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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Health & Fitness > Beauty and Skin Care products > Baby by Earthwise Shampoo with Goats Milk
  ProdID: 4643 - Baby by Earthwise Shampoo with Goats MilkBrand:Earthwise Product Score: 9.1 
Baby by Earthwise Shampoo with Goats Milk

Price : $7.49
Supplier :
Available : at selected quality retailers

Here's a drop of tender loving care for your little one's hair, enhanced with the gentle scent of natural goats milk.

Simply wet baby's hair, put a few drops of shampoo on your hands then rub hands together before massaging into baby's scalp. Lather up and sculpt hair into silly shapes. Let your baby see the results in the mirror before rinsing well and following with Earthwise detangler spray!
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
shayglam   Review #14085 - Dated: 26th of May, 2015
  Author: shayglam

I was hesitant to purchase this baby shampoo as the ingredients "goats milk" threw me a little, however when I smelled the product it had a lovely gentle scent which did not smell at all as I had imagined. This shampoo smells gentle,lovely and natural and I am a real scent person so this got my tick of approval.

My three children and baby all loved that this did not sting their eyes one bit when washing out and it lathered up very quickly, I also did not need to condition my littlies hair as I have done with other brands as I noticed that this shampoo left their hair super soft our bath water was also still very clean after shampooing and I love to find a product with less nasties in it for my children. The cute hippo bottle was a big hit with my youngest and it could be reused as a bath toy.

I initially thought the price was quite high but this lasted a lot longer than other shampoo and conditioner I have used on my children as a little goes a long way. I will definitely be purchasing this shampoo again and now that I have tried this I will likely try out some of their other baby products too!

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
holden05   Review #13570 - Dated: 26th of February, 2015
  Author: holden05

I am a big advocate for the Earthwise range, I really like the idea of using products that are gentle on the environment, so I decided to give the Earthwise children's shampoo a try. I have seen the product on the shelves of the supermarket for a while, but I must admit I have been hesitant about trying this as its Earthwise Shampoo with Goats Milk - and there just seems something a little odd to me about using goat's milk in my children's hair.

Nether the less we gave the product a try, this made my kiddies happy as we had another coloured hippo bottle, and (they are collecting them as they make great bath toys once they are empty). The product itself wasn't coloured, and reassuringly to me had a delicate scent, not at all what I imagined goats milk to smell like!

I only required a little on each child's hair, as it lathered up well, and was gentle on both their skin, scalp and their eyes. I did need to use a conditioner after the shampoo, but my children's hair is thick and curly and I tend to need to use conditioner with any brand of shampoo. The small amount of shampoo required means this would work out a cost effective product. I tend to go for what's on special when I shop, as money is always an issue for us, but this would work out ever economical. With all the plusses, gentle on skin, hair, eyes and product, I would buy this Earthwise Shampoo with Goats Milk again, and I encourage others to try it.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwiblondie   Review #9771 - Dated: 22nd of September, 2013
  Author: kiwiblondie

My poor ears hate hair washing time as my youngest could be mistaken for an air raid siren. I had to tell them it was magic shampoo and show them the hippo bottle, even then I was not looking forward to hair washing time.

My youngest offered to go first, he did get a bit in his eyes as he insisted on looking down but he only cried a little bit, I could still hear when he was telling me that he was crying. I liked that it was not a coloured shampoo and that it had a gentle smell to it. After he was out the water (I could still hear) I did my older son who didn't cry at all. I don't think he got any in his eyes as he was very careful to keep looking up to be sure that none went in his eyes.

I'm taking the boys for a hair cut on Thursday so have told them I have to give their hair a wash on Wednesday night, normally that news gets greeted with complaints but my youngest said "only if you use the magic shampoo mum" and my oldest said ok but not the magic shampoo as he prefers the Avon kids one (watermelon).

The price is a bit high but I might get a bottle for my youngest monster as this is the first time in over 3 years he hasn't almost split my ear drums with his crying due to hair washing.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
vixta_yt   Review #9592 - Dated: 10th of September, 2013
  Author: vixta_yt

How cute are the bottles. . I love hippos so found them totally cute. When we opened the box my 4 year old (who usually hates baths I might add and we have an argument most nights at bath time) wanted a bath right there and then, unfortunately for him he had already had a bath that night we received the box.

I was really pleased with the fact that just using a little bit of the shampoo it gave a really good froth. It was really easy to wash out and all of it came out. Our usual problem with washing hair is it takes ages to wash it out because I have to keep rinsing because he has thick hair. I was really happy it didn't make the water slimy which the shampoo we were previously using did. I usually have to do 2 shampoos and a conditioner to get soft hair on my son. He only needed the 1 shampoo no conditioner because it left it feeling soft after one wash. I was keeping an eye on his scalp after using a different product than usual on him because even though he is 4 years old he still suffers from cradle cap and dry scalp. I noticed in the next 2 days his cradle cap was coming away from the head and not leaving dry flaky spots which was nice for him and have continued to use this product a couple of times since then and it is starting to clear up nicely.

The colours of the bottles were nice and vibrant and easy to read, and easy to follow instructions. I would definitely recommend this product to others looking for a good quality, gentle but effective shampoo. It is only $2 more than our current shampoo for my son for the same size bottle, but I only had to use half as much of this shampoo. The cap was easy to open with one hand and closed easy with one hand. I even dropped one of the bottles and sometimes with other bath product bottles the lid cracks or leaks on the floor, with these bottles nothing leaked or cracked. I was happy, they are robust.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #9526 - Dated: 3rd of September, 2013
  Author: kiwigirl04

[pic^https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1274124_10153137185965012_1667808080_o.jpg^pic]Well having two children that fight when its time to wash their hair I end up washing it only 3 times a month IF that. Well tonight I used the earthwise baby shampoo, I pulled it out of the cupboard and my son was very interested in the hippo my daughter was more interested it was pink saying "its for girls". Once telling her it can be used on boys as well she was ok about it all.

