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Review #17020 - Dated: 26th of September, 2016 Author: shellcruise |
As cute as this book is, it has caused a lot of problems in our household. I thought it would be a book my girls could work on together and then give it to their daddy but instead it is more aimed for one child to work along side their daddy or to work solely on their own personal feelings/experiences. Its basic a scrapbook of things they do together and it is based on what he likes and his interests which upset one of my daughters greatly (she wanted it to be based on her likes).
My husband/ my girls daddy is a superhero no doubt about it. He is also a big Marvel fan and a nerd and a lot of other things. So I naturally thought this would be perfect for him. I actually thought this was more a story and there would be areas you could draw some pictures but instead each page has a picture of a superhero and then asks a question, or gives space to draw a picture or stick a photo on or asks for the daddy's likes and dislikes. It is very involved and unfortunately my four year old could not participate as much as she would of liked to.
The picture I have included actually is of my four year old daughter as she got the job of colouring in the pictures - and she has taken the role very seriously. Where as my eldest worked on the written material occasionally with her daddy where help was required but mainly from me as she still wants it to be a surprise. We have got a few holes in the questions and I am guessing he will have to fill them in especially when it comes to the measurements. The girls have tried to work together in some areas but basically it is best if only comes from one of them.
This would be an ideal fathers day, birthday or Christmas gift especially if he is a Marvel Fan. Not really made for siblings to share. A lot of space for photos and feelings to be put in. Also some great make believe areas. My favourite topic would be 'if we could fly where would we go to'. Actually is well as I know my husband there was more than one occasion I was at a complete loss and did not know the answer(s).