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Review #3447 - Dated: 1st of December, 2009 Author: craftmadhermit |
Chugginton is very much like a more modern-day "Thomas the Tank Engine"... lots of talking trains and other vehicles, cute animation, good morals and bright colours, along with plenty of movement and action. Absolutely perfect for littlies, anywhere between a few months old to 5 years. The theme song is annoyingly catchy and it won't be long before both the kids and parents are humming/singing along.
This is good enough to get even my hyper-active 18 month old to pause in his play occasionally to watch a few minutes, before taking off to find yet more mischief to get into... not an easy feat, as he can be quite fussy about what he'll actually stop to watch.
As it's aimed at toddlers - pre-schoolers, there really isn't much depth to the episodes, yet it's still got the essentials to keep them entertained, so is well worth adding to the "rainy days" collection on your kids shelf.