Home > Categories > Health & Fitness > Beauty and Skin Care products > Earthwise Baby Detangler Spray review
Featuring Floss the bunny from the One Drop Crew, our gentle plant-based baby hair detangler is a gentle way to detangle your baby's hair. Brush without the fuss.
• SLS Free.
• SLES Free.
• Paraben Free.
"I'm Floss and I'm shy when folks are around
So I thump my back legs and dive underground
Even though I know I could win any race
I stay snug in my burrow, my special safe place"
• No Laundry Enzymes
• No Optical Brightners
• No Nitrates
• No Chlorine
• No Ammonia
• Phosphate Free
Product reviews...
We have nightmares in this house when it comes to hair brushing time so I was very keen to give this detangling spray a go not only with my young son but with my 14 year old daughter who has very thick unmanageable hair. In the end I only got to use with my 14 year old as my son had a hive reaction to the product so we had to discontinue use. My daughter however had no reaction and I put the reaction on my son down to his extremely sensitive skin.
It has been hard for my son to deal with the fact he can't use it as he loved the idea of having his own hairspray to use!! The smell of this is great it is very sweet but not overpowering and leaves the hair smelling very clean and fresh. We found it most effective to use on wet hair after washing as for my daughter this is the easiest time to brush her hair and the addition of the spray definitely helped the brush to slide through the hair easier. In the past we have used conditioner to soften the hair but that often leaves the hair looking greasy once dried so this was a great alternative.
When using on dry hair it did have the effect of leaving the hair a little greasy so we did much prefer to use it on wet hair. However we did use if a few times on dry hair as my girl had a case of the dreaded nits and I found this really helped to let the nit comb slide through the hair without pulling on the ends. If you are using on dry hair I would recommend only using a small amount as this minimises the greasy feel and look you get when you use a lot of the product.
I have also been using this on my hair that is very dry a quick spritz in the morning puts a bit of moisture in my hair for the day and helps it to appear more shiny rather than dry and frizzy so I really loved it too.
On my hair the product appeared not to have any beneficial effect, and actually left my thick-stranded, curly-often-frizzy-hair feeling flat and heavy; I went back to my usual routine of conditioning in the shower and then combing my hair through before rinsing - but it was a case of "no harm no foul" - no lasting detrimental impact either. Similarly, it did not seem to be effective in making it easier to comb through my eldest grandson's hair. Nor did it make it more difficult and it did leave his hair looking more shiny and pleasantly scented.
My granddaughter whom I also tested the detangler on very much enjoyed the look of the product and couldn't wait to have her hair done - she was quite excited by the prospect. She has very long very fine hair that knots and matts very easily. Although the detangler did not make it easier for me to untangle knots, it certainly did improve her perception and she sat quite happily to have her hair combed instead of fussing so a positive result of sorts there. It definitely did make my job easier - just not the way that was expected.
The product worked very well in the hair of both my younger grandsons. Both have fine, short hair that knots very easily but after using the detangler, a comb just slid right through. Although rather prone to skin reactions, not one of us showed any signs of a skin reaction after contact with the product, a definite bonus. I would consider buying this product again for 3 out of the 5 test subjects. Although one of the positive results was very much placebo effect, it was still very much worth the minimal effort it took to spray the product into her hair.
I was so excited that we were lucky enough to review the Earthwise Critters Baby Detangler spray. My 3 year old daughter loathes getting her hair brushed and it is usually a knotted mess, not anymore with the help of this detangler spray.
The thought of me brushing my daughters hair is enough to make her scream, so I showed her the fun spray bottle with the cute pink bunny on the front and explained to her that this special spray is going to help make brushing her hair easier and hurt less. She was keen to give it a try. I sprayed a few sprays of the detangler over her head. I was impressed that one spray went along way, and sprayed evenly across her head. I let the detangler spray soak into her hair for a few minutes before brushing her hair. I was impressed with how easily the brush glided through her hair and there wasn't the usual screaming coming from miss 3.
The spray had a beautiful smell, was easy to use, looks effective and I liked the size of the bottle - It was easy to hold and spray. The only thing I would recommend would be a name change. Perhaps Children Detangler Spray would be a more fitting name. I also used this product on my nearly 2 year old son and myself. I had to use quite a bit of spray in my hair as it's quite thick and long but it worked very well in my hair too. Very impressed to find a product the whole family can use.
Price wise, I don't think $7.49 is too bad for this product as it works and makes life easier when brushing my daughters hair. You only need a few squirts of the detangler spray so I feel it would last quite a while so is very good value for money.
I was thrilled to be able to review this detangler spray. I have a three year old who loathes having her hair brushed. She thrashes about in bed at night which leaves her hair in a matted looking mess by the morning.
I showed miss 3 the spray and told her what it was for. She closed her eyes while I sprayed it into her hair. The first thing I noticed was the nice smell it had. It almost smelt fruity and somewhat of a refreshing smell! I started to brush miss 3's hair and I was actually surprised by how much easier it brushed. The hair brush moved through her hair so easily. There was minimal complaining about it "hurting" while I was brushing so this was a winner in my books. The spray bottle is the perfect size to hold in your hands easily and the spray pump makes it easy to get a good coverage over the whole head.
