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Review #16463 - Dated: 27th of June, 2016 Author: alexmoulton |
This is an interesting show. I first heard about it from facebook because the vocalist from one of the kiwi bands that I follow (City of Souls) mentioned that he voiced a character in it, so I figured I should check it out. The series is based around three kids that have their own little club, that is unique in that they don't wear shoes, and they get into wacky hijinks. That is pretty much the entire premise.
I found the humour to be rather dry, but the animation style was enjoyable, and the jokes and humour were simple enough that everyone understood it. Is you would expect of a cartoon, it takes many stereotypes to it's extremes and balances on the line between funny and offensive. It is great to see another New Zealand comedy with some original jokes.
One of the aspects of the show that I enjoyed as an adult was determining who the voice actors were. I avoided researching up until the end of the season, but I definitely recognised Rhys Darby and Leigh Hart, and my flatmate easily spotted Jemaine Clement, Temuera Morrison and that voice of the cash converters guy (Josh Thomson, I believe). It was good to see (hear) the usual suspects in New Zealand comedy trying something new.
The show is clearly targeted at the younger age group, possibly preferred target age being 10-15 years of age. And while it may seem lackadaisical at times, it is bound to hit the funny bone at least once or twice per episode. The cast is a little thin, but the show has set a good foundation to grow into the next season, hopefully with more characters, and a wider environment.