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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Food > Sauces and Condiments > Sids Raspberry Mint Vinegar
  ProdID: 3439 - Sids Raspberry Mint VinegarProduced bySids Sauce Product Score: 9.0 
Sids Raspberry Mint Vinegar

Price : $11.50 / 300ml bottle
Supplier :
Available : via Online Store and selected retail outlets

    •  Use as a Mint Sauce on lamb, hogget, mutton, pasta salads & potato salads.
    •  Delicious on new potatoes and schnitzel.
    •  Low sodium - 16mg/100g.
    •  No fat, animal products, fish products or nuts.
    •  Gluten Free - made with Wine Vinegar.
    •  Requires no refrigeration, but keep in a cool dark place.
    • Available in Original and Low-Sugar varieties
Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
haykay   Review #11886 - Dated: 3rd of July, 2014
  Author: haykay

Once again I saw the flavour raspberry and had to give this a go - I love raspberries. However how do you get a raspberry flavour in a mint vinegar? Well it is the combination of the flavours not the individual ones.

I was struggling to come up with ways to use this vinegar as I have only ever used mint vinegar on roast lamb. I was keen to try and roast lamb had not been on special so lamb chops it was.

I love marinated lamb chops but quite often find you pay a lot more per kilo as the marinade weighs more so am always keen to find ways that I can add flavour to plain chops. I made sure that I didn't over cook the chops so that they were moist and then added this sauce once plated up.

My husband at first was reluctant to try as his comment was 'I have never put vinegar on chops before' but after a 'this meat is yummy' from my 3 year old he too poured a little on his chops. I too started by putting only a little on and I think that was a good choice as being a low sugar variety was not very sweet and too much would have ruined it. We agreed that we would prefer a sweeter version but it is also great that a low sugar option is available for those that need to cut back on sugar.

I wasn't planning on trying it with anything else however this sauce made it's way to my potatoes and I was pleasantly surprised. I can see myself using this in many a salad over the summer and to sweeten it may just add a little honey.

The one improvement I think they could make is to the style of the bottle. Each time you poured a little it seemed to dribble down the bottle (don't really want to waste any at the price).

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
ktcat   Review #11612 - Dated: 17th of June, 2014
  Author: ktcat

Variety: Low Sugar

When I received the bottle of Raspberry Mint vinegar, I was intrigued and could not wait to try it. It was after dinner and therefore I didn't have anything to put it on so I opened the bottle and tried a bit. I liked the colour of the vinegar and the fact it had a nice mint flavour. Thoughts of a good roast lamb came to mind as I tasted it. It was rather nice just as it was (although I don't think I would have kept drinking it like a drink!).

The next night I tried it with our roast dinner. We are trying to cut back on having too much sauce with our meals and this vinegar gave us a chance to create a bit of added interest to the meal without going too high on the stodgy sauces. I thought that the flavour of the raspberry mint vinegar went really nicely over the steamed vegetables, roast veges and roast beef. In fact, I think that I preferred it to gravy and cheese sauce. I have since had it a number of times on my steamed veges and I think will continue to do this. It gives a nice fresh addition to the flavour of the veges. My two year old daughter has decided that I have good taste and is now wanting the vinegar on her meals as well. I think it is a nice change to children wanting excessive amounts of tomato sauce on their meals and I am happy to run with it.

My mother is currently on a restricted diet and she is very limited with what she is allowed. She was also excited that this sauce has low sugar (only 0.6%). She is finding that she needs to find things like this to give her meals more flavour as she is only allowed to have some meat and vegetables for dinner - all sauces, carbs, fats, sugars etc have been taken out of her diet.

[pic^https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/q79/s720x720/10462663_10152561530265955_6594977855637741037_n.jpg^pic] Finally we tried the vinegar with some lamb - it was just crying out to be served in this way. It was very tasty and a lovely change from the standard mint sauce that one might have with this dish. We had our lamb mixed in with vegetables and the sauce completed the veges as it had done in previous meals and the result was perfect.

The bottle reminds me of a soft drink bottle and perhaps that is the reason I wanted to drink from it initially! The only issue I had with the bottle is that when I poured from it, it seemed to always run down the side. I think a different type of bottle might have helped this issue.

Value for Money
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Personal Choice
nighthawknz   Review #9276 - Dated: 19th of August, 2013
  Author: nighthawknz

Variety: Original

When I was asked to give my choice of what I would like to try from this range and review I knew that I needed to give this a try. Having gone to Hamilton's Dunkley's craft show and tried the range that they had there, I loved the flavour of Sid's Raspberry Mint Vinegar, for me this was a great choice.

Having an Asian wife, most of our meals are of Asian style and this made it a little harder to include the sauce in our meals, Well for that I made sure I just cooked the Asian food (and some western style food too) with Sid's Raspberry Mint Vinegar. One of my favourite foods is Chinese dumplings, with the sauce I normally use some chilli sauce in some Vinegar. This time I thought I would add in the raspberry mint vinegar. Having that taste of mint mixed with the flavoursome raspberry was truly amazing and would be one I look at replacing all the time. Adding a small dose to some mashed potatoes was nice too but sadly the family didn't like it only me so it's one of those that I'll have to add after it's on my plate.

Sadly being too nice it's easy to go through the entire bottle which has been done and within only a week of getting it as well ^:( well will be looking at a new bottle soon. Look out Sid, box me up some more soon ^:)

Value for Money
Number of Uses
Personal Choice
kiwigirl04   Review #9034 - Dated: 22nd of July, 2013
  Author: kiwigirl04

Variety: Original

First opening it up and there is a hit of scent of mint and raspberry, neither over powers the other you can def smell them both. However the bottle I feel needs like a little pour nip in it, as when your pouring it, it runs down the side and onto the table which I don't like, also a pour nip would be great to get a small amount like a teaspoon instead of lots at once.

We used this on sausages and it flowed into the veges (carrots, brocoli and califlower). It gave the sausages a tangy hit and I could taste raspberry though it. While we were eating the sausages the vinegar was leaking into the veges, once taking a bite of the veges you got a real hit of the mint, raspberry vinegar it tasted really good. It also mixed in with the mashed potato and it gave the potato a different flavour and tasted really good, almost like I should add a little next time while mashing it to give it a new kick.

Another night we used this on our lamb chops as mint goes well with lamb. WOW was a blast thats for sure, didn't need a lot and it mixed real well, hubby added crazy lemon to it aswell an he said it gave it a real bit kick and tasted great together. Match made in heaven

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Printed at 11:11:56pm on Friday 14th March 2025