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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Games & Puzzles > Card Games > Zigity
  ProdID: 359 - ZigityDeveloped byCranium Inc. Product Score: 9.1 

Price : $19.99
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Available : at quality Games retailers.

The hot new games of crazy twists!

    •  Recommended for ages 8 to adult
    •  For 2 or more players

Looking for ten minutes of fun?
Try Cranium Zigity, the quick card game filled with crazy twists and a fun mix of activities. With Zigity, you'll play sets of cards that add to 11, spell a word, complete the puzzle, or match musical instruments in a race to get rid of all your cards. Think you're about to win? Watch out! Action cards can change the game in a flash.

Fast-paced and full of surprises, Cranium Zigity is the perfect game to bring on a trip or pull out whenever you need a quick burst of fun with family and friends.
Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #5698 - Dated: 11th of April, 2012
  Author: mizim

If you enjoy card games then this is a must.
I managed to pick up a pack on special and thought that I would take it round to my grandparents house, where we would play card game after card game for 2-3 hours once a week.
I took this along and there was some head scratching and confusion at first, but once we had worked out what we were meant to be doing the game soon picked up pace.
This became a fast favourite, as we all enjoyed the variety to the game.

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
bronnie   Review #2805 - Dated: 5th of January, 2009
  Author: bronnie

I have never seen a game like this ever before! What an awesome game! It's like Pringles, "once you pop, you can't stop"! I'm really hooked on this game! Even more so than UNO. This game comes in a really cool collectors tin, great for those who usually lose cards and instructions!
I found the instructions easy to understand up until I got to the Dodge card, for some reason I seemed to not comprehend, but after being told by another Zigity user what it does and then re-reading that instruction the penny dropped and I felt like a fool! SO yes instructions are good when read correctly by the operator!
The game does seem expensive, but when you look at how many cards are in the pack, and the detail used on the cards + the decorative tin, it's definitely well worth the price.
The fact that there is basically 4 games in the one pack is just genius, it's forever changing on you so you don't sit there twiddling your thumbs, it is a definite plus to young kids and older ones to keep the brain active!
I wish I'd known about this game sooner!

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
neoshibby   Review #1391 - Dated: 17th of August, 2006
  Author: neoshibby

I thought this game was awesome, and it didn't take that long to get the hang of either! A lot like 'last card' but much more fun, my favourite part was getting to spell words ~*blush*~ ok so I am a big geek...

Only tricksy part was the slippery cards, as they made shuffling and holding large numbers of cards a bit of a mission.

If you are a fan of SkipBo, Uno, last card, or any card game that involves more than 2 people you'll love this one. Great for a party atmosphere or a games night!

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
mad reader   Review #1157 - Dated: 25th of March, 2006
  Author: mad reader

This is a really cool and fun game. I like to play this lots and I always beat my dad with this game. I like to play it before bed and I like to play it nearly every day. I have played it with some of my friends and they like it too. My friends want to get it. My dad likes this game too, even though I keep beating him.

I like the cards best, they are plastic so they don't break and they come in a really cool tin.

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
diogenes   Review #858 - Dated: 28th of August, 2005
  Author: diogenes

Once you get your head around the instructions, and actually start playing this game, it then becomes quite hard to put down. I played this with my daughter (7) who has now become quite addicted to this game, and even insists on a couple of games before school. It makes her add, spell and think logically, what more can one want for their child but to learn to spell and add and have fun.

The cards are made of hard-wearing plastic rather than the traditional paper, it comes with a comprehensive, easy to follow instruction leaflet and come packed in an attractive tin. I give it a big thumbs-up for value and fun. I think I will need to try other games from the Cranium range.

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
boggie   Review #691 - Dated: 6th of April, 2005
  Author: boggie

Very cool! A bit like last card but with a unique twist that makes it very fun to play.

Has a childish look to it but with pick up cards and bounce cards, keeps everyone happy or angry for a long time.

With the addition of alcohol penalties, it could be a great party game.

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
cheekiedrakie   Review #563 - Dated: 20th of December, 2004
  Author: cheekiedrakie

This is a very different game. It had my grandfather nearly having an aneurism trying to get his head around it, (Supposedly it was my fault his hair all fell out, introducing new games!) But after 10-15 mins we had general control of the game.
The instructions by them selves are difficult to understand, so you need to actually play to get the hang of it (in my family's case anyway).
A few minutes 'quiet time' with the deck is useful to tame the cards, as (from what I understand of level one physics) the polythene the cards are made from often cause static to build up in the cards during shuffling, causing cards to literally move by themselves, so CRANIUM could try to find a way to remove the charge, and the slipperyness of the cards themselves made shuffling quite difficult, the transparency of the polythene was the cause of a few uttered curses as dropped cards blended into the carpet (dont play on red carpet!) and became as invisible as a USNAVY SEAL in the night time jungle.
Overall an enjoyable game once we got the hang of it, and the metal tin is very handy for storage. All up a good game, worth every cent i paid for it and more.

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
wheeled thing   Review #441 - Dated: 18th of September, 2004
  Author: wheeled thing

I have never really been one for card games, only last card or 'Snap'. So I approached this game with just a touch of trepidation as to whether I'd get the hang of it. I was quickly (and happily) proven wrong, as the cards helped to steer me in the right direction.

All the different 'sets' and things that were shown on the cards added an extra dimension that was completely unexpected and upped my interest level.

The only small negative thing I would say, the plastic of the cards may need some sort of matte finish to stop them slipping and sliding over each other on the deck. This slipperyness makes it a little more difficult when the number of cards in your hands goes up thanks to your opponents. :)

Easy to Understand
Value for Money
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #439 - Dated: 17th of September, 2004
  Author: Tucker

Well, this game, like all the other games by Cranium, is most certainly unique, despite the fact that it carries elements from some other card games such as Last Card and (insert your preferred 'make sets' cardgame here).

Once again making use of the Cranium Characters, you are required to fulfill certain criteria in order to play your turn. From spelling out words or adding the numbers up to 11, to matching sets on instruments or completing mini jigsaw puzzles, this game is a laugh a minute.

Complete with 'skip over me' (dodge} card, 'reverse the order of play' (bounce) and 'pick up' (2 or 3) cards, this game has a twist just waiting around the next corner.

You can play for speed, in which case the game can last as little as 5 minutes, or play strategically (we had a game that lasted almost an hour, and we went through the whole deck twice!), either way, it's a blast!

Overall, this is going to be a game played a lot at our Games Nights. Once again Cranium, another winner! And what surprises me the most is... I am stumped to try and find a way to improve this game at all! It's just spot on just the way it is. I was impressed at how well the see-thru cards made the game possible. If the cards were normal cardboard cards, this game would have been a nightmare to play.

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Printed at 02:15:52am on Saturday 15th March 2025