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  YOU ARE HERE : Home > Categories > Hygiene Products > Personal Hygiene > Dirty Man Skincare Scrub
  ProdID: 3417 - Dirty Man Skincare ScrubBrand:Dirty Man Product Score: 9.1 
Dirty Man Skincare Scrub

Price : $11.99 / 100ml
Supplier :
Available : Via online store and at selected retailers

Sometimes we Dirty Men need a little extra help when we need to scrub up and that's where our DirtyMan Scrub comes into play.

Specially formulated with apricot kernels and pumice micro particles to gently deep cleanse your skin and pores with Aloe Vera extract to sooth and restore.

Use DirtyMan Scrub 2-3 times weekly.

Product size: 100ml
Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
sinfulbaker   Review #7953 - Dated: 4th of April, 2013
  Author: sinfulbaker

I bought Dirty Man Scrub for my fussy partner, he raves about how great his face feels after ever shower.

Its not a harsh ruff feeling scrub its very creamy slightly gritty feel when using, took some time to get use to the feeling of it but leaves the face feeling very soft and refreshed afterwards, no complaints of smelling like a chic after the shower this is a all man all the time product.

Its a must have for any man or young man child!

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
johnrambo   Review #6113 - Dated: 19th of July, 2012
  Author: johnrambo

Dirty Man Scrub comes in an attractively packaged tube that won't cause you to be teased by your mates. It is a scrub though, and might take a bit of time before it's a regular in your weekly face wash routine.

The apricot kernels and pumice particles give a natural scrub to your face. I tried it on my forehead and found it was a bit harsh for my forehead. It was fine on the rest of my face though and left my skin feeling like it had a good workout.

I'm choosing to not include a scrub in my face-wash routine, but maybe that's just me. Give it a try and it might suit you. Can't go wrong with a bit of experimentation on an NZ-made product.

As with all of the Dirty Man products, squeeze with care. Their product comes out very easily and I was very impressed with their tubes. Simple and effective with a natural twist is how I'd describe them.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
kymmage   Review #6111 - Dated: 19th of July, 2012
  Author: kymmage

This scrub is really nice. It comes out of the tube easily. Its creamy, with "bits" in it to exfoliate your skin. They use pumice and ground apricot kernels. But the "bits" were really gentle still, which was a surprise. Usually scrubs can be pretty harsh, since their job is to remove dead skin cells.

That said, the scrub was still effective. It did it's scrubbing thing. After it washed off, it left his skin soft and almost like it had been moisturised. I couldn't stop touching his face. We also liked that there wasn't a strong fragrance to this product.

We liked the packaging and thought it was a good look, with the matte black background and raised lettering. My husband likes anything that comes in black. These definitely catch the eye better than other products on the market.

The tube would probably last a good length of time, as you don't need a lot of the product for a scrub session. It's also not an activity that you would do daily.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
crackerjack   Review #6104 - Dated: 18th of July, 2012
  Author: crackerjack

I am not really one for using scrubs and moisturisers and that kind of thing. My skin is old and leathery and really does not have much need for scrubbing and exfoliating. At least, that is what I once thought. After one of my young mokopuna saw this sitting on the shelf waiting to be tested she told me that she was so happy to see me taking better care of my skin, because she didn't like feeling the "sandpaper face" when she gave me a cuddle goodbye. When a 7 year old tells you that you need to do some housework on your face, you realise that age does not always bring true wisdom.

So, after a shave using the [link^3149^Dirty Man Gel^link] this morning, I set about scrubbing my face with this product. I was quite surprised by how much rubbish it removed from my face. Dead skin was gently scrubbed off leaving my skin feeling smoother, softer and a lot cleaner, and it didn't smell like I had snuck home after a secret appointment at the beauty parlour.

The scrubbing agents in the product were quite comfortable to use. The ground pumice and apricot kernals were big enough to do the job, but not so big they felt rough and painful to scrub with. The product they were mixed into felt a bit like sunscreen lotion, and smelled a little like that too, but it wasn't an unpleasant smell at all either. wouldn't say it would ever become my favourite smell, but I have had worse on my face and lived through it.

You don't need a large amount to do your whole face but a bigger tube would have been better I think. Seeing a 250ml tube for about $15 to $17 would be about what I would pay for something like this. At the current price I would treat it as more of a luxury item, and at my age you don't need those very often at all. I am a batchelor until the day they put me in the ground to sprout, so there isn't much call for me to get "all spuced up" very often. Still, it is nice to know that if the need ever comes up, I have a product that I can feel good about using and not having to worry about going out looking like I have a bad case of gravel rash.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
mizim   Review #6078 - Dated: 13th of July, 2012
  Author: mizim

As with the other products in this range, I love that it is made in New Zealand and based in New Zealand. It's always great when you can buy stuff that is 'homegrown' and works a lot better than items from overseas.

We both thought that using this would be quite interesting as we weren't sure what to expect with the apricot kernels as an ingredient, but it turns out that it works really really well in this and equals a really great clean

We both love the packaging, nice and simple yet eye catching, and we both feel that it will be pretty easy to spot amongst all the rest on the shelves in the supermarket.

While out of this scrub and the other, this one is smaller and we'd prefer a bigger bottle, but, money wise this is a great buy.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
diogenes   Review #6017 - Dated: 27th of June, 2012
  Author: diogenes

Back in my farming days, a scrub meant some sand in a bottle of dishwash and it was purely used to scrub grease and dirt from your hands after fixing the tractor or repairing some other machinery.

The nearest one would get to a commercial skin-care product was swarfega and not that one would ever consider using that on one's face. I think the concept of using a facial scrub (beyond soap and water) was beyond me (and probably most chaps of my age) for most of our youth and probably for most men, until very recently. So I was very keen to give a scrub a try.

The smell was a distinctive, fresh, masculine scent that wouldn't be out of place amongst the aftershave shelf. Nothing remotely feminine about the scent. The consistency of the product was pleasing. The white cream contained particles of pumice and ground apricot kernels to gently remove the old dead skin to reveal the softer looking skin underneath.

Using the product, I was expecting it to feel quite abrasive, and scratchy (not really knowing quite what to expect) but it wasn't like the coarse grade sandpaper I was expecting. The product was both soothing whilst at the same time gently scrubbing the old dead skin from my face.

After washing off, and then using the Dirty Man Face Wash to finish off, my face felt both smooth and refreshed. Something, I have to admit, I had never felt so smooth since I was about 12!

The product is proudly made in New Zealand and the brand is proudly owned by a good kiwi bloke. I can thoroughly recommend this product and it is great to support a local business and see them do well.

Value for Money
Ease of Use
Personal Choice
Jopukeko   Review #5979 - Dated: 20th of June, 2012
  Author: Jopukeko

The first thing that caught my eye when I saw the Dirty Man Scrub was that it was made in New Zealand. I am keen to support local business and like that the products haven't travelled across the world to me.

The scrub has a distinctive texture created by the pumice and apricot kernels. My husband who has never used a scrub before thought it was very strange putting grit on his face. Once I explained to him about the purpose of a scrub he understood and thought it was great. He has used it several times since. It wasn't as strongly scented as the other Dirty man products and was easy to apply and rinse off in the shower. Both of us are prone to acne and the scrub helped to control breakouts. It left my skin feeling very smooth and was great followed by the moisturiser.

The tube was easy to use but I was very surprised to see that there was no foil seal on it. The black and brown colouring of the packaging appeals to men although I am sure there will be plenty of women like me that use their husband's scrub just as they have been secretly using our skin care products for years.

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Printed at 11:20:38pm on Friday 14th March 2025