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Review #3093 - Dated: 13th of July, 2009 Author: Tucker |
As a proud non-vegetarian carnivore, I would have to say I wasn't expecting too much from this one. After all, it contained less meat than your average sand-swept desert and thus fell short of my ideal dining experience, yet I found myself reaching for slice after slice, even after there were none left to have.
The combination of flavours was spot-on, and appeals to even the most die-hard meater, if they give it a chance. For me, the kicker was the cherry/grape tomatoes... sweet, juicy, tender and full of rich flavour. -num num num- I was also delighted to find not a jot of non-cheddar cheese on it... none of that feta stuff that reminds me of nothing more than the lumpy bits you find in sour milk. -shudder-
Overall, well worth giving a shot... seriously. You don't have to order it again if you don't like it, but you're missing out on a really pleasant pizza if you don't at least try it once.