to eat the extras. It wasn't a popular decision but I did point out that I was the one that had been selected to review these.
Unfortunately it was a warm summer evening. I had briefly put them in the fridge but should have stored them in the fridge the whole time to keep them in top condition. I will remember that for next time. No one else commented on it but they were too busy eating to really study what the bites looked like. I got a very pleasant surprise to find whole Brazil nuts in mine. Looking at the list of ingredients there are more Brazil nuts than almonds or peanuts. This goes to show it isn't made with cheap ingredients. The jelly jubes were sweet and added good colour along with the marshmallows. The chocolate was not too thick and the perfect finish to the bite.
I have since looked for these in our local supermarket a couple of times and found these were out of stock so instead I bought another of the Loaf bite varieties which we hadn't yet tried. Once we had tried the gooey caramel, rocky road and brownie bites I asked my family which they liked the best and Miss 7.5 told me the rocky road was her favourite. My husband couldn't choose a favourite. Miss 6 thought for a while and although she told me another variety was top she requested I buy them all again.
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"The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds."
Mark Twain (1835-1910)