Value for Money |
Level of Realism |
Rereadability |
Lose Track of Time |
Review #5477 - Dated: 1st of March, 2012 Author: nerdalert1101 |
If someone asked me what I thought of this book, I would be able to describe everything in 7 little letters: A, W, E, S, O, M, E! The cover was awesome, you can see the whole "Water theme, and the patterns were great. My only objection: the specks of gold on the cover, it makes it look a bit messy. The story started off good, it brought me straight into the action, and as I went through the book, my excitement grew, and grew, and grew some more.
Soon, I took this book with me whenever I could, and a couple of times at breakfast I nibbled at the last remains of my apple so that I could read more! I had two favourite characters in the book: Morveren and the Mer boy, whose name I'm not going to tell you so that you can find out when you read the book, but the reason I love these two characters is because Morveren is very adventurous and will do anything to help her Mer friend, and I like the Mer boy because he is quite fascinating, and I envy him for his ability to stay in the water for days and never need to come up to surface.
I will most definitely be reading this book again, for it was very enjoyable, and when I look at the book I get a hint of the excitement I experienced while I read, and when I was reading the book I was off in another world, and I just wanted to shut myself in my room and read it all day, but sadly my schoolwork got in the way, so I had to eventually put the book down and do my other stuff.
The price is great, $23.00 is suitable since the book is rather thick, 300 pages if you want to go into the details, so thumbs up for that aspect. The story seemed almost real, in fact I ever saw a Mer person, I would label this book under fact, not fiction. While reading, I did lose track of time quite largely, time crept long quickly, and that's why I had to force myself to stop read at some points, because if I thought that I had been reading for one hour, I might look at the clock and see that half a day had gone!
The book would be good for people 11+, I don't think that anyone younger would have trouble understanding some parts, or they might get put off by seeing the thickness of the book. All together, this is a freakin' awesome book that I will have to read when I get a break from the review books! Enjoy!