Home > Categories > Food > Meat and Poultry > LASCo Salami review
The Range:
• 200gm rolls
• 150gm sliced packs
• Full rolls (approximately 660 - 700gms)
• 3 flavour packs (Garlic/Pepperoni/Italian) (Kaitaia Fire/Pepperoni/Italian)
Shelf Life & Storage:
• In-depth testing has been carried out by the Cawthron Institute in Nelson with outstanding results.
• Un-opened, your salami has a 12 week shelf life from time of manufacture. Please ensure you check the use by date on the back label.
• Once opened consume the product within 5-7 days (our salami will last for a considerably longer period if stored correctly). Once opened, remove plastic packaging, cover with a paper towel and refrigerate or leave in pantry to age.
• If you choose to age your salami a white powder may develop on the casing, this is a natural occurrence; all quality salami should have this. It is harmless simply wipe off.
• Do not store your salami in an airtight container or wrap in Plastic Food Wrap - salami needs to breathe!
Product reviews...
My husband and I both love salami so we were thrilled when we found out that we'd be getting a pack of the LASCo salami to try. When it arrived I was very happy to see it was the Garlic/Pepperoni/Italian pack and immediately started thinking of ways to use it.
In the end, it was during a night that my husband was out late and I was searching for something to eat for dinner with the kids that I stumbled across the salami in the fridge and thought "perfect". I grabbed some wraps out of the pantry, some lettuce, carrots, cheese and the salami and quickly threw together some delicious wraps for dinner, using the Garlic and Italian flavours. They were some of the best wraps I have ever made, it's such a shame that my husband wasn't here to witness and try them. Even my 3 year old daughter, who is going through a very fussy stage, wanted more.
The next morning I was still thinking about how good the salami was and decided to add it into our scrambled eggs for breakfast so my husband would actually get a chance to try it before I ate the lot. We chopped up the Pepperoni flavour as that was all we had left and mixed it into our egg mixture. Once cooked, we served it up on toast and devoured it, I say devoured because it went really really fast and no one had any left on their plate. It's safe to say it was a huge hit!
The LASCo salami with 3 varieties in one packet is such a great idea! All three varieties that I tried have such different flavours so you can tell which one you are eating without guessing from the packet label. It would be perfect on a cheese platter to provide completely different flavours with crackers... Actually, I think I might have to go find a packet and invite some friends over just so I can create a cheese board and try it.
When I saw this come out for review I thought this would make a great addition to Friday night dinners, with our crackers and cheese, well it didn't make it that far. The directions on the packet were great eat within 5-7 days sadly I didn't read the bit about don't store in a airtight container so kinda lost some of it, lucky enough I got to eat most of it beforehand. So note to myself and all don't put in a airtight container and take out of the plastic.
There are two flavour packs both with 2 of the same flavours and a different one each (Garlic/Pepperoni/Italian) (Kaitaia Fire/Pepperoni/Italian) we got to try the (Kaitaia Fire/Pepperoni/Italian) one, now I'm not a person for hot foods well too hot anyway, but thought we would give it a go anyway since hubby likes things a little hot and spicy. I decided to make a Mac and Cheese and thought we would put Kaitaia fire into it, to spice things up a little I'm so glad I checked this with my 4 year old son first and of course myself. Cutting it in half and gave to my 4 year old to try he starts off taking a bite then "mmm yum, o yuck HOT MUM HOT" so spat it out, so I thought I better try to of course before it goes in the food. OUCH yup bit hot for me so we used the pepperoni one in the mac and cheese. It still gave a little kick but not a lot and it was a decent taste, and smelt really good too.
Italian was good on crackers and gave a nice taste to cheese and crackers at home, I enjoyed this one very much. didn't try it in much else as I was planning pizza but didn't get that far with the whole airtight container issue. Hubby came back from his trip and found the salami in the fridge and I caught him eating it as it. All the Kaitaia fire went into his belly. He said he liked it and it had a bit of a kick to it, so I guess we can say that was a success for him.
