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ProdID: 5909 - The Last Thirteen #11 - 3Written by:James Phelan | Product Score: 9.6 |
Still heartbroken by the loss of his mentor, Sam discovers the next Dreamer is someone very close to him. Together, they must travel to the other side of the world to find the eleventh Gear. On his voyage with Hans, Alex's dreams grow ever-more powerful as he encounters pirates, deep sea peril and the harshest climate on earth. He will need all his resourcefulness just to survive. In the pursuit of the Gear in the Australian Outback, Sam and Eva must also outrun their enemies in the race for the Dream Gate. Can they reach it in time? Sam must find the last 13. The end is approaching. |
Ahh the Last Thirteen and in the final three books I have been waiting for this for so long. This is a series that has kept me wanting more and more without ever losing interest. The pace and the mysterious nature of the books has kept me willing to find out more and keep reading book after book trying myself to get to the dream gate and find out the mysteries and powers of the legendary Bakhu machine. This book was intense, the action has really sprung into life and is coming thick and fast now O couldn't believe how fast paced the book was it made me not want to put the book down as there never seemed like a good moment to stop reading. This book saw us focus on three main people, Eva, Sam, and Alex all at different parts of the story so we were almost following three different scenes. This time it was Eva's dream the moment I have waited for for so long. I always wanted Eva to be one of the last thirteen ever since the first book and it has finally happened she has had her dream and is chasing it in an action packed thriller of a ride. The stakes are higher as they have lost a lot of their team it seems now Stella, Solaris, Hans will stop at nothing to get what they want and Sam has what they want. Sam desperately wants to protect Eva so with new plans they form ways to trick Stella and Solaris and again try to get the upper hand. We also see that Alex has his dream and with him in Antarctica we see where the race is headed next, the time is running out with the signs of the thirteenth moon approaching so I can only imagine how fast paced the next two books are going to be, fair to say I am more than a little excited. We are learning so much more about the dream gate and what it means and learning so much more is possible when you can control your dreams. |
And so begins the end, this series has now reached it's final 3 books, and I am held in suspense over what may unfold in the next 2 books. As for this book, I found it to be rather intense, and has begun to bring a definition of what the Dream Gate may be, something I have been very curious about since I found out about the gate. I liked the new cover design, it was made all shiny and reflective, unlike the standard covers which had nothing more than glossy gear patterns on them. I thought this effect was cool, as it makes it looks like brass or bronze, which would make the last two books look like silver and gold, the three precious metals. As usual, I am continuously intrigued by the concept of True Dreaming, more so now than ever due to the fact that Sam, in in some regards, Alex, are learning how to control their dreams, remaining self aware the whole time, something that I wish would be easily possible for the everyday person. The storyline was well pieced together, there were no plot-holes or contradictions which ruined the storyline. I thought that this book had quite a bit of a "spy" theme about it, not the James Bond kind of spy, more like the Alex Rider kind, more oriented around gadgets, abilities, and lateral thinking. The plot is certainly thickening, there are currently 3 different factions in the race to find the Dream Gate, one faction is Sam, Eva, the Academy, and the Enterprise, another is Alex (who is actually undercover and reporting back to the enterprise) and the rogue German Guardian Hans, the third is the rogue enterprise agent Stella and the mysterious Solaris. The problem is, I DO NOT trust Stella and Solaris, but I am not sure which of the remaining two factions is the group of good guys anymore. This conundrum is a rather interesting carrot on a stick, and is giving me a growing anxiety to read the 11th book, which I hope I will be getting soon, nudge nudge Scholastic! ^:p I think that this series has already gotten well off the ground, but now it is going above the cloud layer and into the HIGH skies. It has been a really impressive series, and now, while light is being shed on the story, it is being shed in crack-like formations, spots of light reaching out, connecting, all surrounding one final conclusion, but the cracks are always keeping the most perplexing of mysteries in the shadows, which is exactly where I DON'T want them to be right now, I want them in the light, jot hidden, which is why I am very jumpy with excitement and anticipation as I await the conclusion of this book. The book is well worth the price, which I have noticed is coming down on the Mighty Ape store, so perhaps the publishers or the store owners are lowering the retail price so that everyone can come and get the books while they can and have them easily available. The basic requirement I have of any book is that it is exciting, contains even a trace of accurate or potentially accurate physics and explanation to enhance realism, has gadgets, and if it is part of a series then the additional requirement is that both the book and the series capture my attention well enough for me to want to stick with it. These requirements have all been met, and so this book has been a joyride for me, and well worth the time taken reading it! |
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Printed at 10:24:53am on Friday 14th March 2025 |