I also tried putting it in Miss 3's hair after her shower and before she went to bed. I found that by doing this and then brushing it in the morning her hair was silky soft and there wasn't any moans about it hurting at all. I am loving this product and the fact I can now brush my daughters hair without her yelling about it hurting. It has fixed the morning hair mess and the morning screaming session! Thanks earthwise for a life saving product that I love!
My daughter is 2 and she absolutely can not stand having her hair washed or brushed. Being at daycare full time she gets her hair very mucky with everything imaginable paint, sand, dirt etc. When I saw the Earthwise Baby Detangler Spray come up for review I jumped at the chance to try it, as a detangler was not something that I had thought to try out on her knotty hair before.
My daughters hair is super fine but it curls up like crazy at the back into little ringlets which in the morning after a sleep are a terrible knotted, almost matted mess. When Miss 2 woke up in the morning and I asked her to sit up so that I could do her hair we went straight into defence mode screaming, tears and hiding as she did not want her hair done, as per usual. I managed to encourage her over when I showed her that I had some 'magic bunny rabbit spray' to put in her hair which would stop it from hurting when I brushed it. Being rather excited by the rabbit on the bottle and the fact it was her favourite colour pink she sat up in the chair and allowed me to spray it on to her hair, it sprayed quite far, rather than in one small place so 3 sprays was more than enough on her hair.
As I brushed her hair the knots freed up easily, without having to hold onto strands of hair with one hand while I brushed with the other as I usually do, instead I held the brush in one hand and it glided straight through gently without any problems or drama from Miss 2. I have been using this on Miss 2's hair each night before bed, and also again in the morning, and this has greatly reduced the knots in her hair which are now virtually non-existent making hair brushing time such a breeze.
Miss 2 loves the spray and is always asking when I am next going to do her hair, it also smells really good which is a bonus, as is the fact that it is free of all things nasty since she has very sensitive skin. A product which I will certainly be keeping on buying from now on, I have taken this to work at the daycare I work out and have given it to several parents to try out on there children's troublesome hair and they have all loved it and purchased it themselves. Another awesome product by Earthwise.
I have a 4 year old niece with really long hair who like most children hate having her hair brushed, when I spotted detangler up for review I was very keen to try it. Anything that makes the task of getting ready easier in the morning has to be a good thing!
When it arrived I wasn't going to be seeing my niece for a couple of days so decided to give it a real run for it's money and try it in my super thick hair. Generally if I don't comb my hair before bed the next morning I have a real struggle getting a brush through it let along a comb. I decided the best trail for it would be my morning hair. Reading the instructions it seemed easy spray a few times work it in the hair and leave for a minute. Spraying it in the first thing I noticed was how lovely it smelt, when I ran my fingers through it felt good too didn't leave a greasy feel to me hands. After a minute I picked up a comb (expecting it wouldn't do the job and I would have to end up tackling it with the brush), to my surprise the comb went straight through my hair within seconds it was knot free and feeling great!
Next time my niece came to visit I tried it out on her and had the same results, silky smooth hair within seconds without all the fighting and complaining it hurts. The detangler is going to be a regular on both mine and my sisters shopping list. I feel it almost needs relabeled to be marketed as more than just a baby range, there are so many people who will see baby and not even pick it up and try it out. I have taken to using it in my hair daily and based on how often it has been used already I can tell it's great value for money. There is next to nothing out of the bottle despite being used by 1 or 2 people everyday so one bottle is going to last for a while.
I have got two daughters that are polar opposites when it comes to looks. My eldest has beautiful long straight hair and my baby, sorry miss 4 and a quarter, has the worst curly hair in the world. Every morning we are faced with the agonising task of brushing her hair as it knots up so bad. She hates going to bed with her hair plaited so unless I just throw up in a bun it is a mission.
I have brought a special hair brush which helps and I also made my own potion which I found has been a life safer and the knots just fall out, but when I saw this brand up for review I jumped at the oportunity to trial something professional.
We used as soon as it arrived and sprayed directly into her hair. The smell is incredible and the three of us sat there trying to guess what the smell is. We have decided its vanilla ice cream with either chocolate or strawberry sauce on it. It truely is yummy although the smell doesn't carry across to the hair that well. I was surprised how many squirts I had to take for the knots to finally brush out. It was a bit of work but it finally got there. My eldest also wanted and was disappointed her hair didn't smell like the ice cream sundae she was hoping for.
We have now used every day for a week and although it works it just takes a few more squirts and lifting the hair to get underneath. It doesn't leave the hair shiny like my home made one does either. In all honesty I would not buy again as I think my one is a little better - but it is nice and does work.
A detangler that has a spritzer that actually sprays over the entire hair rather than in 1 spot? I was sold from the first spray!! And then that fruity smell reached us and it just got better. Some sprayers spray in 1 sharp squirt, but this sprayed in a large diameter and 3 squirts was all we needed for full coverage. Floss the bunny had her work cut out for her with the curly mess that is Miss 4 year old. It normally takes us a good 10 minutes to brush out all the knots, but within minutes we were done!
