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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Confectionery > Chocolates Are Us - Peanut Butter Bark
  ProdID: 8018 - Chocolates Are Us - Peanut Butter BarkManufactured byChocolates Are Us Product Score: 8.4 
Chocolates Are Us - Peanut Butter Bark

Price : $8.50 / 150g pouch
Supplier :
Available : via online store and at selected outlets

Lovely creamy peanut butter chocolate made with real peanut butter, swirled with our semi-sweet chocolate to create a melt in your mouth sweet sensation, leaving behind the delicious taste of peanut butter. This is a must try for peanut butter lovers.

Packed in re-sealable pouches that can be re-used before cleaning and putting into soft plastic recycling. Batches are broken by hand into assorted sized pieces.
Value for Money
Personal Choice
devilprincess   Review #19880 - Dated: 5th of September, 2018
  Author: devilprincess

I really wanted to try this Peanut Butter Bark because peanut butter and chocolate is an amazing combination and one that I've only really recently indulged upon. My husband is a massive fan of this particular combination, as are a lot of other people I know and this product sounded perfect for us.

When it arrived, I was so happy and I had to fight my husband to make sure he didn't eat it all before I could let some friends try it. I don't know exactly how Chocolates Are Us have managed to do it but they have created the most amazing chocolate peanut butter combination I have EVER tried! It is smooth and creamy but still has very small chunks of peanuts inside. The taste is the perfect mix of chocolate and peanut butter and neither one of those flavours overpowered the other - I honestly don't think they could perfect this Peanut Butter Bark anymore than they already have.

My husband was a massive fan and was unhappy to hear that I was planning on sharing it with others, he said "It's delicious, not too sweet and has a great aftertaste, leaving you wanting more and more". When I had some friends over, I gave them a little piece to try also and they all agreed that it was the best peanut butter chocolate flavour that they'd had too.

At $8.50 a packet, the price is on the higher side but trust me, it's worth every cent! Unfortunately, as someone who hates to pay excessive shipping charges, I'm not entirely convinced of the $8 postage through their website and I'd have to be buying quite a lot to find that worthwhile. I did note however, that they have one stockist in Auckland and quite a few in the Coromandel and next time I find my way out close to those places I will be stocking up.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
NZGeekGirl   Review #19860 - Dated: 29th of August, 2018
  Author: NZGeekGirl

Peanut butter and chocolate. I have to be honest. As far as I'm concerned that is an almost perfect combination so I was of course, really keen to try this and thrilled to get my hands on a pack.

First impressions were that the pack does seem quite small particularly for the price but it does have a rather "up market" look to the pack, you know that you're getting something of quality. (also I'm currently super cheap so maybe don't rely on my impressions of value for money!) I do love that it is a kiwi product and the recyclable packaging is also a big plus.

Tasting it, the peanut butter is very smooth and creamy with the chocolate swirled through giving a nice complimentary taste to the peanut butter. For my own tastes, I would have liked the chocolate to have a bit more crispiness to it but given how moreish this product is, it's not a deal breaker for me.

Would I get it again? If I found it on special there is a very good chance, as I previously mentioned though, it is currently a little out of my budget but I would have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone. An absolute treat for chocolate and peanut butter lovers.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #19807 - Dated: 14th of August, 2018
  Author: mizim

Peanut Butter is a staple of many kitchen pantries and, unless you have a nut allergy, you're bound to have tried the spread at least once. I have two out of three kids who love peanut butter but all three were keen to give this a try when I informed them it was a type of lolly. We all agreed that we like the picture of the pohutakawa that's on the front and they all agreed that being able to see what was inside made them more interested in trying it than if they'd couldn't see it. My girls both said that the bark looks beautiful and like how the chocolate is swirled around, not just straight and boring.

My ten year tried some and didn't like it at all, to be fair, he doesn't like peanut butter to begin with, but he wanted to give it a chance. My nine year old says she loves it, she thought the peanut butter aspect of it was so good but she didn't really like the chocolate aspect, so was happy that the chocolate isn't the main component, the good thing though it that she would happily, very readily, eat more and more. My seven year likes the entire confection and things they go really well together. I was curious to see that white chocolate is listed as an ingredient but there's no visible proof of this... so I'm unsure how it comes into the product. This reminds me of crunch peanut butter with small chunks throughout, a nice change to the texture.

I found this to be a bit too rich for my tastes but I think for a peanut butter fan this would be a fabulous treat.

Value for Money
Personal Choice
gamerulz   Review #19747 - Dated: 6th of August, 2018
  Author: gamerulz

A few years ago a mate gave me a taste of some [link^5300^Peanut Marble^link] he got to review and it was stunning. Smooth, tasty, rich, creamy. And then it was gone, the company closed up shop and left the retail arena behind to focus on contract work like weddings and events. Fair enough too, as they stated it was very expensive and time consuming to make profitably for retail markets.

Fashion goes in cycles, and it seems this is now fashionable again because this company has now started to produce a product I think is just as good, if not slightly better than the previous version. A bit chunkier, less regular shapes, blobs of milk chocolate to break up the texture, but still plenty of the smooth creamy chocolate packed with peanut butter flavour. Sold in a resealable bag, these are easy for me to keep tucked away out of sight of my team mates, who, being big burly lads and lasses who would appreciate the sugar boost if nothing else, would eat the entire packet faster than I could stop them.

Each bag is 150g of pure delight, and would easily be a single serve for an average road crew worker, but will keep a family satisfied for the length of a good movie if they could resist the urge to cram it all into their mouths in an instant.

I loved the flavour and texture, but even though this is hand-crafted and made in batches, it's still an expensive treat for the average person. If you have a special occassion coming up or want to really impress someone, this would be a great thing to try, unless they have issues with dairy or nuts of course.

Would I buy a bag for myself? In a heartbeat. But I wouldn't do it too often for many reasons.

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Printed at 01:21:42am on Saturday 15th March 2025