Would buy this again and for $6 it would a treat to buy as it would be gone so fast. Its so good in different meals or eating on its own. next time it wont be stored in a airtight container cause well I have learnt that lesson pretty fast. But I would love to try the garlic one since I'm a fan of garlic
I used to buy salami regularly in our groceries and mainly used it as a sand which filler but since cutting back on our bread intake its been a long time since eating salami (I'm talking months, possibly a year). Needless to say when this pack of Salami arrived I was rather excited and opened it straight away to taste the different flavours. We had the Garlic/Pepperoni/Italian pack and I have to say I loved them all.
Once my husband was home I prepared us an afternoon snack of salami, cream cheese and either beetroot chutney or mango chutney on clix crackers. These were delicious and in the end I made a second batch which we enjoyed with a nice cold beverage after a hard days work. Based on this alone I would buy this salami again as the taste was great - strong enough that you could taste the individual flavours - my favourite was the garlic - but not too strong that it become over powering. Not only was the taste great but the texture was great too and wasn't as dry as a lot of salami I've tried before.
The next night I had my niece over for dinner as a tester - she is simply the fussiest 5year old I know and I knew trying this out on her would be a massive risk and great tester for this product. Her mum was certain she wouldn't eat it when I asked her about it - saying nope she wont touch salami - wont even try it when I buy it. I therefore opted for a VERY simple mac n cheese - literally pasta with cheese sauce and with salami mixed through and some grated cheese on the top (and a little salt n pepper). Well - talk about blow me away - she ate the entire container full - big brownie points for this aunty!!
The only slightly downer on this salami is that it really doesn't keep well in a container in the fridge (as per the instructions included) so please please DO follow instructions for best results!! My inner self just couldn't help it and I put the salami in a container as I have with others in the past - about 3-4days later it was green Luckily there was only a small amount left so it wasn't too great a failure. I love that these come in 3pack flavours and therefore are perfect for families and different taste buds. I would fully recommend these to others and will be keeping an eye out for them myself!
Both my husband and I love salami and often order a pepperoni pizza knowing the kids will not touch it because of the spicy circle meat on it. When I told my husband there was salami available to review with KIWIreviews he told me to get it. He has never been so passionate about anything I have been given to review previously. This such shows his love for salami. Neither of us had heard of LASCo before so it was another reason for us to try it.
I love the idea of the 3 flavour pack as it is a great way to provide variety on a cheeseboard as well as a great way to try flavours you are unsure about without a huge outlay. For this reason I wasn't fussed which of these packs I was given. I received the Kaitaia fire/pepperoni/Italian pack. I was unsure if the Kaitaia fire would be too strong for me but was pretty sure I would love the other two and my husband would love all three.
Since I opened the pack from the bottom the first one I tried was the Italian. I ate a slice myself straight and also gave one to each of my husband and daughters (5.5 and 4 years). Everyone enjoyed it. I used the rest of the Italian slices in simple quiche which I put in silicone muffin cases. These were a huge hit with both me and my eldest daughter. We also had some cold in lunchboxes the next day. They were delicious either hot or cold.
It turns out my girls love pepperoni after all (so now we will have to share the pizza) as they happily ate it with cheese in a toasted sandwich. I felt that although I could see the peppercorns it wasn't the overpowering flavour. It complemented the meat well. The Kaitaia fire was a hit with my husband but because he knew I was reviewing it he left most of it for me. I cautiously ate a slice making sure I was by myself in case I had to spit it out or make a painful facial expression but I really enjoyed it. As with many spicy foods the kick comes after you have finished eating it. I will confess to eating the rest of the Kaitaia slices in quick succession.
The only criticism was that the packaging doesn't have the storage suggestions that are written in the listing above. I didn't realise how to store it until I went to write this review, which is a couple of days after the salami was eaten. It was still delicious stored in an airtight container.
We are huge pizza eaters here and although I know we probably shouldnt we generally have pizza once a week as the kids love it and it is such an easy meal to cook after a long day at work. The only pizza my daughter will eat is plain salami and cheese as she is not big on lots of flavours so that has just the amount of flavour for her so we will always make a couple of pizzas one for the adults and one for the kids. That is where these three packs of salami were just so handy.
With the three different flavours we were able to make a mild Italian Salami pizza for our children using just the Italian salami and some cheese, and us adults had both the kaitaia fire and pepperoni with some bacon and barbeque sauce on ours. My daughter who is a complete and utter fuss pot loved the pizza commenting that the salami had gone nice and crispy like dominoes salami does but better tasting! That's always a bonus when your children are impressed.
