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Personal Choice |
Review #8282 - Dated: 2nd of May, 2013 Author: mizim |
What happens when the Cybermen decide to branch out in their aim for total conquest of the known universes? They find the universe that the Borg live in and offer to team up, thus uniting the Doctor and the crew of the Next Generation. When we left off in volume one the Cybermen had turned against the Borg and are now attempting to eradicate them and use their technology to bring about their total control of the universe. Together the Doctor and Captain Picard must find away to stop the Cybermen.
As with the first volume I didn't really like the artwork, finding some of the expressions to be either unrealistic or not matching the written words which was a real shame. You can tell that the authors have watched both the shows as the writing is very reminiscent of the characters and you can believe that they would say that in the manner that they do. It is well written enough that I could hear the Doctors voice in my head as I read the book.
I do feel that this could have been a lot better especially with the artwork for two such great shows. As far as the story goes I think this would have done a heck of a lot better had there been more put into the storyline, more in depth ie. how did the Cyberman come to be in this reality, why is the Doctor getting the new memories etc. I feel this would have benefited more if it had a better artist and spread out over several book, say 4 or 6 instead of just two.
It's still a fun little storyline for fans of one or both shows, but plenty of room for improvement.