I started with my daughter first as she is older and was hoping she would role model good hair washing to her younger brother and YAY it worked she was happy to lay back and let me wet her hair, she then helped me put a 10cent coin drop on my hand and a little on her own hand and rubbed it into her hair, I finished it off with a good rub in. She was happy playing with her hair dos while I did her brothers hair, he was laying in the water before I asked him too. Such a change.

I didn't find the smell of the shampoo pretty or anything and def not overpowering but the only way I can describe the smell is clean. After rinsing out the shampoo it left the smell on my hands and have given my hands like a smooth soft feel to them, instead of a dry cracking feel which is a really nice different. The shampoo while I was rinsing it off my daughter went into her eyes, normally we would be having a screaming match but not tonight, she was fine, just wiped away the water and carried on.

Im happy that this product has made my kids want to wash their hair, but for $7 its a little out of my price range for a small bottle so will see how long it lasts and then will work out if its worth the price, so far its doing well in my pro box being kid friendly and a fun bottle.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
sweetpea   Review #9409 - Dated: 28th of August, 2013
  Author: sweetpea

Well with a cute Hippo bottle like this my Miss Two couldn't wait to get her hair washed with this! We wash hair after swimming so I took this along to the pools but forgot the detangler which was a big mistake. This shampoo is a little like the Earthwise adult shampoo (which I currently use on my kids) in that it does really strip the hair and should definitely only be used with a conditioner or a detangler. Miss Two was happy having her hair washed but without a detangler or conditioner her hair was a bit of a knotty mess once I dried it. As soon as we got home I sprayed her hair and her hair has looked ultra shiny and beautiful all week.

I had the same problem with my other little misses in that this shampoo really does clean well but has to be used with another product. Given that I use the adult shampoo on the girls hair I would be just as happy with either but obviously the hippo bottle really appeals to the kids and I do really love the smell of this.

The bottle shape is a real winner and I love the idea of a range that kids actually want to use (that isn't a licensed "character" product!) and one that isn't going to damage my child's health. I have already recommended this to other mums and think it is a brilliant product :-)

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #9388 - Dated: 28th of August, 2013
  Author: mizim

Shampoo, always a problem in our house as almost every type and brand that we have tried has had the kids crying and screaming (no matter what we do) saying that their eyes are hurting, add to that the knots in their hair afterwards. So I entered this feeling sceptical but was pleased with the end results.

As mentioned by a fellow reviewer, there is the suggest to make funny hairstyles once the shampoo was all bubbled up in their hair. I was concerned about this given the whole knotting side of things, but once their hair was nice and dry there were only minor knots and a quick spray of the detangler and no issues at all.

I liked how soft and gentle this is on their skin, often after using a shampoo we fine their skin feels either dry or rubbery but not in this case. With no tears and nice soft skin afterwards I'm very happy with this product. I'm not a big fan of the price tag due to a tight budget, but other than that I like this product.

I'm as yet undecided about buying this again, but I do really like it.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #9370 - Dated: 27th of August, 2013
  Author: kymmage

Neither of my children like to have their heads wet or their hair washed. For Miss 6 is this a constant battle. So when I finally convinced her to have her hair washed with this product, I wasn't too surprised that she didn't enjoy the experience. That said, the product lathered quickly and was in and out of her hair fast. For a fussy kid with issues about water in eyes - this was fantastic!

For her baby sister, I sat her in her bath seat and got to work on her hair. Because she has so little (it's all in the back) I needed hardly any of the shampoo. Washing her hair was quick and easy and I had no complaints from her either. I loved how soft and fluffy her hair came out as well. She smelt brilliant too.

I loved the instructions on the bottle for this. It encourages you to try making funny hair styles in the bath. Good on you Earthwise for encouraging and giving ideas for play to us parents. Sometimes we do just need to be reminded.

The other thing I loved about this product was, even when the suds got into my toddler's eyes, she didn't cry. The bubbles didn't hurt her and that's a real plus for a kid's shampoo. I loved the pink hippo too, so cute! This bottle will last us ages which makes it a cost effective product for us.

Ease of Use
Personal Choice
samantha203   Review #9333 - Dated: 24th of August, 2013
  Author: samantha203

[pic^http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1146504_10151632496569353_1645482963_n.jpg^pic] We have been having heaps of trouble with washing my sons hair with a variety of different baby shampoo's. He seems to have really sensitive skin and the shampoos we had been using where causing very dry skin on his scalp and almost like cradle cap on his head especially around the crown area. It was causing a bit of stress as without washing with a shampoo his hair was getting knotty and really hard to brush and I would have trouble combing out bits of food with just water in the bath.

We have been using this for five days now and there is no sign of irritation on my son's scalp the formula seems really mild and gentle. You only need to use a really small drop as it lathers up so well and you can use the lather to work into the whole head. I used too much the first time and it took ages to rinse out as there was so much lather there.

The result is really clean shiny hair and it has made the curls in his hair a lot tidier than before plus it smells great too. When used with the detangle spray you get really beautiful clean tidy and manageable hair so I will be buying these products from now on. I really loved the instructions that came on the back of the bottle to make funny hairstyles I thought it was such a nice touch and way better than a boring list you find on most bottles.

We did this and it was so much fun. My son has lots of hair so we could create mohawks and hedgehog spikes which he thought was hillarious. It took me back to my own childhood doing silly things like this with my mum, so feel good that we are creating memories of our own that my son will be able to look back on with his own children.

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Printed at 11:26:32pm on Friday 14th March 2025