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ProdID: 3816 - Sid Meier's Civilization RevolutionDeveloped by2K Games | Product Score: 9.6 |
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution is a watershed game, offering players a chance to experience the epic empire-building world of Civilization in an all new accessible, visually immersive, and action-packed world specifically designed for the console and handheld gamer. Delivering Civilization's renowned epic single-player campaigns featuring vast re-playability and unmatched addictive gameplay as well as revolutionary features like real-time interaction with leaders and advisor's, extensive multi-player capabilities and integrated video and voice chat, it will completely transport the Civilization series to a level of gameplay that fans have never seen before. |
Haha funny thing. I just happened happened to be looking at the games section today and saw Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution listed on here. I was playing this yesterday. Finally got my xbox updated, and the first game I played on it was Civilization Revolution. That in itself should speak volumes. I am quite thankful in one way, and annoyed in another. The games are short. It is good, because you can play a game without having to lose sleep, and you have the chance to replay as different civilisations, and achieve different victories. My issue with it however, was that the victories are too strictly set. You can win by economic, cultural, domination, or technological victory. If you reach the expectations of a victory, then the game is finished, whether you want it to be or not. I like the ability to be able to carry on until TOTAL domination has been had. But that is just a little issue. Beyond that, I love this game; the variety of units, the specializations upon your victories, even the ability to trade between civilizations, and the dialogue options. It is a game, that is short enough that you can walk away at any moment, and not have to worry about forgetting the plot. Get this game! |
For those who've never played a Civilization, a brief introduction. The Civilzation games are turn-based strategy games in which choose a culture (such as the Aztecs) and start out with a single tiny village, growing along the way in an attempt to reach world dominance. Moving up in the world results in the growth of cities, development of new technologies and often quite a bit of military manoeuvring. Play the game right and you'll be shooting off into space to explore the stars, but failing to do so will result in your being dominated and loosing the game. It plays like a board game and you can finish a match in a matter of hours, but it's so much fun that you can't stop at just one game. My husband tends to play at least three games in one go, on average, depending upon the level of difficulty.All the starting scenarios randomized, so you never end up in the same game twice. You can choose who you want to play or you can go with a random character, again changing your game play. Each leader has built-in benefits, such as China's Mao Tse-Tung, who starts with the knowledge of Writing, as well as other aids through each of the Eras. In addition to the main single-player game, 2K Games offers a series of Play Scenarios, which are pre-defined challenges with civilizations already started and at various stages of growth and development, kind of like picking up a game that you saved years ago and can no longer remember how you got to that point. You have a set goal and play until you can complete it, or not. Also a good time waster is playing online against players from all around the world. Find the right player and it's as bad as versing the computer on level hard, find a new player and it takes almost no time at all to win. This is a great strategy game, and best of all there are so many variables that you will never play the same game twice. Well worth the money spent on it. |
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Printed at 10:16:49am on Friday 14th March 2025 |