The fruity smell lasted a long time, even after playing outside in the heat. But the spray was light and didn't feel all slimy and oily like some detanglers we have used in the past. It was so good for her hair, that I even tried it for myself and loved it!! Now when I'm too busy to condition my hair in the shower, I know this is on stand-by and I won't hesitate to use it.
The only thing I didn't really like about it was the little protection cap which I guess can't be avoided when selling, but was instantly put in the rubbish bin with a little baby rolling around the floor. But other than that, Floss the bunny was able to tame our shaggy sheep daughter without tears! Hands down the best detangler we have ever used (and we have tried a few!)
My three year old daughter's hair has grown quite long now and she has also developed a strong sense of her ability to determine whether anyone can touch said hair or not! When I come up with the right story or reason to brush her hair, she usually lets me. The same is not true for my husband or other family members. This can cause a problem if I am not around to brush her hair in the morning! I have been thinking of buying a detangler for a while but I didn't want to buy something that would be adding lots of nasties to her precious hair and scalp. I have been on the look out for gentle options for her but hadn't seen anything suitable thus far.
It was fabulous when the Earthiwse products came up for review. It has allowed me to try it out with Miss 3 and let the product speak for itself. In the last nearly 2 weeks, Miss 3 has brushed her own hair and let me brush her hair for her more than she has done for months! I would call that success even if the bottle contained water!!!
The bottle is nice and easy to hold and the spray allows for the product to disperse through the hair. I still have to teach Miss 3 how to get the bottle far enough away from her own hair in order to spray it. We can work on that one!! The bottle is 250ml and after using it for just under 2 weeks, we have hardly used any of it. I think it will last for a long time (even though Miss 3 likes to use LOTS of any product she can get her hands on!).
It was almost as if there was magic in the bottle. Even if the brush caught a little as the brush went through the hair, I hardly had any complaints as I used the product on her hair. I have got to say that this is highly unusual. After using the detangler for a few days, I took a moment to read the back of the bottle. It suggests working the product through the hair and leaving it for a few minutes. I was happy enough with just spraying a bit onto my daughter's hair and then brushing. She was happy too!
Up to now, I have used shampoo and conditioner on Miss three's hair. When I got the Earthwise products, I used the shampoo and then followed it up with the detangler. After a period of using this combination, I feel that her hair is looking really good and is nice and shiny.
To be honest, I don't really know too much about all the 'nasties' that can be in these products, but I do know that I want the best for my children's skin and hair. I trust the brand Earthwise and believe that it is good for my children.
Even though this is a 'baby' range, I was very happy to use it on my three year old. I would prefer to be using very gentle products on her. I believe that this is a product which will appear on our shopping list once this bottle has been used up.
Miss 10 has hair that is well past her bottom and thick! It can be a NIGHTMARE if she forgets to brush it either morning or night. This in turn creates endless battles with her, her attitude and knots! We have tried numerous leave in conditioners and detangling sprays to try and combat this problem. When I saw this on KIWIreviews I knew we had to try it!
The instructions are clear and easy to read.The bottle is simple and the spray nozzle is easy to use. The spray is 250 ml the same as the other products in the range. This is a great size for babies and young children. The Detangler has a nice scent to it which I couldn't place but it described on the bottle as "Jungle Fruits"
I used this first in the morning as instructed, knots were easier to comb out than usual and I noticed there was not the usual screaming usually associated with brushing knots from my daughters hair. After her night shower, I brushed her hair and prepared to plait it before that though I sprayed some detangler all over her hair then proceeded to plait it. In the morning brushing her hair was a breeze! No knots and no screaming!!! A win! But the real test was after swimming! There were a few knots and a noticeable patch of matted hair, I was dreading this! But a few squirts of detangler and letting it sit for a minute or two they came out without a fuss! I love this stuff!
This product will be a must have in our house.
Although this range is a baby range I was still keen to give it a go on both my boys. My 1 year old has very soft hair, while my 4 year old has thick coarse hair. Each morning we have real trouble with bed hair. It sticks up all over the place and I have to wet it to make them look decent in the morning. I will try anything at was easier than trying to wet their hair in the morning.
I liked the easy application of this product. A few simple sprays on their dry hair worked really well to flatten their hair. I did notice that the spray had a wide spray area which meant that things around their head also got a dose if I was not careful. What I did notice however was that it really only kept their hair flat while it was wet. After it dried out the hair started to bounce back up. In similar products it will keep their hair flat a lot longer. Thinking about it though this product is designed to detangle not to flatten.
I have long hair so decided to try on my own tangled hair. I first tried this on dry hair which I didn't feel was that effective without a lot of application. I then tried it on wet hair and found that the comb slid through, eliminating the need for me to use conditioner. This is definitely a plus for me as I don't always use conditioner and it also seemed to let my long hair curl into ringlets. This is a product that obviously does what it is meant to do, detangle and would like them to rename as feel that they are limiting their market by calling it a baby range.
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