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Review #2727 - Dated: 8th of June, 2008 Author: craftmadhermit |
Table space can be a bit difficult to find around our place, but it’s kind of essential when it comes to doing puzzles. After hearing about these boards, I figured that if we were ever going to get the chance to do our puzzles again (instead of leaving them to grow their own colony of dust bunnies), then maybe it was time we went out and bought one of our own. I will admit I was somewhat sceptical about just how well it would keep the pieces in place when it was folded up and tucked out of the way in between puzzle sessions, but after fighting off the dust piles that were starting to look awfully bunny-shaped, I dug out one of our 1000 piece dragon puzzles, and my son and I settled on the floor with the Porta-Puzzle in front of us, and began our first puzzle building session in ages. Putting the puzzle away for the night, I fully expected to come back the next morning and find the pieces we had already assembled, all over the board in a jumble. But no, there they were, still altogether, right where we’d left them.
With plenty of space to spread the pieces out and make the puzzle, this board is just the right size for up to 1000 piece puzzles, but would be too small for anything bigger. Folded and zipped up, it’s nice and light, easy to carry around, and can slip discreetly behind furniture etc when you need the space back, without any of the pieces sliding out of place. The removable panels were quite handy, as it meant that my son and I could each work on separate areas, without getting in each other’s way, then later bring the sections together and slide them onto the main board to be able to connect them up to the rest of the completed sections.
Definitely a handy piece of equipment for anybody who enjoys doing puzzles!