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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Sids Crazy Salt
  ProdID: 3447 - Sids Crazy SaltProduced bySids Sauce Product Score: 9.9 
Sids Crazy Salt

Price : $11.50 / 60g shaker
Supplier :
Available : via Online Store and selected retail outlets

    •  Add to stews, casseroles, hot-pots etc for a wonderful savoury flavour.
    •  Sprinkle on your favorite meat (especially lamb, hogget or mutton) 30min before cooking.
    •  Lightly sprinkle over French Fries, mashed potatoes, sliced tomatoes and boiled & fried cabbage.
    •  Beat into scrambled eggs and French Toast mixture.
    •  Sprinkle sparingly over white fish before cooking.
    •  No added sugar.
    •  Gluten Free.
Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #9037 - Dated: 23rd of July, 2013
  Author: kymmage

[pic^http://bit.ly/149G3w0^pic]I was given the pleasure of trying out Sid's Crazy Salt over the last week or so. This became my mystery ingredient for many meals. I really love the container this comes in. The bright blue of the sticker stands out on my shelf, so I can always find it in the sea of white, green or red packets of things. I love that the shaker has two settings or openings. So I can shake the crazy salt on, or I can pour it out for proper measures.

The first thing I did with this product was use it to replace normal salt and pepper in a creamy wholegrain mustard sauce. That sauce was basically a Sids Sauces bonanza, with their mustard, garlic sauce and then the crazy salt too. Best sauce I have EVER made from scratch.

The next thing I tried was this in a plain cheesy potato mash. My husband asked me if there was salt in it. I said "kind of". He didn't do his usual, which is grab the pepper and salt and start pouring it. He said the flavour was good.

I also used this as my base seasonings in a macaroni cheese. I noticed my husband pre-taste his serving and then just start eating without adding more flavour. This is a really good sign from him because usually he finds things really bland. However, the flavour of the crazy salt was not overpowering for the rest of us. Both of my children enjoyed the pasta and ate more than their fair share.

On the weekend I made scrambled eggs and used the crazy salt as the seasoning. That went down a treat with everyone. Eventually the Mister found the container in the cupboard. And at the last meal he even got the crazy salt out himself to add it to something. So it has definitely been a hit here! I like that its not boring and stock standard. This is like taking a wee flavour adventure. One that we can all enjoy despite our differing tastes.

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
Tucker   Review #6441 - Dated: 15th of September, 2012
  Author: Tucker

This is POWER salt! If you have ever tried that "All-purpose Seasoning" sprinkle you can buy, and thought that was pretty good stuff, then you will LOVE this! All the same versatility, twice the potency, meaning it will last twice as long!

I have used this successfully in stir-fries, savoury mince, on Nachos and steak, sprinkled it over a green salad, used it as a crouton coating, on grilled-cheese-on-toast, on scrambled eggs and omelettes... basically, anywhere I want flavour. I have yet to find a use for it that doesn't work!

I was advised "...don't shake it on. Tilt it over and tap it gently - you need about half of what you think you will!" and such advise was bang on. I forgot the first time I used it and though the meal wasn't unpleasant at all, it was certainly a lot for potent than it otherwise would have been. Didn't worry me a bit, but my youngest lad turned his nose up at it and complained it was "Blaaaaaa" - which is said with tongue out, and means "...too spicy/hot for my little taste buds Dad."

Probably the favourite dish that I used this in was a Savoury Beef Nachos with melted cheese and fried bacon and onion, topped with freshly chopped spring onions and a generous dollop of sour cream. Nobody left the table still hungry that night, and everyone agreed the flavour was something different but special. I grinned as they all tried to guess what I had done differently (I am known for never following a recipe, but 'experimenting' with every dish I cook, even my stock favourites.) No-one was able to guess, and even after I showed them the container no-one had a clue. Even my wife wasn't too sure if she knoew what "All Purpose Seasoning" was or if she'd ever come across it, so it was a little tough to try and explain it. Best I could do was to say it's "...kinda like chicken salt with a pile of other spices mixed in."

Overall, LOVE this stuff! Sure, sounds a bit pricey, but it lasts about the same as two shakers of the other stuff, which would set you back around $14.00 - $16.00 depending on where you bought it... so the value for money becomes apparent pretty quickly. If you love food that has flavour, you really should try this!

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Printed at 06:16:23pm on Friday 14th March 2025