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Review #1608 - Dated: 16th of November, 2006 Author: Tucker |
Third in the saga of Meredith NicEssus' attempts to avoid death, by becoming pregnant, and thus claim the Unseelie throne before her cousin Cel manages to beat her to it and then kill her. And though the first 2 are quite raunchy and titilating, this installment has more, shall we say, detailed accounts of Merry's exploits...
...and quite frankly, they get a bit tedious by half way through the book. I found the first two quite hard to put down, but this one wasn't so hard to put aside when other matters required my attention. Which is a shame really, because buried in amongst the gratuitous and copious amounts of kinky sex, there is a great storyline trying in vain to break through to the fore.
Sure enough, there is a lot of violence, some new charatcers, a LOT of the old ones showing up and demanding blood/flesh/sex from Princess Merry, which she usually gives up in various combinations, and the appearance of a lost relic of great power, but all in all, it wasn't Laurell's best work, methinks.
Overall, if you are looking for some slightly less than tame reading, this will hold some appeal, especially for the mid- to late-teen female demographic, and it has some rather... educational... sections... but for the serious fantasy reader, there are other titles out there you will probably find more absorbing, such as the works of Kelley Armstrong, which hold much of the story and far less of the sex.