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Review #1444 - Dated: 27th of September, 2006 Author: Tucker |
This is quite possibly the single most astounding anatomical reference book suitable for kids I have come across since... well... since Noah decided to avoid the hassles of soggy shoes.
Each page contains a layer of the model, and explains the relevant bodily systems attached to it, so that as you flick through the book, you peel away layer upon layer of human body functionality. Covering everything from the skin right down to the skeleton, and everything in between in reasonable detail, it just proved itself to be a great learning tool.
Even though it states it is best suited for ages 8 years and up, my 6 year old found it quite simple to locate the section on the varied blood cells and their functions for a school project, and also discovered why his face had the pattern of adorable freckles... something that apparently he had been curious about since he first realised they weren't washing off and were a part of his face.
The model is wonderfully detailed, yet sturdy and reasonably durable so long as you don't try to remove it from the book. Colour-correct, in proportion, and wonderfully detailed in it's own right.
Overall, this is something every parent should own if their kids are at all curious about their body and it's functions, if for no other reason than it will make the inevitable biological questions a lot easier to answer, despite it's total lack of coverage of the reproductive areas. This is actually a good thing, as it keeps the model and book gender-neutral, so can be used by males and females equally, with good parental guidance to fill in the relevant 'blank spots' as needed.