YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Pastries > Oxford Bacon & Egg pie | |
ProdID: 4757 - Oxford Bacon & Egg pieManufactured byOxford Pies | Product Score: 9.3 |
Every Kiwi knows that a bacon and egg pie should have plenty of bacon, a good helping of egg, some onion and a few herbs and spices. The more bacon, the better... so this is a REALLY 'better' pie. |
If I do say so myself, I make a pretty mean Bacon and Egg pie myself... as long as I use commercially-made pastry. My pastry always seems to come out too dry or too oily, something I really can't get right no matter how I tweak the butter content. Still, it's nice to have something to still encourage experimentation and practice in the kitchen. ^:) So, these pies had quite a high standard to measure up to, if they were to get a good grade... and they did. Taking into account the current cost of meat, I was impressed with just how much bacon they managed to cram into the pies, along with plenty of egg and some onion too. Most pies have a bit of an airgap between the filling and the cap of the pie... this pie had such a tiny airgap it was more like a slab of quiche wrapped in pastry, it was that full! I like my B&E pies to be quite 'solid', not a soft texture at all, and this one had that in spades too. Overall, this is a B&E pie that rivals my own "basic" recipe. It doesn't have a chance against any of my gourmet versions, but then, even at this price bracket I would be surprised if it did... still, for a premium-level pie in the retail consumer market, it's one fine piece of Kiwiana! Have it with sauce if you're a traditionalist, or try it with a mild honey mustard dressing if you really want something to open your eyes. ^;) |
Bacon and egg pie is what was on the wrapper and a bacon and egg pie I got, full of bacon, and an egg. Can't complain about false advertising here, it was exactly as it was supposed to be. I was surprised by the amount of bacon that was in this pie, it was generous on the bacon front, and this was great to see. The egg was eggy, and was there. Pastry was good as always, with a great taste and a good amount of crisp to it. As for taste, well bacon is king and in this pie it rules the roost, it was very good on the bacon front although I did feel it lacked some seasoning. I sort of deconstructed this pie with a fork as I ate and there was a bunch of gelatinous stuff on the plate with the insides of the pie, not sure if it was egg related or something to do with the bacon but I probably wouldn't of noticed if I was eating normally. All in all a good pie, especially for the bacon and egg lovers out there, I think for the price it is well worth it as you get a lot of proper filling without any random filler. |
I love bacon and egg pies, so when I had this, I thought it was going to be awesome, but that wasn't quite the case. There was plenty of bacon, but it was a bit salty, and had some unusual spices that just didn't appeal to me. Both the bacon and the egg where quite dry, and I'm used to relatively moist pies, like [link^4752^ mince and cheese^link] or [link^4756^Butter Chicken^link]. With the contents of the pie pretty much being dry bacon and hard-boiled egg, the dryness was the main thing that got to me. The good news about this pie being mostly solid is that it is less likely to make a mess if eaten while in a moving vehicle, so all you truck drivers can relax! The pastry was good, it has a great taste, it isn't to dry and bland, and it wasn't all soft and flaky like some pies are, it was firm, but not so much that you could loose a tooth by eating it. My overall thoughts on the taste are that it was okay, certainly not the worst I've had, but it was definitely not the best, so I think I'll give it an 8/10. The fillings were also slightly unpleasant, so that gets a 7/10, I think. The pastry was awesome, I have nothing bad to say about that, so therefore it deserves a full score! Also, the pie is within a reasonable price range, it is a bout the same price as I would expect such a snack to be worth. Overall, this isn't a pie I will be wanting to eat all that often, but it is, by far, not the worst. |
I tend to stay away from Bacon and Egg pies, or any pies with egg in it as I really only enjoy scrambled eggs so I didn't think that I would be able to finish my half of this pie. Cut the pie in half to share with my husband and saw right away that, yup, not scrambled eggs. OK, no biggie, in the name of reviewing I would eat this, but, without the yellow egg yolk as I simply can't stand that at all, no matter what the dish may be. I was really please to see a really good amount of bacon in this pie, always a good thing as you're never sure how much bacon will actually be in a bacon pie. Now, taste (once I got rid of the yolk), I thought it was delicious! There was more of a bacon taste which made it perfect for me and the egg was a great texture, I could have eaten an entire pie without concern. This is one pie that I would love to eat again, like, right now! I really liked this pie, it had a great taste and I can't wait to get one of these again, and next time it will all be just for me! |
My favourite variety of pie is a bacon and egg so naturally when I was given a bag of different Oxford Pies to review this was the first one I tried. I shared it with my five year old daughter and she wanted more. As a parent this is the ideal pie to give your children as the filling doesn't go everywhere. The first thing I noticed when I opened up the pie was that there were no vegetables it was simply bacon and eggs. The pie was full with no space between the filling and the lid. There was plenty of bacon inside, almost a 50:50 bacon to egg ratio. best of all it tasted great. It wasn't too salty like bacon can make some pies. It was perfect. I would happily buy this pie for either myself or my daughter although my younger daughter will probably want some too. It is the best factory made bacon and egg pie I have ever tasted it comes a very close second to my grandmother's pie. |
I was selected to trial the Oxford pies recently. I wasn't too sure how to go about cooking them. Checking the instructions there was notes for a conventional oven and for a pie warmer. If I was a diary owner, I think I would be happy to have that instruction! With the Bacon and Egg pie, baked this in an oven. It took a while to bake and after about 40 minutes I found that the middle was a little cold still when tested. Potentially the delay was because of my gas oven. When the pie came out of the oven, I cut it in half. The presentation inside the pie was really nice. It looked delicious. There was the yellow of the whole egg yolk. The egg whites and the bacon is nicely diced up. This pie was a nice round shape, with a deep dish. The top and sides were very firm. I was easily able to cut this pie in half for sharing. The bottom of the pie was a little soggy with grease . I gave half the pie to Miss6. She generally eats the pastry of a pie but not the contents and has a little issue with things being mixed together. However, her favourite thing in the world right now is eggs. In her own words, this pie "tastes really yummy. It was really delicious and I loved it". She ate a lot more of the pie than I expected her to. The flavour is smokey, like breakfast in a pie. The pastry remained nicely crunchy to eat around the edges. This is a really filling pie. Lots of protein, and a new favourite for Miss 6 who is living on eggs and toast lately. |
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Printed at 10:55:51am on Tuesday 01st April 2025 |