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ProdID: 3404 - Moby WrapBrand / Manufacturer :Moby | Product Score: 7.5 |
The design of the Moby Wrap uses your entire back, as well as your shoulders, to carry the weight of your baby. Unlike other carriers, which have narrow straps or go across one shoulder, the Moby Wrap is a wide piece of fabric that is wrapped over both shoulders and tied on your waist. There are no buckles, snaps or other fasteners which make wearing simple. Fits all sizes of baby wearers and babies - preemie to 16 kg. The Moby Wrap holds baby close for snuggles next to you. Baby can feel, smell, hear and see the parent. It Is a natural soothing baby tranquilliser which helps fussy or tired infants fall asleep. Can be adjusted for several different carrying positions, including a breastfeeding hold |
In my opinion, the Moby Wrap is the must-have for the parents of any new baby. Whether you have babyworn before or not, the design is simple, and once you have the wrapping technique nailed, it is a sanity-saver in those early weeks and months. This carrier is a simple length of stretchy fabric, this wraps round you then bubs is inserted into the 'pouch' created to keep them close to you. The way to wrap can be found online in videos such as this [web^^web]. It can take a little practice to nail this technique, however once you have done it a few times, it really becomes automatic. There are no 'bells and whistles' on these carriers, but they do the job they are intended for so well. When wrapping it is really important to remember T.I.C.K.S for safety (see here [web^^web]). There is also a network of babywearing meetings across NZ, which were vital to my wrapping confidence (and also a great way to get out and meet other parents). When our daughter was born she really struggled with the classic 'Fourth Trimester' problems of fussiness, crying and being unsettled. I stumbled across these carriers late one night whilst trying to search for 'baby calming techniques on the internet, and after a quick bit of research and some recommendations from other Mums who had struggled with the same thing, I placed my order. To start with I was a bit confused about how to wrap, but with the Expertise of Slingbabies!, my local babywearing group, and a bit of practice, I was soon using it at least once a day. Popping her into the wrap gave her instant comfort and relief, often falling asleep within minutes of being in there. It really was a life-saver during those early weeks and months- allowing us to get on with jobs or get out and about (our daughter really didn't take to her pram). Our daughter moved out of this carrier when she got to four months old, however we had used the carrier pretty much every day, so I felt like it was really good value for money- especially given that stretchy carriers are some of the cheapest carriers on the market. So overall, whilst this carrier may not have the longest use for each child, it is so useful to allow bonding, comfort and closeness in those precious early days, weeks and months. It does take some practice to get use to the technique of wrapping, however once you have mastered this, it becomes second nature. It is the first port of call in my arsenal of baby comfort techniques for newborns, and I would not be without one again. I would recommend this to all new parents. |
Wow what to say about the Moby wrap! I was told by several mummy friends that this was the most AMAZING wrap out and would be perfect for carrying my little lady around when she only wanted to be close to me. They were right in the fact it was great for having her nice and close to me but my goodness no-one told me I would need a degree in knot tying and weaving to use it. I found it difficult to tie up and put on to start with BUT once I got used to the correct over and under up and round technique it became quite easy. I also struggled getting it tight enough but after a wee bit of practise the ease of use got a lot better. I wouldn't recommend using this on a wet day while you are standing outside the car trying to frantically tie it up which its pouring with rain as you would be soaking by the time you got yourself sorted and baby in. BUT I would recommend this for a nice light, simple and effective wrap that is not only comfy but can be stylish at the same time. The Moby wrap comes is a variety of colours and patterns now and are more often than not, on special in a number of places. |
I brought my Moby Wrap not long after I had my first baby, she suffered quite badly with reflux and didn't like to be put down which resulted in very little sleep during the day. At first I had some trouble getting the hang of how to tie the wrap but after finding some good demonstration videos on YouTube and having a few practice runs it became very easy and took no time at all to put on. My partner even got the hang of it and was known to enjoy wearing our little girl while out and about. Having this wrap let me continue to comfort my baby when she was being particularly needy and continue to get the household chores done. It also let her get that much needed sleep she so desperately needed but couldn't get while lying flat due to her reflux. It was also fantastic to use when out for a walk or out doing the groceries, it meant I didn't have to put her into one of the dirty trolley seats. I found the fabric to be lovely and soft and it was very easy to clean and did not take long to dry. I only used it for about four or five months as I found it was not as supportive the bigger my baby got however my babies were on the larger side . So far I have used my moby with two babies and have just lent it to a friend to use. Would definitely recommend. |
I was given a Moby as baby shower gift with my first child almost three years ago now. It was what everyone was talking about and seemed the best thing to get for baby wearing. I was aware of the cost of buying a new one and to me - after using it; I didn't feel the price really justified what it was and what was involved in having to use it. It took a lot of practise to even get the hang of using it and securing it correctly. If you made it too tight you felt like you were suffocating your baby. Too lose and you were worried it wasn't supporting the baby or your back correctly. There is a lot of material involved with the Moby and when you're out and about the last thing you want to worry about is pulling out this 2 metre long piece of fabric and trying to tie it around yourself correctly without dragging it in the mud while doing so. I used the Moby only at home and only when baby was at its clingiest. After she was about 4 months I didn't even bother using it. I will admit it that when I tied it right, it was a life safer, but I feel that other products on the marker would probably have the same effect when used correctly too and most of those other products wouldn't have taken 5-10 minutes to get on. Because I already have it I will be using it again this time for just around home in those desperate witching hours again. But I have also purchased another type of carrier to use when out and about and for when baby gets bigger and heavier, that I don't feel will be as complicated to use. This time I will have a toddler to contend with at the same time, so time is precious when trying to get things done. |
I really like baby-wearing but this was not the right carrier for me. I am only small (5'2ish) so there was a LOT of fabric to wrap around. The fabric was very soft and stretchy but there was just so much. I tried to tie it on at home and then if I took baby out I wouldn't untie it but this wasn't always possible. Tying it on when I was out meant it was often on the floor which just seemed a little unhygienic and I didn't really appreciate the looks from people who wondered what I was doing. The instruction book it came with was great and I tried lots of different positions but was never really satisfied. The wrap also comes in vibrant colours which appealed as it was like adding a new top to the wardrobe! The idea of having no buckles to adjust if someone else wears this appealed but I couldn't convince my partner to even try it because it needed instructions to be followed and he would much rather use something that had more structure so it was a bit more intuitive. I do like this one more than the slings that are on the market as it actually supports the baby and I see other people wearing this wrap comfortably but they do tend to be taller or bigger people. |
If there was one item I wish I had when I had my first child, this would be it. It was a god send for my second though! At the start - it takes a few goes to get the large amount of 'material' wrapped up the right way - but it really doesn't take long before you are a pro! There are various different ways you can carry baby depending on age/size and so on. I used this from when my boy was first born and right up till he was around 6 months. I wish i could of used it for longer, but he moved and jumped about too much and kept coming out of it! - (he's a mover!!) It was fantastic at music group and at the supermarket, where you want baby close to you, but you want your hands free. This comes in heaps of colours and patterns now - so they are really trendy! The only downside I believe is the price, and i'm sure if you examine it closely and are handy with a sewing machine, you could make one at a fraction of the cost. BUT if your like me who needs convenience and needs her hands free - this is the BEST carrier ever! Its so supportive and never once did i feel sore wearing it. Best of all - it fits all sizes! |
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Printed at 02:16:13am on Friday 14th March 2025 |