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Review #3500 - Dated: 4th of January, 2010 Author: vivid |
I have always enjoyed a good 'graphic novel' as opposed to a 'comic' as they are usually aimed at a far younger audience. Graphic novels are more adult-oriented, (usually) in a non-frisky kind of way. This is one such.
At first glance I thought it was going to be more of a 'Flash Gordon' meets "Star Trek - The Original Series" kind of thing but I could not have been more far from the truth.
It is surreal. Wierd, violent, irreverent, abstract, crazy, goofball - use whatever label you feel best fits - but no matter how you phrase it this was just off-the-wall funny.
Its not going to be everyones cup of Earl grey, with a slice of lemon if you please my good man, but for those who enjoy 'out there', well, this couldn't get much further out there without looping around the circumference of reality and starting to come back!
All in all, I found this to be a lot of fun, but I can see how it will really only appeal to a niche group of wierdos and freaks (and I use those terms in a positive, colloquial sense, while also including myself in them) who love the stranger side of imagination.