I have to say we too were impressed with the flavour of the salami's. I myself was a little apprehensive of the kaitaia fire as I am not a big spice person but it was a great addition to the pizza. I had put it on in even quantities with the pepperoni so we got a blast of heat in one bite and a milder bite the next. It wasn't off putting or too much heat but was more than I am used to but I did love it. I would definitely buy it again as I really did enjoy the level of heat used in this way.
The thing I loved was that the salami was a great consistency, I find when buying salami from the deli at the supermarket it can be a little dry from being sliced and sitting there but as this is vacuum packed it retains that moisture so you get a very fresh slice of salami in each packet.
Back when I had teeth worthy of the title, salami was a favourite treat. In my time with Her Majesty's Army, I travelled to many places that had some version of cured meat and it was always a good food to stash in your kitbag in case of a surprise midnight march. Many nights I recall, a purloined piece of cured meat was the closest thing to a square meal for 36 hours. I swear the enemy ought to have been able to sense us coming from the smell alone.
So when I was offered a chance at these, I was quick to stick my hand up, despite knowing that it would likely mean having to insert the chompers of pain in my mouth for a few hours. My false teeth haven't fitted right for over a year now and the doc says it's not worth getting them reworked or a new set made. I'm stuck with the few remaining pegs I grew myself. So, when I saw that not only did I get this salami, but also cheese and bbq sauce, I knew I had to do something. I also knew I couldn't face the agony of shoving those torturous fangs in, so I made up one of my not at all famous gumbos.
A can of cheap baked beans, 3 slices of each of the salami flavours chopped small, about a third of the block of cheese grated, half an onion fried gently until soft, and a dollop of the bbq sauce for flavour. And then another dollop of the sauce, because I really liked it. Found some left-over ham that needed to be used up, so that got chopped up and tossed in too. Bring it up to heat, let the cheese melt, then into a bowl to cool a bit before eating. Ka pai kai, ka pai.
I could tell which of the salami varieties I got in each bite because they each have a very different flavour and texture. This is the sign of a really top quality cured meat I think. So many of them all taste like the same thing: leather. With salt. Or chilli. Or garlic. But all the same tough, chewy, unpleasant texture. Reminds me so much of the meat rations during my time in the service. But these salamis were moist and tender, and even my old pegs could chew through them easily, which is just wonderful. I even managed to maul a whole slice of each without trouble. I think my favourite would be the Marlborough Garlic because of how sweet it tasted.
Fine meats, very fine meats. If I can find these in stores, I will be looking at sneaking a pack or two into my budget on weeks when there's no other calls on my "crazy-time cash" (which usually ends up being spent on extra packs of biscuits for the mokopuna to wolf down when they visit.)
Oh but I am a sucker for salami. A good salami is something almost too good to eat, but I often find those with the best flavours suffer from short shelf-lives due to the lack of preservatives and thus the high incidence of bacterial or mould growth. So, what I learned about these LASCo salamis really blew me away.
Unlike traditional salami, these are not hung and air-dried, they are cured using a special machine developed by NASA, which tenderises as it cooks while still retaining the moisture. Each hour in this machine is roughly equal to four to five days of naturally aging. And there's another big advantage - the short curing and cooking time means bacteria does not get a chance to get a foothold in the meat. This makes these products a lot healthier, and gives them a great 3 month shelf-life if unopened.
The pack I chose was the Kaitaia Fire sampler pack, and it was seriously yummy! I ate nearly all of the Kaitaia Fire slices right away and had to be reminded (twice) that I needed to use some in food... or at the very least share it! Once I explained that this variety was "spicy", well, all bets were off and I had it to myself. Not so with the Italian and Pepperoni varieties in the pack, which got shared around a bit by the rest of the family. I saved the last 3 slices of each for my pizza though.
Overall, this style of pack is a great idea - you can sample up to three varieties easily, decide which one(s) you fancy, then go hard and buy the full rolls of your favoured type(s). For me, the choice is easy... "Any of the above" - I have yet to meet a salami I didn't like, but I am seriously quite taken with the LASCo products. With (confirmed) rumours of a range of sausages coming soon, I am dead keen to keep these chaps firmly in mind.
We are big Salami fans in our house so we were all looking forward to tasting a new product. I also liked that this is a New Zealand product and is a pretty natural product without any unnecessary additives. These products are gluten free which is now a requirement in our house. We had the three pack with Marlborough Garlic, Italian and Pepperoni. I liked having a pack that has three flavours as it means we can cater to the individual tastes of each family member.
I was planning to use this salami on pizza but when hubby saw that I had prepared a meat free meal I quickly chopped up some salami to sprinkle on his bowl of pasta and then chopped up some more in dishes for the girls to try. We all liked the flavours. Miss Seven loved the garlic and ate quite a few slices of that . I preferred the pepperoni and the Italian however I did find the salami just a tad moist for my liking. I think I am more used to eating more chewy type salamis so this just seemed a bit moist. The kids however had no complaints so I was a bit alone in my taste preferences on this one!
All the salami I had served up was eaten and enjoyed and I figured we would eat the rest on pizza the following night. I got home however later that evening to see that all the salami was gone and hubby and Miss Seven had apparently eaten the rest of the pack with cheese and crackers as a pre-bed snack! I could hardly tell them off as obviously the salami was too tasty to not finish!
We all liked that this is like a taster pack so once you have decided what flavours you like you can then buy the specific flavours in larger quantities. I would definitely recommend trying the Lasco salamis as there is a great range of flavours and it is a good quality product.
I haven't had salami in a while, but now that I have had a chance to try it again I have been able to enjoy the flavour again! I found a few uses for this salami, I used it as a sandwich filling, a snack, and I even used them in a wrap. There were two different packets with two different flavours, Marlborough Garlic and Kaitaia Fire, I had the garlic. The packet had a sufficient amount of slices inside, and the flavours for each were delicious. The Garlic flavour was great, a bit mild, but that was just the way I liked it. The pepperoni one was delicious, the cracked peppers made this flavour mildly spicy, and adding a bit of burn to a dish.
The Italian one actually wasn't that different from the garlic, the pepperoni was pretty much the only flavour that was different, as far as I could detect. The salami tasted fresh, which means that the meat was promptly packaged after being processed, thus lowering the risk of potential contamination.
For a packet with such a small quantity of slices, I think that $6.00 is a good price per packet, so at some point I might actually find a way to buy another packet, as I never got the chance to use this in pizza. To sum things up, I think that this salami is amazing, good pricing, and I would be very happy to try it again.
We were lucky enough to be selected for the Kaitaia Fire/Pepperoni/Italian three-pack from Lasco. My husband is a big fan of salami so I knew I would have no trouble getting his opinion on this selection. I was a bit unsure about the Kaitaia Fire flavour though. The first thing I did was make some scones. Into the scone mix I cut some chunks of cheese, spooned in some Rufus Teague Honey Sweet sauce and then chopped up some Kaitaia Fire salami.
I baked the scones til they were golden and served these warm with butter. I loved my scone so much. The sweet of the honey BBQ style sauce and the salami mix was brilliant. The salami had one hell of a kick to it, but because it was mixed in with other ingredients I felt like I could handle the heat. I gave one of these scones to my husband and he was very reluctant to eat it. On his first bite though, he was sold. He said it was the best scone he had eaten in years, and was not at all boring thanks to the kick.
The next night I made some wrap chips out of Farrah's Wraps, cut into triangles with cheese and chunks of the pepperoni salami on them. Everyone marvelled at my cool home-made chips and they loved the flavour. Even the kids enjoyed them, and they aren't always big on salami. I set out a salami board later and the boys challenged themselves to trying each flavour in turn. They found the salami to be flavourful and chewy. They each favoured one flavour over the other between the pepperoni and the Italian. But the real challenge was the Kaitaia Fire.
They egged each other on and ate their piece at the same time. I was surprised at how calm they remained despite the words 'burning' and 'painful' being thrown about. They both agreed that the children should not be exposed to it. This has been a great product over all. I loved having the three flavour combos and the opinions that gave us as a family. I used them to make pizzas as well. I think if I was to buy it for my own use I would go with the pack that doesn't have the Kaitaia Fire though. It's interesting, but it's too hot for me and my girls. Thanks again Lasco and KIWIreviews.
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